Sunday, 27 September 2020

From darkness to light



ACTS 8 VERSES 26 - 40

I want us to follow the steps of this man brought from darkness into the light of the gospel.  We see the love of God for the souls of men and women.  God took Philip away from a mighty work in Samaria.  He had preached the gospel in many villages of the Samaritans.  Philip saw many people saved, healed, delivered from demon possessions.  Then all of a sudden the word of God comes to him and tells him to go down to a desert road to a certain man sitting in his chariot reading the book of Isaiah.  This man was returning home from Jerusalem to Gaza.  God took Philip away from his work to win one soul for his kingdom.  Remember Jesus did something similar when he stopped at the well in Samaria.  He came that way for one precious soul.  That is how much the Lord loves a soul.  Tonight he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to faith in him.  Think of this man, a eunuch, Ethiopian.

The hunger in his soul.  He was a man of position - verse 27,  He was a man of distinction, he was a responsible man of great authority.  He was a respected man.  He represented the Queen Candace's government.  He was a diplomat.  He had everything to do with the queen's money.  He was a reliable man.  He was also a religious man.  He had been down in Jerusalem to worship.  The unfortunate state of this man was he was not saved.  If anything had happened to that man he would have been lost and lost for all eternity.  He had a hunger.  He had been climbing the social ladder, in well to do circles but forgotten about his soul.  It is very easy to set the Lord aside, to forget about our soul.  There is an everlasting soul in man which will live into the realms of eternity.  He was reading the word of God and it bothered him.  Maybe night after night somehow you cannot get away from the word of God.  Maybe that little text of scripture you have heard preached on it time after time.    Never been to the cross, knew nothing of his sins forgiven.  "The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life."  There is this spiritual death.  We have been cut off from God.  There is the physical death you and I will experience when the breath of our bodies stops.  This verse is talking of eternal death, separated for all eternity.  You and I must die one day, we must go through the valley of the shadow of death.    We must depart from this scene of time but after this face the judgment of Christ.   The Ethiopian eunuch was reading the portion of scripture "as a sheep to the slaughter and a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth."  He asked Philip "who is this man, the author or is it someone else?"  Philip lifted the scriptures from there and preached unto him Jesus.

The humility this man bore.  He was a man humble enough to know he needed help - verse 31.  There is nothing I can do to warrant my place in heaven.  Jesus has done it all.  Humble to recognise he needs help but also humble to ask for help.  Maybe you realise your need.  This is the starting point.  You are not saved by the grace of God, know nothing of your sins forgiven.  You realise that and are humble enough to come and seek help.  It is not of this preacher or this church.  We can do nothing for you but point you to Christ.  "He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities."  Jesus bore our sins on Calvary .  The day he gave up his ghost to atone for the sins of the world.  He cried with a loud voice "it is finished".  The way of salvation is available to you.  Nothing needs to added to it.  He was a man of humility.  Philip may have recognised him by his clothes but it didn't matter.  He was guilty as the criminal who hung beside Jesus on Calvary.  He was lost in his sin.  Here is a man just as lost as Bartimaeus on the Jericho road sitting begging.  I am sure Philip got into the chariot in fear and trepidation.  As he opened up the scriptures he began to tell this man what Jesus had done for him.  Jesus had taken his sin, bore it on the cross of Calvary, died in his place that he might come to Christ and be saved.  He died in his place that he might come to Christ and be saved for all eternity.  That is what Jesus has done for you tonight.  He came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost.  You need a Saviour as this man did.

The honesty he shows.  Philip showed this man the Savour's great love - "greater love hath no man that a man lay down his life for his friends."  Jesus laid down his life for everyone.  You are included.  He prayed "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."  Philip took this man to John 3 verse 16.  We can see this man's honest confession - verse 37.  "Do you believe?"  He answered "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."  This man acknowledged what had just happened in that carriage.  He was saved by God's grace.  This man was saved in the chariot where he sat.  If you acknowledge you have sinned, have come short of God's glory, that you need the Saviour who is Jesus, if you invite him into your heart you will be saved.  Romans 10 verse 9.  This man believed with all his heart.  You cannot get saved half heartedly.  This man was honest in what he had done, taking his stand for the Lord.  Just like the woman who pressed through the crowd and touched Jesus' hem.  Jesus stopped and asked "who touched me?"  She had to make a stand and admit "it was me".  Would you trust the Lord, acknowledge him as Saviour?

