Sunday, 28 October 2018

A servant in search for a bride for his master

Sermon notes from Sunday 28 October 2018 am Mr Jackson McVicker
Genesis 24 verses 1 - 9

This morning we are going to look at a servant in search for a bride for his master`s son.  One of the last important duties of Abraham`s was to find a wife for his son Isaac.  Canaan and the surrounding areas were not fit to find a wife for the son of Abraham.  Canaan was heathen and Abraham did not want a heathen wife for Isaac.  An important job for Abraham`s servant.  Abraham is old, well stricken in years, unable to travel the distance to find a wife for Isaac.  It would probably have taken many days travel to seek and find a wife for Isaac.  He couldn`t do it therefore he asked his servant to do it.  He would be an important link in the chain to find a bride for his son.  Without the servant the chain would be broken.  Without the servant Abraham could not find a wife for Isaac.  It is not too much of a stretch to say this servant is not unlike you and I as we seek for a bride for the Lord Jesus Christ.  Souls for the master`s son, our blessed Lord Jesus.  This servant Abraham sends out is like you and I today.  We are sent out by our master to seek and to search for souls for the Lord Jesus Christ.  We seek to be a witness that we might bring many sons and daughters into the kingdom of God. 

Firstly notice the character of the servant.  In chapter 15 verses 2 and 3 we find the name of Abraham`s servant - Eliezar.  He was the heir to all Abraham had.  "You haven`t given me a son and you promised me one, therefore all I have is this Eliezer, I am prepared to give all that I have to him that what I have may continue."  Abraham`s family line would be in the hands of this servant, entrusted to fulfil his master`s plan.  He had been with Abraham a long time, he was held in the highest respect so much so that Abraham thought of making him his heir.  This man was  held in very high esteem, he was going to leave everything to this servant.  As we turn back to chapter 24 we see that his name is not mentioned.  Verse 2 "And Abraham said unto his eldest servant."  The Hebrew word for servant here means bond servant.  It is not by chance that the Holy Spirit leaves out his name and puts in the phrase "bond servant".  Abraham would take his bond servant and use him to find his bride for his son Isaac.  In Romans 1 verse 1 Paul describes himself as a bond servant or doulos.  Here`s a man who is a bond slave.  He would have his master`s ear.  He would want to fulfil his master`s wishes.  Would do all at his beck and call to his master.  Another portion of scripture tells us that a bond slave would be hired for 6 years and in the seventh year he would go free.  That was the law but if you didn`t want to go free you must take your ear and put it to the door post and the master bore it through.  After that you became his servant for ever.  He was saying in effect "I love you, I will not go out free, I am giving it up for the service I am in."  Paul says "I am the bondservant, my ear has been bored through, I love my master, I will not go free."  Just like the New Testament states we should be that bondservant to Christ today.  Can we say "I want to serve Jesus freely, I want to do what I can for my master, I want to serve him all the rest of my days."  I believe we get saved and rejoice in God`s salvation, enjoy the service of the church, enjoy new found Christianity but there is a place and a time when we come and get our ears bored through.  The cross takes root in our lives and we come to it and say "I love the Lord, I love him above everything else and Lord I want to serve you the rest of my days whether they be short or long."  This is what Paul is all about.  This is what this servant was all about.  A bond slave or servant.  Are we wanting to serve the Lord with all our hearts and minds and souls?

The commission of the servant.  Verse 4 "but thou shalt go."  Commissioned and engaged to search for a bride for his master.  It was based on sovereign allegiance, not done lightly or at a whim because he is feeling good or feels close to his master.  Verse 2 "put your hand under my thigh."  The seed of my loins is in your hands.  In other words "I am swearing alllegiance to my master."  The continuance of my family line is in your hands.  What a responsibility, a test of the character of this servant.  Matthew 28 verse 19 "go ye therefore and teach all nations baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Ghost."  1 Timothy 6 verse 12 "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses."  Our allegiance is to our Lord and Saviour.  His priority is to serve.  Our sovereign allegiance is based on this great responsibility.  Are we obedient servants today?  Luke 17 verse 10 "So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants, we have done that which was our duty to do."  There is nothing in me or you, we are servants of the king.  How many today serve for prestige or popularity?  How many are behind the sacred desk just because it is a good job, makes them popular, gives them influence and an prominence in society?  We serve this morning out of our allegiance, out of our love to the master.  I will not go out free.  The information was given to the servant.  I have a plan for you to follow.  He tells us that in verse 3.  After he swears this is the plan I am giving you, this plan I want you to follow.  God has given us a plan.  He has given his word, instructions through it - Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths."  His plan is in his word.  This is the master plan.  He has given us instructions in his book to follow.  Abraham was giving his servant instructions.  He had to follow the master`s plan.  We need to follow the master`s instructions.  He gave him detailed instructions - to my country, to my kindred and take a wife unto my son Isaac.  If you read God`s word God will tell you his plan.  If you give yourself to this book he will show you what you ought to do.  Are you reading this book?  The master`s plan.  This servant was only to follow and we are to follow and be obedient to God`s directions.  He has chosen a people, a country and he was to go find a wife for his son.  Our service is to go with God`s word, to go to the place where God tells us to go, to the person he leads us to.  Some would then say "are we to spend all our working days out knocking the doors, to sell up and become missionaries or preachers - is that what God expects us to do?  Genesis 24 verse 27 "I being in the way the Lord led me to the house of my master`s brethren."  God expects our lives to have a structure, to do the daily chores, the routine things.  Some of us work, some of us bring up families, we have to always be mindful of the lost in the routine, daily things.  The bride for the master`s son.  Tomorrow might be like any other Monday but it might not be.  We just do not know, God might give us an opportunity tomorrow and we might never see it come.  We might never see it until it happens.  Here`s God`s plan, God`s opportunity to speak, to do this or that, whatever he wants us to do.  We are to be mindful.  We are servants looking a bride for the master`s son.  We are seeking souls for Jesus.  Not all are missionaries but servants and as such we might feel tomorrow doesn`t matter.  God will give you opportunities.

