Sunday, 26 August 2018

A passion for our families

Sermon notes from Sunday 26 August 2018
Joshua 2 verses 12 - 21, 6 verses 22 - 25

Many commentators have said different things about Rahab.  Some of it has been in a derrogative maner.  Some speak of the life she lived, the place she lived in and the things she did there in Jericho.  I want us to consider today the passion Rahab had for her family.  What was happening at this time?  Rahab lived in the city of Jericho.  The nation of Israel were on the move.  They had come out of Egypt and were going into the Promised Land.  God said he would give to them this land of promise.  However, the city of Jericho stood before that blessing of promse.  Sometimes there is an obstacle in the Christian way.  Sometimes we try to get rid of the obstacle our way but it never works out.  Then God comes and takes us through the obstacle.  He didn`t take his children around Jericho but through it.  There are some things that hold us back from the blessing of God and he takes us through those obstacles.  Joshua very wisely sent his spies into Jericho to see what is happening.  They came to the house of Rahab because she owned a house of entertainment.  That is where the people all gathered together and heard snippets of convesation.  When Rahab spoke to the spies she knew she was in danger, she knew she had to help the spies.   What was on her mind most of all was her family.  God has given us families we are responsible for.  Rahab was heathen when we first meet her.

Rahab`s praises of God.  She was willing to put God in his right place, happy to receive the God of heaven.  God has his people in the right place.  God always has his people where he needs and wants them to be.  All that was in Rahab`s mind was her family.  She asked these spies to save her father and mother, her brothers and her sisters - verse 13.  All she wanted was to make sure her family were safe and sound.  She told the spies in verses 9 and 10 "I know that the Lord hath given you the land.  I know what the Lord can do."  Wouldn`t it be great to be able to say "I know the Lord can do something very special for this person that is close to my heart."  The Lord can save those we love in the presence of God today.  This woman was following the nation of Israel, she had heard so much of the delivery out of Egypt when the blood of the lamb was sprinkled on the doorposts and that action saved millions in one night.  She had heard how they had walked out of Egypt that night.  Here`s this woman putting God first "we know something of what this God of yours has down, what he can do and will do  She thought of how the Lord had opened up the Red Sea.  Her heart is beginning to melt.  Then she talks about the kings of the Amorites and what the Israelites did.  What a great lesson there is here for us - to come to that place and ask God where he is in our lives.  Is he number 1 today on the throne of our lives and nothing else matters?  The author in Hebrews said "without faith it is impossible to please God."  What was God doing here?  She was placing God before her and was willing to prove that God was able to do more than she could think or feel.  Remember Andrew when he heard John the Baptist saying "Behold the Lamb of God?"  He immediately followed the Lord and the Lord turned to him and asked him "what seekest thou?"  Andrew said "where dwellest thou?"  He spent the whole day in the presence of the Lord, he knew that day Christ was the Lord and he went and told his brother Peter.  Andrew thought of every sacrifice of the lambs on the altar and how one day God would send his son to be the sacrifice for the sin of the world.

Rahab`s prayers for her family.  Verses 12 and 13 - she wanted to be sure her family would be saved.  She sees the judgment of God close at hand.  The wrath of God would fall on them.  She was to see her family saved in light of what was about to happen.  She prayed for her loved ones.  As we look around us surely the day of the Lord is at hand.  Surely the Lord  is about to come for his family once more.  That should give us urgency to pray for our loved ones.  We looked at Nehemiah as he repaired and rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem.  He gathered the people together and they began to build.  Day by day he encouraged them as the enemy sought to persuade them to stop.   The devil would still seek to discourage us today but we need to keep at it today.  Nehemiah 4 verse 14 "be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your houses."  The devil wants to hold them in his grasp from getting saved, the last thing he wants us to do is get a passion for our loved ones.  Rahab realised there was nothing more she could do than to pray for her loved ones.  Remember Hannah, she brought Samuel back to the house of God and said "this is the child I prayed for."  What a testimony to have.  Praying for our children and families.  Job rose up early in the morning to sacrifice for his family because he feared that they might have sinned against God.  Maybe you love the altar of prayer and God`s precious word - the enemy comes in and tries to attack you during such times.
The provision that was made for Rahab - verses 15 and 16.  Rahab got a cord.  She told the spies that they could not go out through the door again because there may be some watching for them.  They told her to place the red cord in the window and when they came back into the land she and her family would be saved - verse 18.  Her house would become a place of safety and salvation for her family.  All that were behind this cord would be safe.  Rahab would have to point them to that crimson cord.  That cord speaks of Calvary.  We have to point our families to that place of provision at Calvary.  It as all that they needed, there was only place of safety - behind that crimson cord.