The haste to follow Christ.  He did not want to stop - "what doth hinder me to be baptised?"  He would take his stand for Christ, would be a follower of Jesus Christ.  Believer's baptism is going down into the water, being totally immersed.  It shows new life in Christ.  It is an outward sign of an inward action.  Bartimaeus received instant sight and he followed Christ immediately.  On the day of Pentcost people took Christ's name.  They wanted to follow the apostles doctrine.  They were baptised and "continued stedfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship."  They were doing that from the moment they were saved.  Remember the young demonic who was saved.  He was transformed and wanted to follow the Lord wherever he went.  No the Lord said, go to your own village and tell them what the Lord has done for you.

The hope that he now possessed - verse 39.  Philip was taken from the eunuch's side.  He didn't want him to be a crutch for this man.  This man had a hope that went beyond Philip.  Do you have a hope that goes beyond man or church or your good works?  Do not put your faith in man, come to God himself.  Paul said to the Corinthians "when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God ... and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.  That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." (1 Corinthians 2 verses 1, 4 and 5)  Are you trusting in the Lord tonight?  Have you taken him as your Saviour?  Look to him, the one who died on the middle cross.  Have you gazed upon his pain and the work completed just for you?  Have you realised that Jesus took your sin on his body, died to put away your sin?  All you have to do is come and trust him as your Saviour.  "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ."   

Do not be worried ... but seek first the kingdom of God




I am sure this week has been one we have met with different emotions.  Turn on the radio or the television, lift the newspapers or read on social media and you will know that this week has seen much by way of bleakness, very dark.  Yet again many are cut down by the virus, many have spoken of the death of their loved ones.  Restrictions have now been imposed on us so that we are unable to visit our loved ones and sit with them.  We are no longer able to sit on a bus or train and have a conversation with the people beside us without masks on.  There are many things to discourage us.  Redundancies and places closing down never to open again.  Matthew 6 speaks to our hearts.  Jesus is saying "I do not want you to be overly concerned about the things that are happening around you.  There are times when we do get concerned and worried.  That is natural.  The Lord is speaking of over anxiety, how sometimes we misinterpret it.  Paul writing to the Thessalonian church who asked about their loved ones who had passed away said "I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope." (1 Thessalonians 4 verse 13)  Why can we say we don't have to be over anxious  - our God is still in control.  

It is firstly because of our identity  - verse 32 "your heavenly father" - what a wonderful relationship.  We do not have to be unnecessarily worried because we are his children.  Have we made that decision today?  Is the great creator God your heavenly father?  He spoke the word and everything came into being.  He is our heavenly father today.  Have we made that decision to follow him?  Joshua coming into the promised land told the people "choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24 verse 15)  Isaiah 43 verse 21 says "This people have I formed for myself; they shall show forth my praise."  Elijah was hidden in the brook Cherith.  God told him to go there and that he would be able to drink from the brook.  Morning and evening God promised to send the ravens with bread and meat for Elijah.  God remembered where Elijah was.  Elijah did not doubt God's provision.  Maybe there is something in your mind today, maybe doubt in your mind, you feel that God has forgotten you.  The Children of Israel were in the wilderness and started to murmur "would to God we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt when we sat by the flesh pots and when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger." (Exodus 16 verse 3)  They thought God had forgotten them.  God provided the manna for them every day in the wilderness for 40 years.  God has not forgotten you today.  "No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly." (Psalm 84 verse 11)  We are people of God today and have no need to be anxious.