The completion of the commission of the servant.  The servant had instructions from his master Abraham.  Verse 5 we see the difficulties that might arise - "what if the woman be not willing to follow me into this land, must I needs bring thy son again unto the land from whence thou camest?"  What happens if you get disillusioned, your spirit is dampened, given false promises, when people let us down?  How often that has happened.  You get disheartened, refusals come quickly, what are we to do?  Verse 6 "beware thou that thou bring not my son thither again."  In other words don`t give up, keep looking, searching for a bride for my son.  Verse 7 "he shall send his angel before thee."  You will get help and probably not from another person, God will send his angel.  John 15 verse 26 "but when the Comforter is come whom I will send unto you from the Father."  Angels in the Old Testament were messengers, in the New Testament the Comforter or the Holy Ghost is sent to us.  John 14 verse 26 "But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."  You will be dismayed with someone who is not willing to go with you.  What do we do?  We keep looking.  God will send the Holy Spirit to help you, keep going, keep looking.  Why do you hold gospel campaigns?  How many have got saved during these campaigns?  Why do we do it?  To keep on searching, knocking that door again and again.  It is very important because Abraham mentions this again - first in verse 6 and then in verse 8.  Make sure you keep looking, keep searching.  Jeremiah said "break up the fallow ground."  The farmer knows what the fallow ground is - the uncultivated rough ground.  He would go in there and break it up.  Keep doing what you are doing.  Galatins 6 verse 9 "we shall reap if we faint not."  It is not over yet.  Prepare for the next campaign, for a new contact, keep trying and pursuing it.  The servant was the key to success.  Abraham chose to send him.  John 15 verse 6 "ye have not chosen me but I have chosen you ."  You are chosen today by God himself.  God picked you up from the dark path of sin.  Whatever pathway you were taking you were on the wrong road.  God picked you up.  1 Corinthians 1 verse 27 "but God hath chosen the foolish things."  Many people look to John`s gospel where Jesus was talking to his disciples and told them they had been chosen to do God`s work and say that does not mean us.  Did 11 men change the world - yes they did but eventually they died.  Others took up the work.  You and I are God`s own people today.  Paul continued "but God hath chosen the foolish things to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty."  Some would say "I am feeling intimidated, I am too scared to speak."  God has chosen you to work, "to confound the things which are mighty and base things of the world and things which are despised hath God chosen, yea and things which are not to bring to nought the things which are."  The servant sought through to the end and we will see it through to the end.  Listen to what was said at the end of the search - verse 68 "wilt thou go with this man? and she said "I will go."  The journey was complete.  The success was in God`s hand.  How blessed it is to lead a soul to the Lord Jesus Christ.  You are a link in that chain.  Maybe you prayed for that person, brought that person to a meeting.  You are that servant.  When it comes to the end or rather the beginning when we meet the Lord, when we pass from this world to the next, what will he say?  Will he say "well done thou good and faithful servant"?  It doesn`t say you will be successful, that you will lead many to Christ or any to Christ but you were faithful.  Abraham`s servant was faithful to the end.  That is all God expects of us.  Faithful to the end and we will receive that reward when he calls us home.  We are servants of the Lord.  We want to serve him.  To see men and women, boys and girls won for Christ.  Sometimes we keep it to the person in the pulpit but we all have a part to play.  We are links in the chains.  Maybe God wants you to take someone on your heart and pray for them.  God wants to use you where you are, to seek for those souls for him on our knees today.

Friday, 26 October 2018

For I know whom I have believed

Sermon notes from Sunday 22 October 2018
2 Timothy 1

I want to turn our attention to verse 12 as Paul writes to Timothy.  Timothy is going through a difficult time, there are those opposing him, coming against him, trying to discourage him and put him down.  Paul assured him here, when God saves us he gives us power and courage we never thought we would have.  In verse 12 Paul uses the word "I" 5 times - "For the which cause I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."  Salvation is a very personal issue.  Although we all come to God`s salvation by various means we all come to that place called Calvary where Jesus gave his life for us.  If you have never come to the cross you are not saved.  The apostle Paul says it is very personal.  There are many different ways we do come and each one of them is personal to you and I.  Can we look away to a time when we trusted Christ as Saviour?  Can you stand and say how you met the Saviour?  I want you to look at the phrase "for I know whom I have believed."

Notice the assessment.  This man came to a degree of assessment in his life.  Remember that day as a young religious Pharisee, a zealot, when he walked into the house of God to the priest demanding letters giving him authority to go to Damascus, to go into various homes and families and take out those believing in the Lord, testifying to being saved, to put them in prison or death.  As he went out threatening destruction on that day, at midday he came down on his knees to a place where God could deal with him.  Sometimes God has to deal with us severely, tragically, just to get us to that point of assessment.  He did not know the Lord as his own Saviour.  Remember Paul before King Agrippa.  He took him back to the road to Damascus.  He testified about his journey.  "As I journeyed to Damascus".  He spoke of the day and the time and things surrounding this event.  It was all so clear in his mind.  It is wonderful when we begin to testify, when we can look back to the day and hour and what was happening around us, what we were doing, what others were doing around us.  Paul had to honestly admit "who art thou Lord."  Here was a well learned, educated man but even in spiritual matters he did not know Christ.  Nothing about him, he was a stranger to mercy and grace, knew nothing of the Lord.  Each of us is on the path of life to get to heaven.  We will have to change.  Jesus spoke of 2 ways - the broad and the narrow way.  The broad way has many people on that way whereas on the narrow way, few will find it.  You have to change your situation if you are on that way. Nicodemus said to Jesus "we know that thou art a teacher and have come from God for no-one can do these miracles except God be with him."  The assessment he made.  It is possible to look at Jesus as the Son of God, a great leader but never really know him.  In John 4 the woman at the well as she listened to Christ realised by the clothes he was wearing he was a Jew and she a Samaritan.  She put up the argument that they had nothing to do with each other.  Then as she spoke on to Jesus she acknowledged he was a prophet.  When the Lord began to put a finger on her life, she acknowledged he was the Messiah.  Have you ever made that assessment in your own life?  Young Samuel of old working in the temple with Eli laid his head down on the pillow.  When the voice of God came to him we read "now Samuel did not yet know the Lord."  No doubt Paul listened to many testimonies of those he arrested when he took them out of their homes and put them in prison, of how they found and met the Lord.  Somehow he turned a blind ear to it.  Somehow he closed his ears to it all.  This time God was at work in his heart and mind that day.  Remember when he stood collecting the clothes of Stephen as he was stoned to death.  "He guarded the clothes of those that stoned Stephen to death."  He listened to what he had to say, as he witnessed of Christ.  Maybe he acknowledged he had never seen or heard anything like this before.  He began to assess his situation.  This is the greatest assessment any man or woman could ever make, where they stood in light of eternity.  Are we saved?  

