Saturday, 18 August 2018

The devil`s agent - Elymas

Sermon notes from Sunday 23 August 2015 pm
Acts 13 verses 1 - 12
The devil`s agent

Elymas the sorcerer withstood the preachers of the gospel, he sought to turn away the deputy from the faith.  Paul comes to Paphos.  Perhaps Sergius Paulus and Elymas were good friends but notice what happens in verse 8 Elymas was "seekng to turn away the deputy from the faith."  The devil will try to turn you away from the gospel of faith.  Little is said of this account but what is said has so much Satanic influence.  To keep this man blinded to the truth of the gospel.  Tonight the angels of Satan still are doing the same - when the gospel is proclaimed they will try to oppose it in every way possible.

The search here that he perceived
He perceived something in his soul, in the depths of his heart.  The deputy was seeking someting other that material gain.  His emperor was Sergius Paulas.  He sent for Paul and Barnabas and "desired to hear the word of God."  He was disturbed in his soul.  He couldn`t find the peace of God.  This man was a Roman general.  He could have been put to death for sending for these 2 men.  He had come to the place where he realised he was not saved.  They were preaching something he didn`t have.  We see here in Acts 13 of the background to this.  The church of Antioch had a time of fasting and praying and into the fellowship came the Holy Spirit who asked them to separate Barnabas and Saul for the "work whereunto I have called them."  Here we find them in Paphos where this man`s office was, that this man`s heart began to be stirred.  He was concerned about his soul.  The devil was in the right man at the same time.  He perceived there was something going on in the deputy`s life.  He set out to oppose these 2 men preaching the gospel of Christ.  Your life is lying in the balance.  The devil knows that.  He is out to keep your soul in darkness.  Already you are beginning to get concerned.  You have never been saved, brought your burden of sin to Christ, never accepted Christ as Saviour.  Maybe God is showing you your need of salvation, what you need to be doing.  The deputy was searching.  Remember the rich young man who came to Jesus one day.  He had everything he could possible want but he didn`t have satisfaction for the longing and hungering in his heart.  He wasn`t saved.  He didn`t have the peace of God.  If he stepped out into eternity he would be lost.  There was a searching going on.  This Roman desired to hear the word of God.  There is a desire and longing upon your heart tonight.  Maybe this man spoke to his friend about the word of God.  The devil`s agent could see something changing in him.  He had to be quick to try and turn him away from the faith.  Maybe this Roman general had heard something of the message Saul and Barnabas were preaching.  This man had a hunger in his heart.  If there is a desire in your heart to be saved there will be a tremendous battle in your heart.  The word of God tells me how I might find peace with God.  He did everything in his power to oppose the gospel and keep this man back from hearing the word of God.  Remember Paul being brought in front of Felix in Acts 24 verse 24.  "After certain days ... he sent for Paul and heard him concerning the faith in Christ."  There was something more going on in his heart.

The subtlety that was prevented - verse 10
Paul talks to Elymas, he was preventing the correct ways of the Lord.  The devil began to defend his property.  When we were born we were born into the family of the devil.  Satan holds firmly to you.  There is only one way to be released - by coming to faith in the Lord, taking him as Saviour.  The battle that went on in this first century is no different to the battle raging even now.  In Thessalonica Paul preached and had to leave very quickly.  He longed to get back to them, he knew the teaching they needed, there were things they lacked in their faith.  He tried often to get back to them but he said "Satan hindered me".  When he preached in the synagogue people got saved.  The Pharisees raised up trouble and Paul and his followers had to flee quickly out of there.  That is why you will get opposition - because the devil knows rightly that piece of information could mean he loses his property.  Your soul is in the balance.  When a man or woman gets interested in the gospel Satan gets into the background and conceals himself but he will fight you every way.  This man had the authority to meet the preacher, so too had the sorcerer but he withstood them.  In Acts 19 Paul was in Ephesus preaching the word of God, things started to happen, people became interested, they were stirred in their heart, there was a conviction of sin.  In Ephesus there was the worship of the goddess Diana.  A silversmith named Demtrieus who made shrines for the goddess Diana was worried about his livelihood.  He gathered up all the merchant men of his craft.  They were being affected by this man preaching about Jesus - verses 26 and 27.  The whole city was in confusion or uproar as a result.  Sometimes the devil can cause an uproar even today.  John Wesley had to face stampeeding horses in his day.  The people who withstood him because the devil caused the uproar.  The devil comes to you tonight and says "you are too old to get saved" or "you are too young to get saved, you have your whole life ahead of you."  Perhaps he is telling you that you are too bad or too good, you are doing all the things necessary for your church.  The subtlety of the devil.  Then perhaps he uses the method of telling you that the preacher is right but think about it for a while, don`t rush into it just now. 

The evidence that was pronounced - verse 11
God brought a blindness on him that he couldn`t see.  He would remove him so that this man would get saved.  God still has the power to break the barriers in your life if you will only step away from them.  Maybe you are waiting on something to happn before you will accept.  He is to be found of him that seek for him with all their heart.  God can clear every fear, he is well able to abolish it as he did with this man.  God smote this man with blindness.  God will remove everything from your life if you are prepared to come to him.

A salvation that is powerful - verse 12
This man believed when he saw what God could really do.  "But God be thanked that ye were the servants of sin but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine whish was delivered you." Romans 6 verse 17  "From a child thou hast know the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." 2 Timothy 3 verse 15

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