Sunday, 20 September 2020

A conflict Moses had at the burning bush




We want to bring to a conclusion our thoughts on the life of Moses.  We picked up his life from an infant saved out of the bulrushes, adopted by Pharaoh's daughter, came through the education programme of Egypt.  Moses was mighty in word and deed, a tremendous character.  We saw that day when he took his stand and no longer wanted to enjoy the pleasures of Egypt.  He looked on his own people, the children of Israel.  He was called to deliver them.  He went out and took the life of an Egyptian.  He was willing to set aside everything to serve the Lord.  Are we willing to set aside everything to serve our master today?  Moses fled to the desert and 40 years later we see the conflict Moses had there at the burning bush.  He was called to go back into Egypt, to go into Pharaoh and demand the release of the Israelites from their slavery.  He didn't have the ability nor the strength to do this.  This is a conflict Moses faces within.  He faces up to what God wants for his life.  I'm sure the enemy was not too far away.  See the many excuses  "who am I?", "what can I say?", "they will not listen to me."  That is the enemy speaking.  Maybe as we hear the word of God, God speaks to us showing us what he wants us to do.  Already you have excuses.  The meeting at the burning bush was preparation for the task at hand.  Before Moses takes on this task he needs a confirmation .  

Moses gets a recognition of the God that he served.  Here at the burning bush he needs that confirmation.  So too we need that confirmation - as we take on the work of God whether it be teaching a Sunday School class or going around the doors or even just speaking to someone in our families.  "Not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord of hosts." (Zechariah 4 verse 6)  Paul said "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4 verse 13)  Christ will strengthen you for whatever task you are going to do.  Not a week before hand but right at the moment we need it.  "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me." (Psalm 23 verse 4)  "My grace is sufficient for thee." (2 Corinthians 12 verse 9).  Moses had to get recognition of who he was, God's person.  Verse 6 "I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob."  What was Moses' reaction - it is a recognition of who God is.  Look at verse 14 I was in eternity past, I am in the present and I will be in the future."  The eternity of God.  We serve an eternal God.  Moses had to learn something of his presence - verse 12 "I will be with thee."  When you go through all for me I will be with you.  A sign of his great power - chapter 4 verse 3 "what is that in your hand"  It was just a shepherds rod used for guiding the sheep but he was told to throw it down and it became a serpent and Moses fled before it.  Then he was told to lift it up again and he took it by the tail and it became a rod again.  He was then told to put his hand into his bosom and it became leprous.  When he put it in against his bosom again it was turned whole again.  Remember Isaiah's vision in the temple.  He saw the Lord high and lifted up and his train filled the temple.  He saw the living beings crying "holy, holy, holy"  He knew he was in the presence of the Lord.  We stand today on holy ground in the presence of a thrice holy God.  Isaiah looked at himself, the Lord and the people around him.  He realised that he was a man of unclean lips and he lived amongst a people of unclean lips.  We need to be reminded of the presence of the Lord in our lives today.  To many today God is such a small person.

Moses also gets a reminder of the future.  Verse 7 "I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows."  He needed a reminder of the great need in Egypt.  He was reminded of the sufferings of the people.  Moses was taught well in Egypt.  For years he may have been far from the call of God  Now Moses saw for himself the downtrodden people.  He had to be reminded again.  Where there is no vision the people perish.  Do you need to be reminded of the need all around you?  Think of our loved ones and families.  Maybe like Moses out in the wilderness minding the sheep Egypt is something in the far distant past.  Maybe he has become content to do the task he is doing at present.  The suffering has been left in the far distant past.  Maybe we have become settled in our time with God.  We need to see the suffering and pain of people around us - is it in the far distant past?  When we first got saved our vision was to bring many to hear the gospel, to even witness among those we knew and loved.  Maybe we need a reminder today.  There are people suffering today.  In those days the people were suffering under the dictatorship of the Pharaoh.  Many are under the slavery of the devil today, fear, anxiety, loneliness and lost in sin.  Do we need a reminder today?  Jesus wept over Jerusalem at their rebellion and ignorance and knew judgment was coming.  Jerusalem would soon be pulled apart.  Maybe we don't weep as we used to.  Paul was stirred in his spirit when he went into Athens.  He saw the people going about their everyday business but Jesus was far from those peoples thoughts.  Paul was stirred in his soul. (Acts 17 verse 16)  Romans 1 verse 14 "I am a debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise."  Moses had to be reminded of the suffering in Egypt.  It was right out of his mind.  Jesus said "their suffering has come before me.  I am come down to deliver them out."  Paul felt an awful burden for those who were lost.  'Christ saved me, it is my job, I am in debt to those who are perishing."  There was nothing he could do to see them saved but he prayed and pleaded for them before God.  What a Saviour we have today.  Are we not willing to tell others about Christ?

A refreshing of his calling.  40 years had passed.  God was speaking.  Verse 10 Moses was asked to surrender his life to God.  "I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee; behold now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation." (2 Corinthians 6 verse 2)  God has a task for you today, wants you to do it, not in your strength but in his.  40 years had passed since he had turned his back on Egypt.  He had killed that Egyptian.  He thought the people would understand. (Acts 7 verse 25)  Maybe God came to Moses one night about all the wealth and position in Egypt.  I want you to deliver this people.  Maybe he went out the next day and that was the day he killed the Egyptian.  He thought he could do it in his own strength but he couldn't,  Maybe you need to be reminded once again - maybe God is reminding you of a promise you made years ago.  Moses would not depend on his own ability.  What are you doing for the Lord today?  Have you walked away from the task God gave you?  Do you regard it as unimportant to him? 

God gave Moses a realisation of his plan - verse 10 God is sending him this time.  Maybe you have invited someone or spoken to someone about their soul and it went badly.  God is asking you to try again.  Verse 17 "And I have said, I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt unto the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites, and the Jebusites unto a land flowing with milk and honey."

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