The activity he speaks of.  He exercised faith in the one in which he has come to trust in.  Salvation is not something we drift into.  It is a definite step.  That is what Paul says "I know whom I have believed."  It is a very definite step.  Paul exercised faith in the finished work of Calvary.  He heard of how Jesus came into the world to seek and to save, when he came into the world to atone for our sin.  He exercised faith in that person.  No doubt he had tremendous knowledge of the Old Testament scriptures, brought up very religiously, no doubt knew everything about the sacrifices, that every little lamb placed on the altar, how the sacrifices were to be placed and built on the altar.  He assessed all this.  He realised the sacrifices were pointing towards Calvary, that day when Jesus died on Calvary.  He was atoning for sin, paying the price for our sins.  He realised this called for something, to exercise simple faith.  Have you exercised childlike faith in Christ?  Have you come and acknowledged "I have sinned, I want you to come into my life"?  That is exercising faith.  Have you come to that place where you could not go through with God?  The assessment that was made.  There is an activity that was needed.  Paul testified of repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ.

The assurance that he claims.  In Exodus 12 on that final plague the firstborn according to God in Egypt should die.  God gave the answer, on that night a lamb would have to be taken, the blood would be poured into the basin, hyssop would be used to paint the doorpost and lintel.  "When I see the blood" God was looking for the blood "I will pass through the land of Egypt and I will smite all the firstborn, I am the Lord and the blood shall be for you, a token for you."  When God came down that night and travelled through the streets of the land all the firstborn would die. He saw the blood and passed over that house.  What an assurance it brought to that family that night.  The father would assure the firstborn the blood is on the doorposts and lintels, we have God`s word for it.  We must not close in with Christ because we feel him but because God has said it and we must take God`s word as it is.  The remedy is that God would take his only son, bring him down to this earth and on the cross of Calvary shed his blood for our sin.  That blood of Christ applied by faith to my heart and soul.  The blood speaks of death, disobedience to what God had to say.  Those people in Egypt that night were saved by the blood of the lamb and assured by the word of God.  That assurance comes to us through the death of Christ on Calvary.  We can be saved.  God saves "him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."  When the Philippian jailer asked "what must I do to be saved" Paul responded "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."

The ability that Paul was persuaded in.  Paul has committed his never dying soul to that one who is able to keep us from falling.  The devil says you will never keep it but God says I will keep you.  Peter says we are kept by the power of God through faith.  Paul said "I know whom I have believed."  What about you - can you say the same tonight.  Thank God you can tonight.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

The Prayer of Solomon

Sermon notes from Tuesday 23 October 2018
1 Kings 3 verses 5 - 15

Last Tuesday night we looked at Hannah and the prayer she offered.  It came out of affliction of her heart.  She was in pain and desperation and had a great burden.  She came into the house of the Lord and poured out her soul before the Lord.  Reading through this portion of scripture the same theme occurred.  An ordinary woman like Hannah, now see the king of Israel.  The God of Israel comes to one little figure of a woman as he does to the great king of Israel.  That woman pleading and praying before God then we see this great king.  Hannah prayed in the temple.  The king prayed in his bedroom.  Somehow wanted to catch the importance of prayer.  Imagine God coming down to where she was.  It was the Lord who brought Solomon to the kingship so it should be normal that God would bend his ear to hear his prayer but not for a simple woman like Hannah.  No matter who we are, where we are, that is the importance of prayer.  God comes to us where we are.  God comes to Solomon and says to him "ask what I shall give thee."  Solomon responded "Thou hast shown unto thy servant David my father great mercy."  Solomon begins to pray and God is listening.  In verse 10 God was asking him for what he wanted.  The Lord listened intently and it pleased him.  What he hears pleases him.  The hand that moulded and formed the very universe, that made man in his own image, that breathed into man and he became a living soul, he bends down and listens to our prayers.

It was a solitary prayer.  One woman praying made a tremendous different.  That woman`s prayers were answered.  God gave Hannah Samuel the prophet in Israel.  This one woman standing before God in the temple asking for God to answer her prayer, to lift the burden of her heart and give her a man child.  Solomon has just come to his throne.  In chapter 2 he was sorting things out in his kingdom, it was a busy time for him.  In chapter 3 we see him busy spiritually.  Now while he rested God came to him.  Jesus bade the disciples "come ye apart and rest awhile."  Sometimes we get busy in the Lord`s work.  The Lord whispers to us "it is time to come aside and rest for a while."  God said to Solomon "ask what I shall give thee" in the quietness of his bedroom.  God meets with Solomon.  Sometimes we think God is only interested when it comes to the great big things, the big numbers of people praying.  Here we notice with Hannah and Solomon one solitary prayer.  Solomon was praying in the middle of the night.  Never underestimate that God is listening and hearing our prayers.  Elijah the prophet was going through a deep depair and anxiety.  He deserts his post one day under threat of Jezebel.  She was going to take his life.  He flees out into the wilderness.  Perhaps no-one knows where he is.  He offered a solitary prayer.  1 Kings 19 verse 4 "it is enough now Lord take away my life for I am no better than my fathers."  God met with him there.  He sent his angel who put him down to sleep, wakened him and repeated the process until he was well rested.  Jonah went through a time of fear and even rebelllion.  God told him to go to Nineveh and tell the people to repent but he wouldn`t do it.  He fled from the presence of God and boarded a boat in the opposite direction.  It was only when Jonah was in the belly of the fish that he prayed unto the Lord and God heard him.  Sometimes as Christians we go through similar difficult times.  