We also have the power of God - verse 32.  God knows what you need right now.  "The Lord knows the thoughts of man" (Psalm 94 verse 11).  Think of the 4 men who brought their friend to Jesus one day.  They lowered him through the roof to where Jesus was.  Jesus said to the man "thy sins be forgiven thee."  Do you know your sins forgiven today?  Have you confessed your sins, repented of them and know forgiveness today?  There is a separation because of our sins today.  Jesus came to die for our sins, he died to take away our sins.  As that man was lowered to Jesus, Jesus knew he needed to have his sins forgiven.  The people and the leaders that were in the house were angry.  They said "who can forgive sins but God only?"  They didn't realise that God was in their very midst.  "And immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, he said unto them, Why reason ye these things in your hearts?" (Mark 2 verse 8)  Jesus knows where we stand today.  Gideon was a young man raised to deliver Israel.  He was grinding wheat when the angel came to where he was with a message from heaven.  "The Lord is with thee."  Would that not have comforted his soul?  Not for Gideon.  "Oh my Lord, if the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us?"  He felt the Lord was against them.  Maybe you feel there are things happening in your life that you think God doesn't really know or care about.  We allow ourselves to become anxious.  The parable of the sower and the seed - some fell in the thorny or weedy ground.  The word of God gets in but the cares of this world choke the seed.  God's word is being choked in our lives.  We are getting overly concerned about things in our lives.  We are told we cannot add one cubit to our lives through worry.  The German word for worry means to strangle.  In the book of Esther Mordecai had a lot to be concerned about.  He was living in Persia when one day information came to him that the king would be put to death by 2 men he trusted.  When he heard these words he sent word to Esther who informed the king.  The incident was recorded in the journals for all to see.  There was another plan being hatched by another man in the palace.  Haman was a man with an awful hatred for Mordecai.  He hated all the Jewish people with a passion.  Haman was elevated to a great position by the king, everyone would bow down to him except Mordecai.  He hatched a plan to put Mordecai to death and every Jew in that province would also die.  We read in Esther 2 that Mordecai sent word to save the king and it was recorded in the king's book of chronicles.  In Esther 5 Haman complained to his wife about Mordecai and she told him to build a gallows to hang Mordecai on it.  In Esther 6 verse 1 we read "on that night the king could not sleep".  He asked for his book to be brought and read to him.  He read about the incident where his life had been threatened.  Then he asked if anything has been done to thank this man who had saved his life.  Imagine the power of God to put it into the head of the king to not be able to sleep and then read from the book about Mordecai.  He asked Haman "what shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour?"  Haman thought he was talking about him and said he should be given the king's horse to ride and a crown put on his head, then one of the king's noblemen should accompany him down the street.  The king then told Haman to go and do that to Mordecai.  God overturned the whole situation in the kingdom of Persia.  Mordecai lived and Haman was hanged on the gallows he had made.  The Jewish nation was saved.  Why should we worry today - we are the people of God and we have the power of God.

The providence of God.  He knows what you need and when you need it.  Did you notice the little word "but" in verse 33?  Rather than being overly concerned or worried God tells us to "seek first the kingdom of God".  God cares for you and me.  He still provides.  Is there something on your mind today that is weighing you down?  Maybe over these past few months and weeks you have felt God has forgotten you, forsaken you.  Remember the widow woman in the Old Testament.  Elijah was sent to stay with her.  He asked her to bake him a cake.  The woman was so worried about her own situation.  She had only enough to make one cake and told Elijah that she planned to make enough for her and her son and then they would die.  Elijah told her to make a cake for him first.  When she listened and obeyed Elijah she had enough meal every day to continue to live.  God had been placed first and God honoured her as a result.

The promise of God.  "and all these things shall be added unto you."  We do not have to worry about tomorrow because it will look after itself.  Maybe we might have more bad news tomorrow but we should not worry about it.  Deuteronomy 33 verse 25.  God gives us enough for the days that lie ahead.  Are you in a relationship with Christ?  Do you look to him every day?  Do you need to come and refresh your relationship with him today?  Maybe you need to surrender your life once more to him.  Maybe you have never made that first step of accepting Christ.  Come and put your faith and trust in Christ today.

Sunday, 20 September 2020

A conflict Moses had at the burning bush




We want to bring to a conclusion our thoughts on the life of Moses.  We picked up his life from an infant saved out of the bulrushes, adopted by Pharaoh's daughter, came through the education programme of Egypt.  Moses was mighty in word and deed, a tremendous character.  We saw that day when he took his stand and no longer wanted to enjoy the pleasures of Egypt.  He looked on his own people, the children of Israel.  He was called to deliver them.  He went out and took the life of an Egyptian.  He was willing to set aside everything to serve the Lord.  Are we willing to set aside everything to serve our master today?  Moses fled to the desert and 40 years later we see the conflict Moses had there at the burning bush.  He was called to go back into Egypt, to go into Pharaoh and demand the release of the Israelites from their slavery.  He didn't have the ability nor the strength to do this.  This is a conflict Moses faces within.  He faces up to what God wants for his life.  I'm sure the enemy was not too far away.  See the many excuses  "who am I?", "what can I say?", "they will not listen to me."  That is the enemy speaking.  Maybe as we hear the word of God, God speaks to us showing us what he wants us to do.  Already you have excuses.  The meeting at the burning bush was preparation for the task at hand.  Before Moses takes on this task he needs a confirmation .  