Rahab`s pursuit.  She has an idea of who God is, now she has a different view point.  There is a different way of looking at things.  God becomes our friend when we come to Christ.  He is the one we turn to.  She prayed for her family.  She pursued her family.  She told them all would be well.  The praying was over.  She must go out and speak to her family, point them to the place of safety.  There was a time when she prayed and pleaded but now she must put feet to those prayer and promise to gather her loved ones into the place that is provided for her safety.  Verse 18 "thou shalt bring they father and thy mother and thy brothers and all thy father`s household, home unto thee."  Remember Cornelius praying in his own house one day and the angel came down and told him to send for Peter in Joppa for he would tell him words whereby he might be saved.  Then when Peter arrived at the house he found a household all gathered there.  Cornelius had been at work when the angel came and told him to send for Peter.  The Lord`s Spirit will tell you what you need to hear.  May we be in pursuit of our loved ones today.

Rahab`s prize - chapter 6 verses 24 and 25.  She had them all gathered in for that day.  God looked on Rahab`s obedience and faithfulness and blessed her in the salvation of her father`s house.  She proved the promise of the spies to her.  When they saw the red cord they realised she had done her work and seized the opportunity to bring her family into the place of security.

Saturday, 18 August 2018

A look in the wrong direction

Sermon notes from Sunday 14 May 2017 pm
Luke 12 verses 13 – 21
A look in the wrong direction

This young man was looking for something to satisfy his soul yet couldn’t find it because he was looking in the wrong direction.  He asked Jesus to speak to his brother so that his brother would divide an inheritance they had.  Jesus in reply referred to ’a man’s life’ in verse 15 and had something to say that was very positive.
The void that is in a man`s life.  Here’s a man amongst a crowd of people.  The Lord was in the presence of this young man teaching and preaching.  Somehow the young man’s mind is closed, fixed on one thing – on the inheritance he had been cut off from.  Is your mind already closed to the things the Lord would speak to you about?  “Except you be born again ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.”  Somehow you are confused, you think you are on your way to heaven and home.  You don’t need this new birth but there is a void in your way.  It is a space that the natural things cannot fill.  It is not in the things we have, the riches of this world.  Your soul lies in the very balance.  That is why Jesus came into the world, that he would die on the cross, shed his blood, to give his life for your sin.  Can you imagine the preciousness of your life tonight?  Man was made and created for something very special.  He was made of the dust of the earth.  God breathed into him and he became a living soul.  God came down and had fellowship with man.  That communion was however broken and it has left a void in our hearts.  We were conceived as sinners.  A broken relationship with the eternal God.  When God came down to the Garden of Eden he couldn’t find Adam – where art thou?  Adam had to confess he was hiding from the one who created him, the one who made him.  Ever since then there has been a great aching void in every man because we are cut off from God.  Are you without Christ?  Then you are without hope and without God.  There is that void in your heart.  You can try as you like, as much as you want.  “A man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth.”  Jesus told the story of the parable of the farmer.  He had everything he could ever possibly want. Did it bring happiness and joy to his heart?  He only thought of things that were to come, the leisure he would have, the pleasure he would have.  It didn’t bring satisfaction to his soul though.  When he departed this world he had nothing, he was in poverty.  Is there a void in that soul of yours?  You are trying to fill it up with possessions, friends, places, trying to fill that gap.