It was a searching prayer.  God hears your prayer.  Maybe you will pray in the depths of your soul for something you could not pray audibly for.  Hannah prayed and only her lips moved.  The priest thought she was drunk but God knew her heart and the burden she carried.  Sometimes we have burdens we cannot tell another soul about.  It was a searching prayer.  God challenges this young inexperiencecd king.  He has watched his father before him but the responsibility is his now.  God comes to him "ask what I shall do for you."  Solomon had to search his own soul to see what he would ask.  He doesn`t rattle the first thing that comes to his mind.  He assesses the situation, sees the multitude of people he had to lead.  He feels the responsibility and the difficulty that comes with it.  Somehow he summarises the situation that faces him.  God hears it all.  Sometimes we have to search our soul for just what to pray for.  Hannah pointed to the child at her side and said "for this child I prayed."  She knew what she was going to pray for.  Solomon knows the qualificatiosn he needed for the task.  God equips us too.  Sometimes we think we could never do something, never hold down that responsibility.  A task might be too difficult for us.  With the task comes the equipment.  Sometimes we feel we do not have the talent or ability to do things but God asks us to.  Ask him for the help at that moment.  Paul said to Timothy "stir up the gift that is in you."  God had given him the gift.  Paul prayed for him and laid his hands on him but God gave him the gift ultimately.  Let us search our hearts for what God really wants us to ask for.

It was a simple prayer.  Verse 7 "I am but a little child, I know not how to go out or come in."  Verse 9 "give therefore thy servant an understanding heart."  He just says "give".  He asks the Lord to give it to him.  That prayer is an answer to God`s goodness.  God had brought him to the throne but he admits he doesn`t have the experience.  Let us reflect on the goodness of God tonight.  Imagine God ever saving us that he would send his son to die for our sins, that he would suffer in my place.  That is what God has done.  We come to pray in respect of that.  God knows what we need.  Leave ourselves as an open channel.
It was a satisfying prayer.  Verse 10 the speech pleased the Lord.  That Solomon had asked this thing.  God was pleased.  He is pleased to hear our voices.  James said "you have not because you ask not, you have not because you ask amiss."  In other words you ask for something wrongly, it is just for something to boost our own ego, to spend it on ourselves.  This prayer pleased the Lord because it was not for riches, wealth, fame or fortune but for the Lord of Israel.  

It was a successful prayer.  Verse 12 "behold I have done according to thy words."  More than that he gave an understanding heart and he gave blessings in other ways.  Verse 13 what a tremendous prayer this was.  The results were outstanding.  God is still the same as in the days of Hannah and Solomon.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  "Where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst."

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

The foolish farmer

Sermon notes from Monday 15 October 2018 Pastor Kenny Wilson
Luke 12 verses 16 – 21
The foolish farmer
If you think of this parable for a few moments, you would think the Lord gave it for a harvest service, to give thanks for the harvest.  A man coming out of his house and seeing how things have done well for the year, then he thinks to himself my barns will not be big enough.  Notice the words “he thought within himself.”  He said “What shall I do”.  He was thinking now.  It is good when we think.  He is looking on what God has blessed him with.  Then he decides what he is going to do.  What would you have done?  What would I have done?  He could have fell on his knees and gave thanks to God.  We don`t praise the Lord half enough.  The Lord has blessed him abundantly.  James 1 verse 17 says “every good gift cometh from above.”  Everything we have God has given it to us.  This man could have fell on his knees and thanked the Lord.  He could have repented of his sins and trusted in the Lord as his own personal Saviour.  Romans 2 verse 4 “the goodness of God leadeth to repentance.”  It may have led him to repentance.  He could have thanked God.  He could have asked for repentance and asked God to forgive him and save him.  He could have given some of his harvest away to someone in need.  He thought to himself “what shall I do” verse 17.  Then in verse 18 he decides “this is what I will do, I will pull down my barns.”  All he did was think about himself.  He was a man fixated on stuff.  He only thinks of himself.  He is only thinking about stuff.  This is what I am going to do.  I will advance my own cause, make sure my life is dead comfortable.  He does not think of eternity.  The things which are seen are temporal.  The bible says when you look at everything you have, you have to realise it will pass away.  The things that cannot be seen, your precious soul is more important.  Verse 16 the parable begins with the word “and”.  That tells me there is a reason for telling this parable.  A set of circumstances have arisen.  The Lord told this story, it is not a fairy story but a real live story.  Verse 1 shows why the Lord told the parable.  He makes it more important and relevant to you.  When did he tell this story?  Who did he tell this story to?  Why did he tell this story? 

First of all notice the need.  This is not a meeting like our meeting tonight, there is an innumerable number of people present.  They could not be counted so there were more than 5000 there.  We cannot tell how many were there.  The Lord is preaching.  He has gathered in this number of people.  Notice the ministry.  He is starting to teach the disciples.  Then he lets in those who were already there.  First point he makes is about hypocrisy.  It is a serious subject.  A hypocrite is someone pretending to be something they are not.  A lot of people pretend they are Christians because they go to church or do certain things.  The Christian is someone who has trusted Christ as Saviour and Lord.  Verse 5 the second point is his message – hell itself.  The fear of God, the power of God and the wrath of God.  It is a very sombre meeting, there is no messing about.  Hell is a real place.  It does not matter if you believe in hell.  It is real.  Verse 13 in this meeting the Lord is preaching.  Notice also the men.  This great crowd and in that crowd there were 2 men.  I want you to see 2 brothers who are in this meeting.  Their dad has just died and they are not speaking to each other.  The inheritance goes to the older son and these 2 boys are in the meeting.  The Lord has been talking about hypocrisy and hell.  This particular boy did not hear the message.  He was only interested in the inheritance.  He wanted Jesus to speak to his brother and tell him to give him half of everything.  They are huffing and fighting.  They haven’t heard a single thing.  They are only interested in temporal things, they are not concerned about hell.  There are only interested in the inheritance.  Can you see now why the Lord is telling the parable?  The Lord goes on to tell this parable to the 2 men who are fighting over the inheritance.  One has everything and the other has nothing.  Verse 16 the parable is for these 2 brothers.  2 sons squabbling over a farm of land.  They have not heard anything that has been said.  They are not even interested in hell or salvation.  They are only interested in the inheritance.  He spoke a parable unto them.  The man in the parable is the father.  They have been raised by a greedy selfish father.  He has led them this merry dance, full of greed and selfishness.  They couldn’t care if he lived or died.  We are only interested in temporal things.  He is telling the parable to us.  As the Lord relates the parable they will recognise who he is speaking about.  The Lord is talking to those 2 men.  Maybe he will talk to you tonight.  Do not worry about your job, your house, your car, your stuff.  You should worry about the Lord.  He wants to speak directly to you. 

