Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Joseph`s crisis, compassion, consideration, choices and clarity

Sermon notes from Sunday 16 December 2018
Matthew 1 verses 18 - 25

We can see before us the development of what God has for this world and for our own individual lives in bringing his Son into this world, that he would seek and save a lost mankind.  This whole world was lost in sin and separation because of what happened in the Garden of Eden.  The Lord had it all planned and purposed that you would come to a saving knowledge of God today.  Look at Mary and the type of person she was and the task she had been given.  Now look at Joseph and the type of character he was.   He went unnoticed.  He is seen in the scenes around Jesus` birth in different modes.

His crisis mode.  As the scripture opened up before us here is a young man planning marriage to his young wife, a great future lay before them.  All this was going through his mind.  No doubt he loved and served the Lord.  When the Lord comes to us, opens up a task for us doesn`t it demonstrate his trust and faith in us?  Joseph was honoured to carry it out.  Remember Abraham when he was told how Sodom would be judged for its sin.  God knew him and the task he had for him.  God knows you today.  If he has been speaking to you over the past days he has a task for you.  Joseph has this great future before him, he loves the Lord with all his heart.  His whole world is suddenly turned upside down.  The greatest challenge comes to his heart.  His heart has been plumeted into despair and crisis.  He cannot understand why this has happened to him.  Sometimes a crisis comes to our lives.  Sometimes God allows things into our lives, things we don`t understand and even things we do not like.  It is a test of our faith.  Our faith is tested not in the spiritual sunshine, not in the midst of great blessing but it is tested in our darkest days.  The crisis on this occasion was for the fulfilment and furtherance of God`s plan of salvation.  God was saying to Joseph "I have it under my control, this is for the furtherance of the gospel."  Paul lying in the prison in Philippi, his heart was rejoicing.  Although he was there in chains and in prison yet the word of God was going forth and people were coming to faith and others were waxing bolder in their faith.  "Paul, A servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of God. (Which he hath promised before by his prophets in the holy scriptures)" (Romans 1 verses 1 and 2)  It was promised back in the Old Testament scriptures.  He was saying this gospel I proclaim is concerning his Son.  "Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh."  He has fulfilled the gospel promised in bringing Jesus into the world.  Joseph was in a crisis.  Maybe you feel there is something in your ife, this is a real crisis but it might be for the furtherance of the Gospel.  Abraham who had a son in his old age was told by God one day to prove his love and take his son and sacrifice him.  Abraham`s faith was being challenged.  Joseph in the Old Testament scriptures came from a loving home.  He was betrayed by his brothers.  He knew the love of his father.  He had security in his home.  One day he went out to see his brothers.  They hated him, cast him into an old dirty well, sold as a slave into Egypt.  Why?  For the furtherance of the nation of Israel.  That is what eventually delivered Israel.  Maybe God is doing something in your life right now.

Joseph in his compassionate mode.  Verse 19 "then Joseph being a just man."  Joseph heard Mary was expecting and the only conclusion he could come to was she had been unfaithful to him.  He didn`t see the full picture.  Sometimes God challenges us.  We think it strange, don`t know why it is happening but God has it under control.  God doesn`t show us the full picture.  God only reveals to us one step at a time.  He doesn`t show the outcome.  Joseph didn`t know the outcome.  Even though Joseph was in a crisis, his heart was broken, he felt betrayed yet he would not allow Mary to be a public example.  In the eyes of the law she should have been stoned to death.  As far as the people of Nazareth were concerned she had committed adultery.  Joseph showed compassion.  Have we that compassion today?  The apostle Paul had that same compassion.  He wrote to Timothy about Alexander the silversmith.  Paul writing to Timothy knew that Alexander would oppose him.  2 Timothy 4 verse 14 "Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil."  We are not told what Alexander did exactly but Paul went on to say "the Lord reward him according to his works."  I don`t have to worry about those who oppose me.  God is in charge, he will work that out.  Joseph had a compassionate nature.

Joseph in his considerate mode.  "But while he thought on these things."  Joseph didn`t act with haste.  He thought about things.  He didn`t take her to the priest and tell him what had happened not like the crowd who caught the woman in adultery and was brought to Jesus.  Joseph was giving some consideration.  It is good to think things through.  Joseph was considering the feelings of his wife Mary.  The Lord came just as Joseph pondered on these things.  Even when his life was turned upside down Joseph still thought of others.  In the Old Testament Joseph left home at 17 years of age.  He was sold as a slave into Egypt. was wrongly accused and cast into prison for something he didn`t do.  While Joseph was in prison he met the baker and the butler.  Then one day Joseph in this old prison house met these 2 men.  These 2 men were down and sad.  Genesis 40 verse 7 Joseph asked "wherefore look ye so sad today?"  Sometimes we let statements like that run off our lips.  This young man Joseph left his father`s house at 17 years of age, was wrongly accused, meets these 2 men 2 years later, not thinking of himself.  He looks into the face of these 2 men and asks them "why are ye troubled today?"  What a witness.  Sometimes we are too wrapped up in ourselves that we don`t see others.  Joseph of old considered these 2 men.  Joseph here in the New Testament considered his wife.  1 Corinthians 9 verses 19 - 23.

Joseph`s choices.  "While he thought on these things."  Something that wouldn`t leave his mind.  Can you imagine the hurt he felt.  He didn`t know what was happening.  While he thought on these things - he had compassion.  He wasn`t pondering or brooding on these things.  When we get into that mood it will poison us.  We should really take it to the Lord.  This is what Joseph was doing.  An angel came to him - verse 20.  Joseph was waiting on the Lord.  The Lord is opening up something in our lives, asking us to do something.  He doesn`t want us to run ahead of him.  We must wait on him.

Here is the clarity.  He was not to fear to take Mary as his wife - verse 21.

Joseph`s commitment - verses 24 and 25.

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