Sermon notes from Sunday 7 April 2019 pm
Luke 15 verses 1 - 7
Whenever we turn to Luke chapter 15 there is a subject running right through it - lost. First the lost sheep, then the lost coin and finally the lost son. I want us to think of this portion of scripture not from the point of the sheep or the lamb. They point us to a sinner that is lost. You and I are in danger of going out into a lost Christless eternity the moment we close our eyes in death. That is the danger for this lamb, lost on the mountainside. I want to point you to the shepherd who goes out to look for the lost lamb. A picture of the Lord Jesus Christ as he hung on the cross to die for you, to save your precious soul.
The thoughtful endeavour of the shepherd. Verse 1 the Lord is speaking, drawing the sinners and publicans to himself. That does not please the Pharisees and leaders, they see him as having company with sinners. As he speaks he shows them their great need. Consider the heart of the shepherd. A shepherd had 100 sheep when he discovered one was missing. He makes sure the 99 are safe and goes out to find the one that is lost. When he finds the lost sheep he puts in on his shoulders and brings it home. There is a time of rejoicing because this lamb was found. That lamb was on his heart and mind. He knew the 99 were safely gathered in yet he knew one was wandering about on the mountainside. As darkness fell wild beasts would begin to roam looking for the sheep. On his mind and heart was that one little sheep. The burden the Lord has for you - he sees you as lost and in great danger. Upon his heart and mind is you tonight. On Calvary`s cross he suffered and was put to death that he might save your soul. Here is the mind the Lord had. He came to bring victory for you. As he suffered and died he said "it is finished". He gave up the ghost. The Roman centurion standing beside the cross was able to say "surely this was the Son of God." Paul says in Philippians 2 verse 6 "Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. But made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men." Here is the mind of a shepherd - that he would take on the form of a servant if it meant he could save your soul. "And being found in the fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Spiritually speaking the day is far spent, the night of eternity is just around the corner. The devil is roaming about to stop you from coming to Christ. God is not willing that you should perish. Jesus looking over Jerusalem one day wept because he would have gathered sinners to himself but they would not come. He calls on you tonight that you might come to him.
It will take a tireless effort. Jesus says when it comes to the shepherd`s attention that one is lost he sets out to find it. He is pointing to the Pharisees, to look into the heart of the one who is the shepherd. Can almost imagine the shepherd retracing his steps to where he led the sheep that day. He makes every effort. "He came unto his own and his own received him not." (John 1 verse 11) The Saviour draws near, seeks to draw near to your heart, stands at your hearts door, he knocks and calls, he wants to come in but then you say no and he has to go away. The Saviour has left heaven`s glory, came down into this sin cursed world, pleads with you to be saved for all eternity. Jesus demonstrates the efforts to find and save sinners. In John 4 Jesus is going through Samaria. A place ridiculed by all the people - why - because the Jews and Samaritans had nothing to do with each other. "He must needs go through Samaria". He comes to a well wearied and tired, sits down by the well. This woman comes out to the well. That is why he had to go through this land. Here was a lost soul, a woman living in deep sin. People turned their backs on her. That is what the Lord does. He comes just for you tonight. Remember as he made his way down through the busy street to Jairus` house he met a woman on the way. She was healed the moment she believed and touched Jesus` hem. The Lord stops everything. One woman who needed his attention. He stopped with just one woman. The work had been done in her body but he stopped to give her assurance. What a wonderful Saviour we have. He is drawing near to you. Just as he stopped with the woman at the well and the woman in the street, Jesus bids you to come to him tonight. You are lost tonight in your sin and Jesus has time for you.
The triumph that was experienced. In verse 5 we read "and when he found it." He went out to the mountainside and searched for the lamb. All of a sudden he found the sheep that was lost. He lifted the lamb onto his shoulders and made his way home again. He searched until he found it, did not give up. Picture that lamb in his cowering behind the bush. Maybe he has heard the roar of the lion. It cannot save itself, cannot find its own way home. Then all of a sudden the shepherd is there. He felt secure and safe that moment. You cannot save yourself but there is a Saviour who can come and save your soul. Just as the shepherd reached down and placed it firmly on his shoulders. His efforts turned into a triumph. Imagine the devil watching that week running up to the crucifixion. He gets the nation to reject Christ. He got all the religious leaders to build up such a list of things against Jesus then he gets Judas to betray him. Judas comes down and takes the Lord by the shoulder and kisses him. Jesus is arrested and taken away. Then when Jesus was standing in Pilate`s judgment hall the devil tells Pilate "if you let this man go you will have no friends, Herod will drop you like a stone, you will lose your job prospects." Satan put it into his heart that this Saviour should be turned away, rejected. Finally on the cross the devil came "this is it, we have got rid of him altogether." The greatest plan of salvation God himself completed it that day. Satan is a defeated foe tonight. If you were to come to Christ and trust him as Saviour there is nothing the devil can do. Do you know Christ as your Saviour and Lord? Colossians 2 verse 15 "having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it." That is when he won the great battle. Tonight he has found you and you are not saved. He wants to find you and place you on his shoulders.
The thankful expression - verses 6 and 7. The joy that was on the shepherds heart by his call to his friends. He lifted this lamb off his shoulders. This lamb was lost on the mountainside, now it is safe. There`s joy in heaven tonight over one sinner coming in faith to Christ. Would you come to Christ tonight, would you be saved? The Saviour stands with his hands outstretched and beckons you to come.
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