The Lord says to these 2 men about their own father “thou fool”.  They were beginning to see their father was a fool when he was alive.  They would not have stood up to their fears.  That is the divine assessment.  This is not his neighbour.  He thinks he is a great fella.  They think he is a great man, would like to be big with him.  This is not what others are saying about him but God is saying this to him.  He is not a fool because he is a farmer or because he has made money.  He is a fool because he failed to see his need.  He failed to see his need of salvation.  There are people like this farmer.  No I am a good person, I go to church every Sunday.  This man is a fool because he failed to see his need as a sinner.  He never prepared to meet his God.  He has made no preparation.  He has got so much money, he never thought of heaven.  That is why he is a fool.  This is what God says about this man. What does the Bible say what a fool really is.  Proverbs 12 verse 15 he is a fool because of his direction.  “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes.”  You cannot have turned or talked about to him.  He thought he was going to heaven.  He is absolutely convinced that he is on his way to heaven.  Maybe someone has told him he is on his way to heaven.  Someone has told him a lie.  Work the hardest you can.   You can try your very hardest, do your very best and you will win your way to heaven.  It is not work nor worship or win your way to heaven.  Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father but by me.”  He is convinced he is going to heaven but all the time he is going to hell.  Are you sure the direction you are on is taking you to heaven?  If you are not you are a fool. This is the divine assessment.  Ecclesiastes 2 verse 14 “the wise have eyes in their heads, while the fool walks in darkness.”  He is a fool because of his darkness.  He cannot see the danger ahead.  He cannot understand he is on his way to hell for all eternity.  Here’s what the Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 4 verse 4 “the god of this world has blinded the eyes of them that believe not.”  If you haven’t trusted Christ as Saviour the devil has blinded your eyes.  You are walking in darkness.  There is going to be punishment and judgment ahead of you.  John 3 verse 19 “this is the condemnation that light has come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light.”  He is in the dark because he wants to be there.  Men loved darkness rather than light.  This man’s sins are so vile and vicious in God’s eyes.  He is happy that no-one knows he is walking in darkness.  Psalm 53 verse 1 he is a fool because of his declaration.  It is not saying there is no God.  No-one could look out over a field of barley and say there is no God.  In the original the words “there is” were not there.  They are in italics.  The translators put it in there to make it read better.  He is a fool because of a declaration.  People can say yes to God or no to God.  This man has done that.  The Lord has called this man “come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”  The sinner can say no and that is what this man has said.  The Lord said unto this man “thou fool”.  The divine assessment but also the divine appointment.  That particular night he was not going to see another day. 

If you look at verse 17 what is this man thinking about.  He was thinking about his predicament – what am I going to do.  Verse 18 thinking of his advancement I will pull down my barns and build bigger.  Verse 19 he is thinking now about his retirement.  How wonderful it will be.  He is thinking about his enjoyment “eat, drink and be merry” but he forgot about his appointment.  Verse 20 I want you to picture the house the next morning.  He is usually up early in the morning, wants everyone else up early too but on this particular day the 2 boys are wondering why he is not up as usual.  Then they found him dead.  Hebrews 9 verse 27 “and as it is appointed unto man once to die.”  You and I will have an appointment that we will never miss.  This man forgot about his judgment.  Have you ever thought about that day when your life will be over?  I am believing the Lord in his word to send his son into the world to die on the old rugged cross for my sins.  You will one day have to stand before the Lord and give an account to him of all your actions, words and feelings.  Colossians 2 verse 14.  That is what Christianity is about – trusting alone in Jesus who died on the cross and rose again and he ever lives.  He will blot out the book of all your sins.  Hebrews 10 verse 17 “their sins and iniquities I will remember no more.”  He will never remember them.  There is no record of them again.  God will not remember them again because there is no memory of them. 

Thou fool - the divine assessment. 
The divine appointment - this night. 
The divine accountant “then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided.” 

This man will die that night.  All the things he thought about, everything that he is longing for and had planned for is all left behind.  The thing he couldn`t leave behind, his soul will be in eternal hell.  You can see the divine appointment.  1 Timothy 6 verse 7.  You have brought nothing into this world and it is certain you shall take nothing out of it.  All the things this man had planned out for will be left behind but the thing he couldn`t leave has gone.  Notice when this happened – at harvest time.  It also happened at night.  If I wasn`t saved tonight I wouldn`t be going to bed another night until I had accepted Christ as Saviour.  Would you?

Monday, 15 October 2018

The treasure hid in a field

Sermon notes from Sunday 14 October 2018 pm Rev Roger Higginson
Matthew 13 verse 44
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field, the which when a man hath found, he hideth and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath and buyeth that field."

Matthew chapter 13 records 7 different parables the Lord told.  The most well known parable in this chapter is that of the sower which is found at the beginning of the chapter.  Then there is the parable of the man who sowed tares among the wheat, the parable of the mustard seed, the parable of leaven, then the parable of the treasure hidden in a field, the parable of the pearl of great price and finally of a great net cast into the sea.  A parable is an earthly story that relates to the world around us.  Real people and real events around us.  The Lord told and recounted them and then brought a spiritual meaning out of each.  One of the reasons the Lord spoke in parables was to make the gospel easy to understand, that we could take it into our hearts and lives.  When Christ was preaching the common people heard him gladly.  Those common people were people who attended churches, synagogues and the temple.  People could understand what he was saying.  He spoke as one with authority.  As people heard these words they were so relevant.  He was speaking into peoples lives.  He still does the same today, all these years later.  He can speak to you even tonight.  Here we have a simple parable.  Matthew 13 verse 44.  This man learnt something about this field, it had a treasure buried in it.  It is a treasure more valuable that the field itself.  He was willing to sell all he has to become poor.  When the opportunity comes to redeem or buy that field so that he might take that treasure for himself he buys it.  The field represents the world we live in.  The treasure represents the souls of men and women and the man that sold all he had is our blessed Saviour who came to reclaim the treasure of mens souls.  There are 4 simple thoughts behind this verse.

