LUKE 2 VERSE 22 - 35
Over the Christmas time we have been looking at the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ and how it affected so many people. Think of Mary when the announcement was made to her. Also think of Joseph, that word brought a great challenge to his heart, he thought Mary had been unfaithful and he would have to divorce her. God brought clarification to both Mary and Joseph. Think of the impact on the shepherds who were brought in from the hillsides minding their sheep. They left the scene in the manger praising God for what had been revealed to them. Think of the people of Bethlehem who were full of joy at what God had done in their town. Think of the wise men a couple of years later who came knocking on Herod's door. When Herod heard the news he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him. Think today of the impact on the life of Simeon. What impact has it had on your life? Maybe even over Christmas as you have pondered the birth of Christ what does it mean to you today? Simeon was a man of God and the news of the birth of Christ brought great joy and meaning to him. Joseph and Mary were bringing the baby Jesus 40 days after his birth to be circumcised.
Simeon was a man who was faithful in his duty. We are responsible to those in God's family today - to be encouragers and supporters of one another. In verse 25 Simeon is described as "just". That speaks of his standing before God. He was righteous. We read earlier of Elisabeth and Zechariah who were described as righteous. They had a right relationship with God, born again of the Spirit of God, to know the Lord as personal Saviour. To bow our knees, confess our sins to the one who is able to forgive us our sins. The Shunamite woman recognised in Elisha that he was a man of God. There was something consistent about that man. Elisha had an impact on her life. Simeon is also described as a devout man. It showed in his life. He had a good reputation, was well respected in the community. In verse 25 we read he was waiting for "the consolation of Israel." He was waiting for the promised Messiah. He was believing in God's word. Sometimes we can read God's word and we pass over it. God wants us to hold onto that promise, to not let it go. "The Holy Ghost was upon him" verse 25, "and it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost" verse 26 and "he came by the spirit into the temple" verse 27. We need to be faithful, bearing a testimony, waiting on the Lord's coming again. Paul talked about "turning from their idols and to wait for his son." (1 Thessalonians 1 verse 9) Are you prepared for the Lord's coming again, are you prepared for that event?
Simeon was fruitful in his direction (verse 27). Simeon was led by the Spirit. He was in a right relationship with God and led by the Spirit to the temple. Mary and Joseph were faithful in bringing the Lord into the temple. As they were faithful God too was faithful in what he was doing bringing Simeon by his Spirit into the temple. Only God can do that. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can reveal to you your need of God. Do we know anything of the promptings of the Holy Spirit? Are we being filled by the Spirit of God every day? Are we obeying God's word every day? It is good to be led by the Spirit of God. For Philip the Holy Spirit prompted him to go into the desert and there he was shown one chariot and told to go and speak to the person in it. Philip obeyed and led the Ethiopian eunuch to Christ. Do we know the promptings of the Spirit of God, to speak when we need to speak or to be quiet when necessary? Whenever we are committed to the Lord he leads us and we follow him.
Simeon was focused on his devotion. He took the Lord in his arms and blessed God. He recognised this was the one promised to himself and all Israel. He blessed the God of heaven as a result. Paul said he had learned to be content in whatever state he was in. He had everything he needed for time and for eternity. Are you content today? Can you say you are content with your lot because you have Christ as Saviour? Are you focused today? Simeon took the child in his arms and blessed the God of heaven for what he now had seen. Simeon got his eyes on the Lord and that was enough for him. Jesus spoke of a man who held a great supper. He sent out invitations. One had bought a piece of ground and therefore could not come because he wanted to go and see it. The next man excused himself because he had a yoke of oxen he wanted to go and test out. He was more interested in possessions. The third man had relationship problems, he had just got married and he couldn't leave his wife. They all had a focus on other things. What are you focused on today? The woman who came with her alabaster box of ointment into Simon's house broke it open and poured the ointment on Jesus' feet. She was prepared to give the most expensive thing she had. She was focused on him and wanted to serve him. Are we focused on Christ today?
Simeon's faith was deepened. He had received a promise from God - he would not see death until he had seen the Lord. His mind went back to the word of God, when God gave him that promise his faith was deepened as a result of this day. He proved that God cannot lie. When God says he will do something he will do it. Are we seeking to be guided by the Holy Spirit today? When we get before his word do we pray "Lord open up your word today, help me to hear what you are saying today." Are we looking for him, searching for him in the scriptures? Are we believing in him today? Simeon proved God's word was true.
Simeon had a fixed destination. This meeting settled the issue for Simeon. Here was a man who had seen the Lord's Christ and was ready for death. Not one of us is prepared for that great step into eternity without first gazing unto the Lord himself, seeing him dieing on the cross for you and I. He was paying the price for your sin and mine. Jesus said "except a man be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." (John 3 verse 3) Jesus told the Pharisees "die in your sin and when you die you cannot come to where I am." (John 8 verse 21) The thief on the cross took one look at the Saviour and was prepared for a life time in eternity.
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