Monday, 15 October 2018

Come for all things are now ready

Sermon notes from Sunday 14 October 2018 Rev R Higginson
Luke 14 verses 1, 15- 24

It might surprise some of you to know that in the days of our Lord Jesus the greatest stumbling block to his preaching did not come from the ungodly nor nations around about him but rather from the religious establishment - the scribes, Pharisees and doctors of the law.   Verse 1 shows clearly he was being watched.  The Pharisees were watching the Lord, if he said or did anything they didn`t like they would soon tell him.  They watched his works and wonders.  Not much has changed over the past number of years.  The greatest stumbling block comes today from the religious crowd.  The Lord begins to speak in verse 16.  He uses a parable, an earthly story and identifying with it a spiritual and practical application.  A man made a supper and told everyone to come and enjoy it with him.  Those who were invited began to make excuses.  There is a prophetic application here - Jesus came to be the Savour of Israel but the Jewish nation rejected him "he came to his own and his own received him not." (John 1 verse 11)  There is the evangelistic application, the servant goes out into the streets of the city, then into the hedges and byways.  The Christian should be busy inviting others to come under the sound of God`s word, to enjoy the blessing God has for them.  There is the gospel application, we are invited to come and enjoy the good things God has provided for us.   Song of Solomon 2 verse 4 "he brought me into his banqueting house and his banner over me is love."  I wonder have you ever responded to that wonderful invitation and experienced Christ`s love in your life and circumstances?  There are 4 simple things to consider in this story.

A banquet that is provided.  Picture the scene.  Here`s the man who is wealthy, he is able to employ servants, he opens the door of his house and it is large enough to accommodate anyone who wants to come in.  He is also kind and benevolent.  The man invites people to a feast, to his community and beyond to enter into his home, to eat and drink, to enjoy food, fellowship and friendship together.  It is free of charge to all.  He has paid the price.  He is inviting people to come.  Time is involved.  Expenses are incurred.  This reminds me of the good good things God has prepared for us in the gospel.  The gospel could be described as a great feast.  The Psalmist said in chapter 23 "thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies."  When someone comes to the Lord and takes him as Saviour he soon discovers he has prepared a table for them where their hunger and thirst can be filled.  They can be nourished and satisfied by God.  There are a number of things spread before us in the gospel - forgiveness of sins, peace with God, the future is secure, assurance of heavens access.  Maybe today your soul is empty, hungry and thirsting for something you know you don`t have.  You are still struggling with fears and doubts, afraid to die.  All can be experienced through the gospel.  Think of the marriage supper of the Lamb, when every nation, tribe and tongue will sit around the table of God.  "All things are now ready" the door has been opened.  "There was none other good enough to pay the price of sin, he only could unlock the gates of heaven and let us in."  The door is wide open today.  The price has been paid.  All things are now ready.  The Lord has paid the debt of sin on the cross of Calvary.  The food has been prepared.  The servants are all ready to serve.  Everything is ready for you.  Religion is all about what man can do but Christianity is all about what Christ has done.  Nothing more is needed.  All has been done by Christ on the cross.

An invitation that was extended.  Verse 17.  It is a lovely thing to receive an invitation, whether it is for an anniversary, a simple invitation to someone`s home, a wedding invitation or some other special occasion.  An invitation needs to be responded to.  Here`s an invitation extended to you and the world today.  "Come for all things are now ready".  The invitation is broad and liberal.  He invited many - verse 16 - in his community, his district but also further afield.  The Bible says it is for the whosoever - John 3 verse 16. This invitation is extended to you.  The invitation is simple - "come".  Children can communicate before they can articulate.  God in heaven stretches out his hands and invites you to come.  The invitation is sincere.  Whenever God invites people to come it is not like he is dangling a carrot in front of the donkey teasing it.  He is sincere.  He wants you to come.  He extends his hand of mercy.  "How often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings and ye would not." (Matthew 23 verse 37)  I invited you to come, I sent my prophets and people to declare me unto you, I even sent my Son but ye will not come that you might have life.  The invitation is also urgent "come for all things are now ready".  He sent his servants out at supper time.  There were not many hours left in the day.  The invitation is urgent and vital.  How far are we into the supper hours of our lives?  Or maybe even the supper time of the gospel?  God has invited you, you do not realise how vital and urgent things really are - "boast not thyself of tomorrow." (Proverbs 27 verse 1)  Salvation is always speaking of the present.  The invitation was repeated - verse 23.  How many times have you been invited to come to Christ?  How do I come?  Just as you are today is all you need.  

The offer that was refused.  Verse 18.  They had been invited before and said yes but now the specific invitation had come and they said no.  Perhaps that is the same with you.  People generally say yes but specifically they say no  These men had different excuses not to come.  The first excuse was a piece of ground has been bought and they had to go and inspect it.  How many would have bought a piece of ground without having looked at it first?  Why go at this time of day?  It was supper time.  The next excuse was the man had just bought 5 yoke of oxen.  He didn`t look at them before he bought them and was about to go out and prove them.  Again who would buy without looking at them first?  The third excuse was he had just got married.  I would think the wife was also invited but she didn`t want to come.  Maybe you have got excuses for not getting saved.  I am a good person, I don`t need to be saved.  I am too big a sinner to get saved.  I have a habit I cannot get rid of.  My heart is so hard and unbelieving.  I might lose my friends.  What if I fail to live the Christian life?  I am so weak.  What about my business, will it be affected?  Maybe I am too late, God spoke to me years ago and I did not respond.  I am still young, I have plenty of time to get saved.  I have my church.  I don`t have very much faith.  There are so many hypocrites in the church.  You are invited to come to Christ.  You will account for your own life.  The master in this story was so grieved and angry at these excuses - verse 21.  What will be your excuse one day at the great white throne?

The people who responded.  Verse 21.  The poor, the maimed, the halt and the blind.  Lives destroyed.  They knew their place and could take their position at this supper.  People in the world who think they don`t matter.  Maybe you feel the same.  They are not religious.  They have so many faults in the past.  They are ashamed in spite of it all.  They responded immediately.  There was still room though.  The master told them to go out yet again into the hedges and byways.  They were to plead with them to come in.  Will you not trust in Christ today?  Give your heart and life and enter in.  Verse 24 the men that made the excuses would not have been invited again.  Maybe today you will hear God`s voice for the last time - do not delay but come.  Will you come to him today?

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