Moses gets a recognition of the God that he served.  Here at the burning bush he needs that confirmation.  So too we need that confirmation - as we take on the work of God whether it be teaching a Sunday School class or going around the doors or even just speaking to someone in our families.  "Not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord of hosts." (Zechariah 4 verse 6)  Paul said "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4 verse 13)  Christ will strengthen you for whatever task you are going to do.  Not a week before hand but right at the moment we need it.  "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me." (Psalm 23 verse 4)  "My grace is sufficient for thee." (2 Corinthians 12 verse 9).  Moses had to get recognition of who he was, God's person.  Verse 6 "I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob."  What was Moses' reaction - it is a recognition of who God is.  Look at verse 14 I was in eternity past, I am in the present and I will be in the future."  The eternity of God.  We serve an eternal God.  Moses had to learn something of his presence - verse 12 "I will be with thee."  When you go through all for me I will be with you.  A sign of his great power - chapter 4 verse 3 "what is that in your hand"  It was just a shepherds rod used for guiding the sheep but he was told to throw it down and it became a serpent and Moses fled before it.  Then he was told to lift it up again and he took it by the tail and it became a rod again.  He was then told to put his hand into his bosom and it became leprous.  When he put it in against his bosom again it was turned whole again.  Remember Isaiah's vision in the temple.  He saw the Lord high and lifted up and his train filled the temple.  He saw the living beings crying "holy, holy, holy"  He knew he was in the presence of the Lord.  We stand today on holy ground in the presence of a thrice holy God.  Isaiah looked at himself, the Lord and the people around him.  He realised that he was a man of unclean lips and he lived amongst a people of unclean lips.  We need to be reminded of the presence of the Lord in our lives today.  To many today God is such a small person.

Moses also gets a reminder of the future.  Verse 7 "I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows."  He needed a reminder of the great need in Egypt.  He was reminded of the sufferings of the people.  Moses was taught well in Egypt.  For years he may have been far from the call of God  Now Moses saw for himself the downtrodden people.  He had to be reminded again.  Where there is no vision the people perish.  Do you need to be reminded of the need all around you?  Think of our loved ones and families.  Maybe like Moses out in the wilderness minding the sheep Egypt is something in the far distant past.  Maybe he has become content to do the task he is doing at present.  The suffering has been left in the far distant past.  Maybe we have become settled in our time with God.  We need to see the suffering and pain of people around us - is it in the far distant past?  When we first got saved our vision was to bring many to hear the gospel, to even witness among those we knew and loved.  Maybe we need a reminder today.  There are people suffering today.  In those days the people were suffering under the dictatorship of the Pharaoh.  Many are under the slavery of the devil today, fear, anxiety, loneliness and lost in sin.  Do we need a reminder today?  Jesus wept over Jerusalem at their rebellion and ignorance and knew judgment was coming.  Jerusalem would soon be pulled apart.  Maybe we don't weep as we used to.  Paul was stirred in his spirit when he went into Athens.  He saw the people going about their everyday business but Jesus was far from those peoples thoughts.  Paul was stirred in his soul. (Acts 17 verse 16)  Romans 1 verse 14 "I am a debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise."  Moses had to be reminded of the suffering in Egypt.  It was right out of his mind.  Jesus said "their suffering has come before me.  I am come down to deliver them out."  Paul felt an awful burden for those who were lost.  'Christ saved me, it is my job, I am in debt to those who are perishing."  There was nothing he could do to see them saved but he prayed and pleaded for them before God.  What a Saviour we have today.  Are we not willing to tell others about Christ?

A refreshing of his calling.  40 years had passed.  God was speaking.  Verse 10 Moses was asked to surrender his life to God.  "I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee; behold now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation." (2 Corinthians 6 verse 2)  God has a task for you today, wants you to do it, not in your strength but in his.  40 years had passed since he had turned his back on Egypt.  He had killed that Egyptian.  He thought the people would understand. (Acts 7 verse 25)  Maybe God came to Moses one night about all the wealth and position in Egypt.  I want you to deliver this people.  Maybe he went out the next day and that was the day he killed the Egyptian.  He thought he could do it in his own strength but he couldn't,  Maybe you need to be reminded once again - maybe God is reminding you of a promise you made years ago.  Moses would not depend on his own ability.  What are you doing for the Lord today?  Have you walked away from the task God gave you?  Do you regard it as unimportant to him? 

