Sermon notes from Sunday 18 August 2019
2 Corinthians 2 verses 1 - 13
"a door was opened unto me of the Lord"
Paul was writing about the service for his king. Was there a day when the Lord reached down to where you were and he saved you? You were dead in your sin and trespasses, blinded by the God of this world. Then God in his great love and mercy reached down to where we were and showed us our need of salvation. He pointed to Calvary. His son died there just to save you and became your Saviour. Paul was talking about Christ his king as well. He wanted to serve him. Have we a Saviour today but not a king? That we want to serve?
The discovery Paul made - "a door was opened unto me of the Lord." When we find the desire to serve the Lord always opens a door. God opens a door very specifically for you. Troas was a great commercial city, a bustling city, Paul came to Troas to preach. His mission, his goal was the gospel. It was a place of selling and buying. When Paul stood in Athens there was great architectural all around him but Paul saw however a whole city given over to idolatry. A people lost in sin, going out into a Christless hell. The Holy Spirit was moving within him. He is coming to preach the gospel. When he came to Corinth the Lord opened up the door for him. We cannot sit back and take things for granted. We need to be up and doing. Amos the Old Testament prophet warned of what was about to come on the land. This people had grown careless about their worship. They turned their backs on God. They grew careless. Amos 6 verse 1 "woe unto them that are at ease in Zion." Amos told them to lift up their eyes, to look around them because the the enemy is at hand. Haggai 1 verse 4. There is a desire in our hearts to go forward. Paul was writing to the churchat Philippi comforting those who were anxious. He sees it as an open door. Imagine being imprisoned today, seeing it as an open door. Phillippians 1 verse 20. There are those with him who would never be saved but look what happened in the very heart of Caesar`s palace. Imagine being a soldier in that day, getting the duty to guard Paul. When he opened the door to his cell Paul would see it as an open door to tell this man of Christ. They were taking it out right through Caesar`s palace. People were saved because of Paul`s desire to further the gospel where he was.
There are the difficulties in service. 1 Corinthians 16 verse 9 "and there are many adversaries." He was in Ephesus travelling down to Corinth but something happened. He couldn`t go to Corinth. He had to tarry where he was in the place where the Lord would have him to be. There were battles and difficulties. People were opposing the gospel message. He received a message telling him to stay there and he remained for another year and a half. Adversaries come in different forms in places in Ephesus and Thessalonica. The devil used large members to oppose him. Acts 17 verse 5 would have turned the city apart if they got hold of him. When Paul went down to Berea he began to preach. A member came from Thessalonica who tried to do the same thing. We need to pray that children will hear the gospel and be saved. Other difficulties you will find too. There will be those who will not oppose you to your face. In Acts 14 some of the Pharisees opposed Paul and as a result there was a dispute about circumcision. If there is a desire to serve the Lord you will discover the doors opening but don`t be put down because the Lord is on your side.
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