The value of a man’s life.  The young man wanted the inheritance more than anything else.  That would not bring him happiness or joy.  Having his sins forgiven and being reconciled to God, made anew in Christ, having heaven as his home in the future would however.  This young man in the crowd had the wrong idea of life.  He was looking in the wrong direction for satisfaction.  James described life as a vapour that appears for a short time but then vanishes.  The life span of man could be valued at three score years and ten but what about your lifestyle during that time?  Have you ever come to that place where you have thought about the day when you close your eyes in death?  Come to the cross of Calvary, look on Christ, the one who took every sin, died to satisfy the God of heaven in the salvation of your soul.  What is the value of your soul?  Even the very hairs of your head are numbered.  Not one of the sparrows will fall to the ground but God in heaven knows about it.  God values your soul more than these.  You could have all the wealth of the world but for what?

The vision for the life of man.  Jesus speaks to this man in the crowd.  He is steering him away to the right way, trying to take him away from the thoughts he would have, steering him to the right pathway.  Jesus talked of the broad and narrow way.   He was trying to point people to that narrow way.  This young man had everything he thought he would ever need.  Jesus told a story of a farmer who had as he thought a life time to enjoy his crops but all was taken from him that very night.  The farmer boasted of having so much.  The God of heaven came to him and said “this night thy soul is required of thee.”  Not tomorrow or the next night but this night.  He boasted of having many years before him but that very night his life was taken from him.  This man had to leave everything and so will you.  It doesn`t matter how much of a gain you make in this old world.  Moses was brought up in the education of Egypt.  He made a decision one day to leave the riches and splendour behind.  He would take his stand with the downtrodden people of God.  He gave up all those riches for the God of heaven.  What are you prepared to give up to take Christ as your own Saviour?  God was not willing that any should perish.  Jesus stands with outstretched arms, he does everything to prevent you going to a lost and Christless hell.  Jesus himself said “you will not come that you might have life.”

The victory for man`s life.  It is at the close of Calvary Jesus died to reconcile mankind unto himself.  He came into this world.  He was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.  We need a right relationship with God, to know our sins forgiven.  “He breaks the power of cancelled sin and sets the prisoner free.”  For the child of God at the end of life God draws very close.  He is looking over that child about to come into his presence. What about it tonight?  Are you like the young man standing in the crowd, having closed your mind about everything else and are thinking of things eternal?  Can you claim the cross of Christ?  Will you trust Christ tonight?  Will you give him your life and soul?  He asks you to come and trust him this very moment, don’t miss out on God’s salvation.

The Devils Agent - Demetrius

Sermon notes from Sunday 30 August 2015 pm
Acts 19 verses 23 – chapter 20 verse 1
The Devil’s agents

The devil’s agents are placed very strategically in the right places just to be brought forth at the right time.  When the enemy seeks to disturb a meeting, to hinder men and women coming to Christ.  We might think we have to go into the dens of iniquity, the night clubs, those selling drugs to young people.  Quite rightly so.  The angels of the devil himself are posted right away in these meetings.  The parable of the sower – the sower goes forth to sow seed.  The seed fell on hard ground, the birds would come down and pick it up.  It was likened to man preaching the gospel of saving grace.  Those who do not take it seriously, then cometh the devil and he lifts away the good seed of the word of God lest men and women be saved.  That is the situation you are in today.  As you are hear the word of God and fail to respond to it, to repent of your sin and be gloriously saved, the devil comes down and takes that seed out of your heart.  There is a tremendous battle for souls tonight.  When Paul presented the gospel in all its fullness he alone had his agents there.  Here we have Demetrius who made silver shrines to the goddess Diana.