God gave Moses a realisation of his plan - verse 10 God is sending him this time.  Maybe you have invited someone or spoken to someone about their soul and it went badly.  God is asking you to try again.  Verse 17 "And I have said, I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt unto the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites, and the Jebusites unto a land flowing with milk and honey."

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Come now ... I will send you




We are turning again to the book of Exodus and looking into the life of this man Moses.  We followed the announcement of his birth when Moses was born into a Jewish family.  The joy of his birth.  A mother and father so proud.  The family were going through very difficult times.  Persecution.  The king of Egypt declared that every male child should be taken down to the river and killed.  It must have been hard to keep the knowledge of his birth secret from the soldiers patrolling the streets.  When he could no longer be hid he was taken and put in an ark of bulrushes and placed in the Nile.  Pharaoh's daughter came down, saw him and took him home with her to the palace.  He became the son of Pharaoh's daughter, the second chariot behind Pharaoh.  One day he turned his back on it all to throw in his lot with the Children of Israel and follow his God.  He killed an Egyptian and buried him in the sand.  When Pharaoh heard of the murder he declared Moses should be killed so Moses fled from Egypt to the wilderness.

In the times we are living in there is great confusion but there is one lesson from Moses' life we should learn - God is still in control.  He knows all about the situation we find ourselves in.  He knows what we are going through today.  He knows the times when we have fallen and faltered.  He does not hold that against us.  Another lesson to learn is this - he is the God of the second chance.  In fact he gives us multiple chances in life.  Moses was 40 years in Egypt and 40 years in the wilderness.  God came to Moses once again.  God has a plan for his life.  What a tremendous challenge for us today - to know that God doesn't choose us by our age nor by our ability or intellect but by our obedience to his word.

An appointment that God makes.  This was not a chance meeting.  This meeting was scheduled in God's timetable that he would meet with his servant Moses.  Moses tried to do the task in his timetable.  He tried to do it with the wisdom of Egypt, in his own physical strength, full of his own intellect.  He thought the people of Israel would understand, that he was the one to take them out of Egypt.  God does not work by our timetables.  Perhaps we have been praying for a loved one in our families and we feel God is not answering or is not hearing our prayers.  God has his own timetable and we need to be careful to work to it and not our own.  Exodus 2 verses 22 - 25.  God heard the sighing of the people.  He was going to deliver this people.  God had made a covenant with Abraham - Genesis 15 verses 3 - 6.  Paul in Romans 4 verse 20 said "he staggered not  at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith, giving glory to God."  Maybe you have staggered at the promise of God today.  Verses 13 - 14 God was preparing a people to come out of Egypt and a man too was being prepared to lead them.  Moses was being called to go back down to Egypt and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt.  In Acts 8 the eunuch from Ethiopia was hungry for the word of God.  The Holy Spirit was speaking to him.  Philip was preaching the word of God in Samaria, seeing souls saved and a great joy came to that city.  God told Philip to go out into the desert to the eunuch and show him how to find God for himself  There is an appointment that is made today.  Is there someone hungry, seeking after God today?  Or is there someone seeking to serve God and an appointment is being made?  Acts 16 In Philippi Paul was sitting waiting for God to allow him to go into Asia when all of a sudden the vision came to him in the night of a man asking for help in Macedonia  Paul walks around the city of Philippi on the Sabbath day.  He made his way to the river side, sees the group of women folk gathered together to pray.  There was one woman from that group and it was her appointment to meet with God that day.  She was religious but not saved.  She didn't know the Lord as Saviour.  The word of God Paul opened that day helped her to receive Christ.  Nothing happens by chance but by God's divine appointment.  For 40 years Moses did the same job - watching the flock of sheep in the wilderness.  One day however God spoke directly to him.  Maybe you are in the wilderness today with all your fear and doubt - God wants to meet with you.