The treasure hid in a field.  That represents the sinners soul.  Here`s a field, no-one was interested in it but this man learns that treasure is hid in the field.  We do not know how he knows this.  The field is nothing special in itself.  Many will go past it and think it is not anything special.  Maybe it is not great for growing or grazing, hidden from view.  There is something of tremendous value.  As God looks down on this world with all its famine, sickness, strife, war and death he sees something of tremendous value.  The people who are living in it.  Maybe he sees in your life more that what you see or anyone else sees.  To him you are more than just bone, flesh or blood.  He sees all your faults, failures and mistakes.  In Genesis 3 God made Adam and breathed into him, he became a living soul.  The soul is the valuable thing.  The soul makes you individual, makes you you.  It is the will, intellect, emotions.  The human soul was made for fellowship with God almighty.  That is why you are much more than flesh and blood.  That is why you are more than chemicals brought together.  You are flesh and blood but far beyond that is the soul, the real me is on the inside.  When a person dies their soul departs from the body.  The principal of life has gone and the soul is so precious.  It is described in this verse as unto treasure.  Regardless of how you view yourself, your life is of tremendous potential and value.  Your soul is eternal.  The Son of God said one human soul is worth more than all the accumulated wealth in the world, all the gold and silver dug up, all the diamonds refined, every oil field.  All of it together is not worth as much as the human soul.  "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul."  This treasure is hidden in the field.  It cannot be seen.  It is hidden.  The multitudes did not think of that treasure.  There is how the world thinks of life, living for here and now.  Underneath the exterior there is a human soul so valuable but in the field it indicates its deadness.  The human soul is spiritually dead, separated from its souce, its life.  It also is cut off from its darkness.  "Men loved darkness rather than life because their deeds are evil."  It is also defiled.  It is covered in soil.  Someone looking at it wouldn`t know it is there.  We are all as unclean, all of our unrighteousnesses are as filthy rags in the sight of God.  God is so high and lifted up, pure and holy.  He humbles himself to behold things in heaven and then bringeth that to the things in earth.  This man is interested in this treasure.  It is important.  It cannot be raised to the surface until someone comes to rescue it.  What about your soul?  How do you stand before God?  Perhaps you have everything sorted in the temporal things of life but have you sorted out the most important thing - your soul?

The seeking Saviour.  Someone told this man about this field.  It had tremendous wealth and value.  This man investigates.  He goes on a mission to find this treasure.  God looked down from heaven, he saw a life broken that cannot be fixed by human hands.  Some of us on this planet are looking here and there - to political, educational, scientific or religious ideas to try and rebuild a society that is peaceful and prosperous.  We will never be able to build a society without God.  He became man, a little lower than the angels, took on himself the form of a servant.  He identifies with you, just where you are in life.  Maybe you are lonely or sorrowful or suffering.  He can understand it all.  He was in all points tried and tempted like as we are yet was without sin.  Jesus is come to seek and to save that which was lost.  He descended unto the lower parts of the earth.  He sat with harlots, publicans and sinners, people whose lives were possessed with demonic spirits.  George Whitfield said "Jesus Christ will save the the devils cast aways."  Maybe you acknowledge you have made a mess of things.  The Son of God can set you right.  The field was not attractive but this man saw something of worth.  God loves you tonight.  He knows exactly where you are tonight.  He saw something of worth.  He came to seek and to save you.  Notice what the text goes on to say - "the which when a man hath found he hideth and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath and buyeth that field."

The supreme sacrifice.  He sold everything he had, everything of value to buy this field.  No-one has been interested in this field for years regardless of the price.  It is an investment.  There is something of great value to this man.  Isn`t that like our Lord?  "He laid aside his majesty, gave up everything for me."  2 Corinthians 8 verse 9 "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor that ye through his poverty might be rich."  We think of the riches we will enjoy for all eternity in the presence of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, surrounded by the angels with God himself for ever, worshipping and glorifying the Son of God in a place free from sin.  That place was made of everything that was good and pure and holy yet he left it all and came into the world, was despised and rejected by man.  He was born the son of a peasant woman, not in a nice hospital nor in a comfortable house but rather into a dusty stable.  He went to live in a despised town - Nazareth and grew up.  It was said of Nazareth "can any good thing come from there?"  Joseph his earthly father was a carpenter.  He never received a calling to the palaces of this world nor travelled any more than 100 miles from his home.  He never wrote a book nor commanded an army.  He went about doing good.  He was stripped of his only property, the seamless robe.  He was naked, whipped before the people, had a crown of thorns placed on his head, his very hairs from his head were plucked out, a purple robe was put on him and they smote him across his back.  He was constrained to carry a cross.  All his disciples had forsaken him and fled.  He bore the burden to Calvary alone.  Can you imagine the women around that cross.  We do not read about Joseph after the story of Jesus in the temple at 12 years of age.  Probably Joseph died when Jesus was young.  Jesus himself charged John to look after his own mother.  She was a widow and needed help.  Can you imagine when the news filtered through to Mary that Jesus had been arrested and would probably be nailed to a cross.  She needed to come and see for herself.  She looked on the 3 crosses but Jesus` visage was so marred more than any man that she would not have recognised him hanging there.  She heard him crying out "I thirst".  Whenever she saw John one of Jesus` best friends and heard Jesus himself speaking to John, she realised that he was her son.  His own Father in heaven turned his back on him for 3 hours.  He was hidden in the darkness.  He died on that tree to take our sins and the responsibility for every one of them.  Everything we have ever done in this life he bore it all on his body on the tree.  "If that isn`t love the ocean is dry, there`s no stars in the sky and the sparrow can`t fly.  If that isn`t love then heaven`s a myth, there`s no feeling like this, if that isn`t love."  Such was his love for the souls of man.  There was a desperate need for salvation.  That the Son of Man paid for your soul.  Paul said "looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12 verse 2)  The value of something can be determined by the price people are prepared to pay for it.  Maybe you place very little value on your soul.  You are treating your soul for something that is worthless.  The redemption of your soul is precious.  The Son of God was willing to shed his life`s blood for your soul.  Will you accept that price?

He buyeth that field.  Redeemed is the word for buyeth in this passage.  We have forfeited our relationship with God.  We are sinners by nature and practice.  We are lost, cut off from God yet the Saviour came and redeemed us with his precious blood to bring us back to himself.  It is the treasure this man is thinking of.  John 3 verse 16.  In this verse the word "whosoever" is the treasure.  You are not redeemed with corruptible things like silver and gold but redeemed with the blood of Christ.  If you are not trusting in him tonight you are still lost.  You have to understand you are lost yet you are loved.  The Son of God can bring you to himself, make you his own.  A peculiar treaure.  Your soul is like treasure.  Your soul might be lost in this world but there is a man in glory who knows where you are, what you are.  He came to seek and to save that which was lost.  Are you lost?  Do you realise Christ came for you?  He shed his blood for you.  He was willing to give his life.  Do you want to know him, to belong to him?  If you call on him, trust in him, invite him to be your Saviour he will be yours today.