The worship that was performed.  There was a religious atmosphere in this city.  In the Garden of Eden when man was first created by God he became a living soul.  Satan brought man down to a place of sin through one situation.  That one act all those years ago has affected our lives ever since.  You and I are cut off from God, not on our way to heaven.  Naturally speaking we are on our way to a Christless hell.  God in his mercy sent his son to die for us that we might be saved, that we might be brought back into communion with God.  There is one way to heaven and home, to be reconciled to God, to have the barrier of sin taken away and that is through Christ alone.  He is the mediator between God and man.  In Revelation 13 we are introduced to the beast and the false prophet.  There is coming a time when Jesus will come back and take the church.  Something will happen on this old earth, if we are not saved there is a likelihood we will be on this earth when the anti-Christ will appear.  It goes on to say in Revelation 13 that they worshipped the dragon.  Why?  Because it was he who gave the beast power.  In other words the dragon was Satan himself.  Here in Ephesus they worshipped the image Diana because it had fallen down from Jupiter.  In verses 1 and 2 the preachers began to preach in the synagogue.  In verse 8 we read they began to preach and turned men away from idols.  Let me tell you about the one who came into the world to save you.  At 33 years of age they took him out and placed him on the middle cross, they nailed his hands and feet.  He gave his life for you.  That is the one who Paul preached about in Ephesus.  People turned and gave their lives to Christ.  Thessalonica was another city who turned to God from idols.  There is something in your heart and mind that has taken complete control of your life, that to you is your god.

The work this man Demetrius was involved in.  He made silver shrines to the goddess Diana and he sold them.  He promoted the religion.  Paul instead promoted a Saviour not a religion nor a denomination.  If you are not saved there is a Saviour you can depend on.  He will take you to heaven and to home if you will trust in him.  These people would come to Demetrius, placed their order for these silver pieces, laid their money down and placed their faith in these images.  When it came to the day they would close their eyes in death, Diana could do nothing for them.  If you are not trusting in Christ nothing can be done for you on that day.  Take your eyes off everything else and put them on Christ who gave his life for you.  These people in Ephesus would buy these images, set them in places where they gave them a false peace.  There are many like that today.  They believe in church, give their money in, hear the message of the gospel and leave with a sense of peace but it is a false peace.  Diana was the goddess of fertility.  Farmers would come to Demetrius for an image and place them near their flocks and herds.  Just having the idol there made them believe everything would go well with their animals.  Remember Esau who gave away his birthright for a bowl of meat.  What are you giving up for a relationship with Jesus Christ?  Is there something more important in your life that you cannot set aside, cannot give up?

The witness this man saw.  He was happy in his work.  He was about to be confronted with the word of God.  He was making and selling these shines.  He was going into the temple and worshipping Diana.  His life was about to be challenged and his life would never be the same again.  This man witnessed the preachers coming.  He heard them opening up the word of God.  Miracle after miracle was being wrought at the hands of Paul – verse 12.  This man knew there was power there.  Something happened.  Many sick were healed.  A tremendous power.  The evil spirit though questioned who Paul was – verse 15.  Demetrius saw all that was happening – verses 18 and 19 “So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.”  Maybe there is no blessing in your life because you are not prepared to let something go.  It is holding you back and going on with God, stopping you from getting saved.  God wants you to have done with it.  He wants you to come to the cross, trust him as Saviour and Lord.  When these people did all that “mightly grew the word of God.”  Maybe there is a believer and there is something in that life of yours that is not pleasing to God.  Are you prepared to bring it to God?  Once you do that there will be a blessing.  This man witnessed so much in this city.

The wrath that was displayed.  This man Demetrius brings report to the people, he saw the work of God in his own power.  Here was a man who had a little bit of religion and a little bit of prosperity.  Here was an agent of the devil, doing his best to turn the city away from the gospel.  We read in chapter 20 verse 1 that Paul left there and went to Macedonia.  Set your mind on getting saved, do not allow anything to stop you from getting away from Christ himself, trust him as your Saviour and Lord.