The action God takes.  As Moses comes to the bush it is on fire but not burning away.  Moses is looking into this bush and God speaks to him.  Has God been speaking to you through recent events?  Verse 4.  Maybe you are more curious than you are willing to admit today?  Is God speaking directly to you?  God took the first step.  He knew exactly where Moses was at that moment in time.  God made that bush come alive.  He didn't need any introductions.  He knew all about Moses.  God knows your name and my name today.  He has said that not even one sparrow will fall from the sky but he knows about it.  You are precious to God today.  Moses may have been forgotten about by the people of Israel but God had not forgotten him.  You are important to God today.  So important that he sent his son to die on the crosss of Calvary, to save you.  You are the only one God can use in your situation right now in these days.  Remember Samuel, doing a menial task in the temple but God has a great plan for him.  He called to Samuel one night when he lay down to sleep.  He would one day grow up to be a mighty prophet in Israel.  Jeremiah was just a young boy but was so important in God's plan  God had a future for this young men.  He told him in chapter 1 verses 5 "before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."  Jesus came to the exact tree that Zacchaeus was in and said "Zacchaeus I must come to your house today."  What did Zacchaeus do?  He came down immediately.

The approach that Moses made.  As Moses looked into the bush, listened to the voice of God, he is reminded of the gap between God and man.  Verse 5 - the ground he stood on was sanctified.  God can speak even in the open air.  God tells Moses to take off his shoes.  Shoes were a term of respect but in this situation they needed to be removed because he was in the presence of God.  Reminds me of the story of the prodigal son when he came back to the father.  The father didn't rush him right back into the home but brought the robe, the ring and shoes out to where he was.  Today we are told to come boldly to the throne of grace.  The veil of the temple was torn when Jesus died on Calvary, signifying we can enter into the holy of holies, we now have access to the presence of God.  Access is open to us to enjoy fellowship with God.  We are to come "boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4 verse 16)  "But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." (Hebrews 11 verse 6)  We now have access to God at any time, night or day.  As we draw near to God he will draw near to us.  He didn't draw near to Moses but rather stopped him in his tracks.  God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek for him.

The announcement God makes.  God has his servant Moses in the position that he has not been in for a long time.  He tells Moses "I have surely seen the affliction of my people ... and have heard their cry ... for I know their sorrows."  God tells Moses his plans for this his own people.  I am sure Moses wondered what was coming next.  God says "come now ... I will send you ... to bring my people out of Egypt."  It is easy to pray about a situation but God is maybe asking instead for someone to help out and be part of the answer to the problem.  As we apply this message to our lives today - 40 years had passed for Moses.  The edges have been knocked off his life.  Age doesn't matter, God wants us to do it for him.  As God speaks to Moses he tells him that he has heard the people crying out for help.  God says to Moses "I am going to send you down to assist them."  Can God say the same of us?  Will we do something about the situation around us today?

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Has God your undivided attention?






Let us turn back to the life of Moses.  The man Moses was 40 years of age when he left Egypt.  He was highly educated and a strong man.  He went into the wilderness and minded sheep for 40 years.  He was guarding and caring and looking after the sheep.  It was good preparation for him.  40 years onwards he would take the Children of Israel out of Egypt and lead them through the wilderness.  God is coming again to him after 80 years.  He had been 40 years in Egypt and 40 years in the wilderness.  Chapter 3 verse 1 – an ordinary day in Moses’ life.  He was leading the sheep through the wilderness.  He was trying to find pasture for them as well as water.  An ordinary day in his life.  This was the day he met afresh with God.  We do not know what a day may bring forth.  Maybe today will be different for you.  Maybe you will meet afresh with God.  You have come today and maybe God will speak directly to you.  Saul of Tarsus arrested and imprisoned many for their faith.  He drove the Christians out of Jerusalem.  He persecuted many.  He went and asked the high priests for permission to go to Damascus to find and take people into prison, to persecute those who believed on the Lord Jesus, just because they trusted in the Lord.  That young man set off on that particular occasion with hatred and a burning in his heart.  All he was thinking of was who he might find.  On the road to Damascus at midday he was brought to his knees.  His day finished with a transformation, saved by the grace of God.  Is it possible that you are here today, never been saved by the grace of God, never come to the cross, never gave him your life?  Is it possible that you are here in that condition?  Maybe listening to the voice of God because this could be the day when you will be changed.  Maybe the Lord wants to speak to you through the burning bush?