Come for all things are now ready

Sermon notes from Sunday 14 October 2018 Rev R Higginson
Luke 14 verses 1, 15- 24

It might surprise some of you to know that in the days of our Lord Jesus the greatest stumbling block to his preaching did not come from the ungodly nor nations around about him but rather from the religious establishment - the scribes, Pharisees and doctors of the law.   Verse 1 shows clearly he was being watched.  The Pharisees were watching the Lord, if he said or did anything they didn`t like they would soon tell him.  They watched his works and wonders.  Not much has changed over the past number of years.  The greatest stumbling block comes today from the religious crowd.  The Lord begins to speak in verse 16.  He uses a parable, an earthly story and identifying with it a spiritual and practical application.  A man made a supper and told everyone to come and enjoy it with him.  Those who were invited began to make excuses.  There is a prophetic application here - Jesus came to be the Savour of Israel but the Jewish nation rejected him "he came to his own and his own received him not." (John 1 verse 11)  There is the evangelistic application, the servant goes out into the streets of the city, then into the hedges and byways.  The Christian should be busy inviting others to come under the sound of God`s word, to enjoy the blessing God has for them.  There is the gospel application, we are invited to come and enjoy the good things God has provided for us.   Song of Solomon 2 verse 4 "he brought me into his banqueting house and his banner over me is love."  I wonder have you ever responded to that wonderful invitation and experienced Christ`s love in your life and circumstances?  There are 4 simple things to consider in this story.

A banquet that is provided.  Picture the scene.  Here`s the man who is wealthy, he is able to employ servants, he opens the door of his house and it is large enough to accommodate anyone who wants to come in.  He is also kind and benevolent.  The man invites people to a feast, to his community and beyond to enter into his home, to eat and drink, to enjoy food, fellowship and friendship together.  It is free of charge to all.  He has paid the price.  He is inviting people to come.  Time is involved.  Expenses are incurred.  This reminds me of the good good things God has prepared for us in the gospel.  The gospel could be described as a great feast.  The Psalmist said in chapter 23 "thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies."  When someone comes to the Lord and takes him as Saviour he soon discovers he has prepared a table for them where their hunger and thirst can be filled.  They can be nourished and satisfied by God.  There are a number of things spread before us in the gospel - forgiveness of sins, peace with God, the future is secure, assurance of heavens access.  Maybe today your soul is empty, hungry and thirsting for something you know you don`t have.  You are still struggling with fears and doubts, afraid to die.  All can be experienced through the gospel.  Think of the marriage supper of the Lamb, when every nation, tribe and tongue will sit around the table of God.  "All things are now ready" the door has been opened.  "There was none other good enough to pay the price of sin, he only could unlock the gates of heaven and let us in."  The door is wide open today.  The price has been paid.  All things are now ready.  The Lord has paid the debt of sin on the cross of Calvary.  The food has been prepared.  The servants are all ready to serve.  Everything is ready for you.  Religion is all about what man can do but Christianity is all about what Christ has done.  Nothing more is needed.  All has been done by Christ on the cross.

An invitation that was extended.  Verse 17.  It is a lovely thing to receive an invitation, whether it is for an anniversary, a simple invitation to someone`s home, a wedding invitation or some other special occasion.  An invitation needs to be responded to.  Here`s an invitation extended to you and the world today.  "Come for all things are now ready".  The invitation is broad and liberal.  He invited many - verse 16 - in his community, his district but also further afield.  The Bible says it is for the whosoever - John 3 verse 16. This invitation is extended to you.  The invitation is simple - "come".  Children can communicate before they can articulate.  God in heaven stretches out his hands and invites you to come.  The invitation is sincere.  Whenever God invites people to come it is not like he is dangling a carrot in front of the donkey teasing it.  He is sincere.  He wants you to come.  He extends his hand of mercy.  "How often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings and ye would not." (Matthew 23 verse 37)  I invited you to come, I sent my prophets and people to declare me unto you, I even sent my Son but ye will not come that you might have life.  The invitation is also urgent "come for all things are now ready".  He sent his servants out at supper time.  There were not many hours left in the day.  The invitation is urgent and vital.  How far are we into the supper hours of our lives?  Or maybe even the supper time of the gospel?  God has invited you, you do not realise how vital and urgent things really are - "boast not thyself of tomorrow." (Proverbs 27 verse 1)  Salvation is always speaking of the present.  The invitation was repeated - verse 23.  How many times have you been invited to come to Christ?  How do I come?  Just as you are today is all you need.  

The offer that was refused.  Verse 18.  They had been invited before and said yes but now the specific invitation had come and they said no.  Perhaps that is the same with you.  People generally say yes but specifically they say no  These men had different excuses not to come.  The first excuse was a piece of ground has been bought and they had to go and inspect it.  How many would have bought a piece of ground without having looked at it first?  Why go at this time of day?  It was supper time.  The next excuse was the man had just bought 5 yoke of oxen.  He didn`t look at them before he bought them and was about to go out and prove them.  Again who would buy without looking at them first?  The third excuse was he had just got married.  I would think the wife was also invited but she didn`t want to come.  Maybe you have got excuses for not getting saved.  I am a good person, I don`t need to be saved.  I am too big a sinner to get saved.  I have a habit I cannot get rid of.  My heart is so hard and unbelieving.  I might lose my friends.  What if I fail to live the Christian life?  I am so weak.  What about my business, will it be affected?  Maybe I am too late, God spoke to me years ago and I did not respond.  I am still young, I have plenty of time to get saved.  I have my church.  I don`t have very much faith.  There are so many hypocrites in the church.  You are invited to come to Christ.  You will account for your own life.  The master in this story was so grieved and angry at these excuses - verse 21.  What will be your excuse one day at the great white throne?