The devil`s agent - Elymas

Sermon notes from Sunday 23 August 2015 pm
Acts 13 verses 1 - 12
The devil`s agent

Elymas the sorcerer withstood the preachers of the gospel, he sought to turn away the deputy from the faith.  Paul comes to Paphos.  Perhaps Sergius Paulus and Elymas were good friends but notice what happens in verse 8 Elymas was "seekng to turn away the deputy from the faith."  The devil will try to turn you away from the gospel of faith.  Little is said of this account but what is said has so much Satanic influence.  To keep this man blinded to the truth of the gospel.  Tonight the angels of Satan still are doing the same - when the gospel is proclaimed they will try to oppose it in every way possible.

The search here that he perceived
He perceived something in his soul, in the depths of his heart.  The deputy was seeking someting other that material gain.  His emperor was Sergius Paulas.  He sent for Paul and Barnabas and "desired to hear the word of God."  He was disturbed in his soul.  He couldn`t find the peace of God.  This man was a Roman general.  He could have been put to death for sending for these 2 men.  He had come to the place where he realised he was not saved.  They were preaching something he didn`t have.  We see here in Acts 13 of the background to this.  The church of Antioch had a time of fasting and praying and into the fellowship came the Holy Spirit who asked them to separate Barnabas and Saul for the "work whereunto I have called them."  Here we find them in Paphos where this man`s office was, that this man`s heart began to be stirred.  He was concerned about his soul.  The devil was in the right man at the same time.  He perceived there was something going on in the deputy`s life.  He set out to oppose these 2 men preaching the gospel of Christ.  Your life is lying in the balance.  The devil knows that.  He is out to keep your soul in darkness.  Already you are beginning to get concerned.  You have never been saved, brought your burden of sin to Christ, never accepted Christ as Saviour.  Maybe God is showing you your need of salvation, what you need to be doing.  The deputy was searching.  Remember the rich young man who came to Jesus one day.  He had everything he could possible want but he didn`t have satisfaction for the longing and hungering in his heart.  He wasn`t saved.  He didn`t have the peace of God.  If he stepped out into eternity he would be lost.  There was a searching going on.  This Roman desired to hear the word of God.  There is a desire and longing upon your heart tonight.  Maybe this man spoke to his friend about the word of God.  The devil`s agent could see something changing in him.  He had to be quick to try and turn him away from the faith.  Maybe this Roman general had heard something of the message Saul and Barnabas were preaching.  This man had a hunger in his heart.  If there is a desire in your heart to be saved there will be a tremendous battle in your heart.  The word of God tells me how I might find peace with God.  He did everything in his power to oppose the gospel and keep this man back from hearing the word of God.  Remember Paul being brought in front of Felix in Acts 24 verse 24.  "After certain days ... he sent for Paul and heard him concerning the faith in Christ."  There was something more going on in his heart.

The subtlety that was prevented - verse 10
Paul talks to Elymas, he was preventing the correct ways of the Lord.  The devil began to defend his property.  When we were born we were born into the family of the devil.  Satan holds firmly to you.  There is only one way to be released - by coming to faith in the Lord, taking him as Saviour.  The battle that went on in this first century is no different to the battle raging even now.  In Thessalonica Paul preached and had to leave very quickly.  He longed to get back to them, he knew the teaching they needed, there were things they lacked in their faith.  He tried often to get back to them but he said "Satan hindered me".  When he preached in the synagogue people got saved.  The Pharisees raised up trouble and Paul and his followers had to flee quickly out of there.  That is why you will get opposition - because the devil knows rightly that piece of information could mean he loses his property.  Your soul is in the balance.  When a man or woman gets interested in the gospel Satan gets into the background and conceals himself but he will fight you every way.  This man had the authority to meet the preacher, so too had the sorcerer but he withstood them.  In Acts 19 Paul was in Ephesus preaching the word of God, things started to happen, people became interested, they were stirred in their heart, there was a conviction of sin.  In Ephesus there was the worship of the goddess Diana.  A silversmith named Demtrieus who made shrines for the goddess Diana was worried about his livelihood.  He gathered up all the merchant men of his craft.  They were being affected by this man preaching about Jesus - verses 26 and 27.  The whole city was in confusion or uproar as a result.  Sometimes the devil can cause an uproar even today.  John Wesley had to face stampeeding horses in his day.  The people who withstood him because the devil caused the uproar.  The devil comes to you tonight and says "you are too old to get saved" or "you are too young to get saved, you have your whole life ahead of you."  Perhaps he is telling you that you are too bad or too good, you are doing all the things necessary for your church.  The subtlety of the devil.  Then perhaps he uses the method of telling you that the preacher is right but think about it for a while, don`t rush into it just now. 