The contentment that Moses had.  He led the flock.  He was still content to lead the flock – chapter 2 verse 21.  When Moses first came to Midian he had fended off the shepherds and made sure the 7 daughters flocks were watered.  They took him back to their father.  Moses was content to dwell with this man.  Exodus 2 verse 21 Moses marries Zipporah Jethro’s daughter.  He is settled down now.  Exodus 3 verse 22 he had 2 sons.  He is still content to live there.  Are you content?  Have you settled into a lovely comfortable Christian life?  Nothing bothers you.  Moses was content. Perhaps for years you have been content living in the wilderness.  There was a time when you loved the Lord, were bright in your testimony and witness for the Lord.  I wonder for Moses during that time in the wilderness did he ever think of his past life?. Of the days he spent in the palace as the adopted son of Pharoah’s daughter?  Of the day when he forsook that title?  Did he consider the call of God placed on his life?  God had a purpose for his life in Egypt – to take the children of Israel out of Egypt into the land of blessing.  He turned his back on that call.  Now he has grown content.  He has no communion with God.  During those 40 years, 40 years of silence there were no altars raised to God of heaven by Moses.  There were no sacrifices.  A period of contentment away from the Children of Israel in the land of Egypt, away from God.  Think of Lot in Sodom, a very wicked place.  Peter says of Lot that he was a just man, his soul was vexed day after day yet content to live there not to do anything about it (2 Peter 2 verses 7 and 8).  Are you content today?  Was there a day when God placed something in your heart and you didn’t go through with it?  Content where you are.

The challenge that Moses faced.  A contentment in his heart but the challenge he now faced.  Very little is said of those 40 years in the wilderness.  Very little is said of John the Baptist before he began preaching and baptising.  Paul was 3 years in the Arabian wilderness and we read nothing about that period of time.  The secret place.  “Those that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”(Psalm 91 verse 1)  No-one sees and knows what God does with someone who meets in the secret place with him.  As Moses led the flock on this particular day something different was about to happen.  He saw a bush that did not burn away.  As he drew near to the bush God spoke to him.  Are there things happening in your life at this moment in time that are strange?  God would use this opportunity to speak to Moses.  God wants our undivided attention just as he had Moses.  God is using someone or something or some place to get our undivided attention.  He wants to transform your life.  In Acts 10 Peter went up to the roof top to pray when God got his attention.  He had a vision of a sheet from heaven with all manner of animals on it.  He had his undivided attention.  He asked what it meant.  Paul was planning his next trip but every door closed in his face.  In the night he had a vision of a man from Macedonia asking for him to come over and help them.  Is God challenging us in these days?

The consideration that Moses gave.  Moses began to consider all this.  “I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush is not burned.”  He turns aside to get a closer look.  Maybe God is trying to get your undivided attention today.  God is getting Moses to stop and consider the situation around him.  Ezekiel in chapter 37 was in the land of Babylon, one of the captives, for 70 years they were in captivity because of their disobedience.  Ezekiel one day was lifted and carried, set down in a valley of dry bones.  There was no sign of life in any of the bones.  The challenge came to Ezekiel “can these bones live?”  Ezekiel replied “Lord thou knowest.”  In Acts 10 when Peter was on that rooftop and seen the vision of the sheet, a message came from heaven “kill and eat”.  Peter replied “not so Lord, I have never touched any unclean thing.”  He was going back to the Old Testament scriptures in Leviticus where it says that a Jewish man is not allowed to touch that which was unclean.  God was revealing to him what he should do.  God would use Peter to take the message to the Roman Centurion Cornelius.  God would open up a door of the gospel to him.  Maybe that is all God is asking of us today.  Just to consider the situation around us.  God would open the door to every other race – Acts 10 verse 13.  While he thought on these things a knock came to the door.  Those from Cornelius’ house had come to take him to Cornelius.  Peter realised the reason for his vision.

The conversation Moses had.  As Moses draws near and looks on that bush he began to consider God speaking to him.  There is nothing now between him and God.  God made the first move.  Is God speaking to you today?  Is there a challenge coming to your life?  A consideration that has to be made.  God has your undivided attention today.  Maybe your circumstances are so bad that God wants you to come to him and he will resolve that situation for you.  In Isaiah 6 Isaiah was in the temple and could see the Lord “high and lifted up” in the year that King Uzziah died.  Maybe his eyes were not on the Lord but on the king.  His eyes were not focused on God himself.  Maybe there is some relationship that is keeping you from seeing God for himself.  In that day Isaiah responded to God “here am I Lord.”  Sometimes there are people and situations holding us back.  We are to offer ourselves as a “living sacrifice holy acceptable to God“ (Romans 12 verse 1).  The call of God to Abraham – it was not until his father died that he left his family and country to go to the land God would show him.  Has God your undivided attention today?

The conflict that began.