The people who responded.  Verse 21.  The poor, the maimed, the halt and the blind.  Lives destroyed.  They knew their place and could take their position at this supper.  People in the world who think they don`t matter.  Maybe you feel the same.  They are not religious.  They have so many faults in the past.  They are ashamed in spite of it all.  They responded immediately.  There was still room though.  The master told them to go out yet again into the hedges and byways.  They were to plead with them to come in.  Will you not trust in Christ today?  Give your heart and life and enter in.  Verse 24 the men that made the excuses would not have been invited again.  Maybe today you will hear God`s voice for the last time - do not delay but come.  Will you come to him today?

Monday, 8 October 2018


Sermon notes from Sunday 7 October 2018 by Rev John Hayes
Matthew 4 verses 1 - 11
The temptations which Jesus Christ faced.  The baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the River Jordan maked the beginning of Jesus` ministry.  Jesus was probably about 30 years of age.  He was physically and spiritually mature.  As he comes out of the water the heavens opened and the Spirit descended on him like a dove.  He was anointed for the great ministry he was to embark on.  All 3 of the Gospel writers record this event - Matthew 3 verse 16, Mark 1 verse 10, Luke 3 verse 22 and John 1 verse 32.   These 4 recordings are very significant in scripture.  We must realise that the Holy Spirit is economic with words and expression.  God is placing here the importance on this event.  This was a moment, a great unique moment in the life of Jesus.  The symbol of the dove is very striking.  The dove symbolised purity, harmlessness and gentleness.  God could not have chosen a more wonderful symbol of the Holy Spirit.  If God has blessed you and you come into deep experience of blessing with the Lord watch out because the very next thing that will happen is Satan will attack you.  After the approval of heaven comes the assault of hell.  Jesus entered into this conflict under the leading of the Holy Spirit.  It was not that Jesus was going along and he was attacked by the enemy.  Jesus entered this conflict under the leading of the Holy Spirit.  It was a divine appointment.  It was not at the instigation of the devil.  Satan was not challenging Jesus but Satan was challenging God himself.  Jesus faced this temptation as a perfect man, not as perfect God.  It is impossible for God to be tempted with evil.  It would have been no contest because God cannot be tempted with evil.  Jesus faced this contest as the second Adam.  He had come as the Saviour of the world.  The time of this testing was very significant.  It was not the first time Satan had tempted Jesus.  The Bible tells us he was "in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin." (Hebrews 4 verse 15)  Jesus was tempted in his own life.  We need to realise that he was tempted in every area of his life.  When Satan attacked Christ nothing was left out.  Every area of his manhood, any temptation that ever came for man in his desires, Jesus was tempted in every area of his life and he overcame.  That is why we can overcome through his power.  When he indwells us he is in control in our lives.  He gives us grace and help to overcome in that time of temptation and trouble.  This time of temptation was to do with his public ministry and working of redemption.  He was being prepared for this great ministry that lay before him.  Remember when he commissioned his disciples after his death, 3 1/2 years of public ministry when he preached and taught them everything he knew.  What would it have been like to have been with Jesus?  Not just to have his physical appearance but his personality and being.  There was a stamp of graciousness on his life.  He was an attractive person.  People didn`t flee from Jesus, he had a drawing influence on people.  When it was noised abroad that he was in the area they flocked to him.  They could have come with ulterior motives but they also came because they wanted to hear words whereby they might be saved.  Remember when the soldiers were sent out to arrest him and they came back empty, they said no man ever spoke like this man.  It had such an impact on their lives.  Instead of arresting him they were overcome by his ministry and teaching so couldn`t do it and returned to their masters without doing it.  What would it have been like to accompany him for 3 1/2 years?  Yes through his death they had mixed feelings and felt betrayed but after the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost they were empowered to go out and live for Christ.  The only man in that original bad of disciples who died a natural death was John.  Some suffered terrible deaths, burnt alive, slain in half but they had such an impact on people`s lives.  I don`t believe you could have listened to Jesus and not have been challenged.  It is impossible not to have been responsive to Jesus Christ.  He was such a person.  This temptation, it was really a very powerful one.  It was a conflict with a real and powerful enemy.  There are people today who deny the existence of the devil.  They would say "sure the devil is not too worried about that."  There is a devil.  Some even deny believing God created him.  He was a perfect holy creature, his name was Lucifer, the anointed cherub.  To deny the existence of Satan infers that all the evil in the world is to come to the final analysis that God is the author of sin and evil.  This would be blasphemy.  There is an evil person in this world.  An evil force.  When you turn your back on the devil you will know there is a devil out there.  He will get attacks, thing will be launched against you.  There is evil out there and it stalk your tracks and the tracks of every person who wants to live for Christ.  The enemy chose 3 lines of attacks.  There are 3 ways in which anyone can be tempted.  1 John 2 verse 16.  

Satan attacked Jesus in 3 ways - the first line was the lust of the flesh.  Paul said he knew in his flesh there was no good thing.  We live in a human body, we have appetites in that body.  We need to keep them under control.  Jesus was tempted with the lusts of the flesh.  C H Spurgeon talking about sin said "some have a desire but not the opportunity, some have the opportunity and not the desire but woe unto you when opportunity and desire meet."

The second appeal was to the lust of the eye.  David saw a young woman washing herself.  These things are in the word of God as a warning to us.  David took that young woman, sinned and as a result incurred the wrath of God.  In his actions Bathsheba`s husband died first then 70,000 people also died.  The consequences of his sin was far reaching.

The third attack is to the pride of life.  A very subtle attack and Satan can attack everyone in this area of life.  Will this benefit me?  Something that comes my way ask yourself - will it make me look better, benefit others, will this make me more important in the community, will this create for me a good image, will it give greater influence to what I have known?  Everyone of us will be tempted in this area.  We will be tempted in each of these 3 areas.  Jesus was tempted yet he overcame them all.  Jesus silenced the enemy with the word of God.  It is important that we know the word of God.  We need to be familiar with the scripture in any given situation we are attacked in.  There are hundreds of thousands of Christians who have never read the whole word of God completely at least once.  How will they defend themselves when Satan attacks?

What is the value in Christ`s temptation for us?  Through Christ`s victory we can become "more than conquerors through him that loved us" (Romans 8 verse 37).  There is grace, help, power available for us in the person of Christ.  I believe it is profitable to consider this great temptation that Jesus faced.  Had he failed it was all over.  Had the second Adam been brought down that would have been it, Christ would never have made the effort to redeem mankind.