The evidence that was pronounced - verse 11
God brought a blindness on him that he couldn`t see.  He would remove him so that this man would get saved.  God still has the power to break the barriers in your life if you will only step away from them.  Maybe you are waiting on something to happn before you will accept.  He is to be found of him that seek for him with all their heart.  God can clear every fear, he is well able to abolish it as he did with this man.  God smote this man with blindness.  God will remove everything from your life if you are prepared to come to him.

A salvation that is powerful - verse 12
This man believed when he saw what God could really do.  "But God be thanked that ye were the servants of sin but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine whish was delivered you." Romans 6 verse 17  "From a child thou hast know the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." 2 Timothy 3 verse 15

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ

Sermon notes from Sunday 30 August 2015 am
Romans 1 verses 1 - 17

Paul is planning a journey, he wants to go to the city of Roman, enjoy fellowship with believers, wants to preach the unsearchable riches of grace, he wants to see men and women saved by the gospel.  What does the gospel mean to you and I today?  Paul made this great statement in verse 16 "for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."  When Paul took the letters out of the priest`s hand in Jerusalem on the way to Damascus he asked for the authority to continue the work he had started, to break up the spread of the gospel.  As he made his way out of Jerusalem at midday a light shone from heaven.  That light took him to the dust of the ground.  There he was gloriously saved.  His life was transformed, changed, never to be the same again.  Has your life been transformed by the gospel message?  Totally changed, never the same again since that day?  Paul could said "every time I look at the gospel message I know what happened in this life of mine, the gospel transformed me totally, changed me forever."

A revelation from God.  "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith." Paul knew what he preached was the revelation of God`s salvation for every soul on this planet.  The devil knows in this one verse lies something of the great importance of the plan God had for lost mankind.    There is a mark that has been set.  Man has tried to achieve that mark through his own efforts but failed.  God knew that so he sent his son to live and die on this earth, to shed his precious blood so that we could be saved.  Romans 10 verse 3 "For they being ignorant of God`s righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God."  There are people still trying to do that - doing the best they can.  The apostle Paul sat at the feet of a man called Gamaliel, a clever man who ever existed in the Jewish nation.  Paul listened to every word but when he was saved by God`s grace he went to the Arabian desert for 3 years and God taught him the righteousness of God.  The gospel is unique because when the gospel is planted in the hearts of men and women it will bring forth fruit unto eternal life.  Paul said "I neither received it of men nor taught it of men but by the revelation of Jesus Christ."

The responsibility he has for the gospel.  He had that placed on him when he was saved.  "I am a debtor both to the Greeks and to the Barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise."  There was a great obligation on Paul.  Paul knew what had happened in his life, that it had transformed him.  He had the responsibility of going out into the world to bring men and women in to hear the gospel.  Moses heading to the land of Canaan asked his family to go with him.  Paul talked about an obligation on him.  There are souls you need to reach and maybe it will be the last opportunity for them to hear the gospel, to come and put their trust in the saving grace.  The responsibility that is on us today.  There are people sitting in darkness, know nothing of the gospel, they are on their way to a Christless hell.  Will you take time to tell them of the gospel?  John Wesley used to talk about the 4 alls - all people need to be saved, all people can be saved, all people can know they are saved and people can be saved to the uttermost.

The responsibility of praying.  In Ephesians we read about putting on the armour of God.  Every piece of the armour should be put on with prayer.  Then Paul asks for prayer for himself "that utterance may be given unto me that i may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel."  We have a responsibility to pray, that God will bring people in to hear the gospel proclaimed.

The responsibility of gathering.  Cornelius in Acts 9 was praying on his knees when the angel came and told him "your prayers have been heard, send for Peter in Joppa and he will tell you words whereby you might be saved."  Cornelius did as he was instructed.  Peter was praying and he came along to Cornelius` house and found he had gathered all his family and friends in because they wanted to hear what Peter would tell them.  He had a desire to see his loved ones in, to hear what Peter was going to say.

The resentment to the gospel.  We will be opposed, will face opposition.  Paul said "I am not ashamed, I will still come back to the word of God, keep preaching the gospel of saving grace."
The reality of the gospel.  Why was he not ashamed - because it is the power of God.  I have witnessed that in lives, seen it at work.  Have we witnessed the gospel?  Paul said to those around him "I have seen this gospel work and at work in a man who was cold in Philippi.  A callous, hard, greedy man, seen him asking me what he needed to do to be saved, asking Christ to come into his life.  He then gathered his loved ones and friends in to hear the gospel."  That is the reality of the gospel - if we know that reality we need to pray for the wisdom to deal with it.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

What think ye of Christ?

Sermon notes from Sunday 29 July 2018 pm Mr Ian Booth
Matthew 22 verse 42 (think), Hosea 14 verse 2 (learn), Revelation 22 verse 17 (take), Isaiah 26 verses 3 and 4 (trust)

What think ye of Christ? A very important question.  What do you think of the Lord will determine what the Lord will do with you at the end of life`s journey.  The way God has created us, given us a mind, the ability to think.  I am sure you could think things through very seriously.  Right thinking leads to right decisions.  We have got to be able to think and work things out tonight.  We are a people who are able to think for ourselves.  The Bible says a lot about thinking, using what God has given us, he doesn`t want you to make uninformed decisions.  The apostle Paul said "whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things." (Philippians 4 verse 8)  This word is true, he wants you to think on what he has said to you, to be with him in heaven.  Another word we find throughout scriptures is "consider".  It is the same root word.  When thinking on something you are giving it serious thought.  We have a great God.  As we think of the Lord he is God manifest in the flesh.  We are to call on his name.  Emmanuel being interpreted God with us.  One who came down into the world, was rejected by men.  "In the beginning was the word."  All things were made by him and without him was not anything made.  That tells us of the greatness of heaven.  Creation declares the glories of God.  Look around at the creation of God.  Thousands of stars, a multitude up there.  God has created every one of them all for his glory.  "When I consider the heavens, the work of thy hands what is man that thou art mindful of him."  The vastness of creation.  Thousands of galaxies.  What is man that God would ever be mindful of him.  Just a speck of dust.  God is interested in every individual.  Not only knows your name and nature, God knows you through and through.   He knows you need to be saved if ever going to be in heaven.  God knows what is in your heart.  He knows your thoughts this evening.  The greatness of this man Christ Jesus.  The goodness of God, provides for us physically.  Psalm 145 verse 16 God opens his hand and satisfies the desire of every living thing.  Every insect, every animal, every person.  Because God is God of all provision he provides for us physically and spiritually.  God has provided a way of salvation through his son to leave the splendours of heaven.  The wonder of his love for sinners like me.  His provision physically and spiritually but also his holiness.  Whenever the rich young ruler came and fell down at the feet of Jesus and said "Good master what shall I do to inherit eternal life", Jesus replied "there is none good except God in heaven."  In Jesus there was no sin.  He was perfect in each and every way.  The goodness of God leads us to repentance.  It speaks of his provision and his holiness.  Consider him who suffered.  Think about him, all he suffered at the place called Calvary.  The pain and suffering.  It is so easy to look at Calvary, see how the Lord was beaten, they pulled the very hairs off his face, they bufetted him, they made a crown of thorns and put it on his head, beating it down with a reed, spitting on him, nailing him to a cross.  On those dark hours God laid on him my sin.  What he had to endure at Calvary.  He suffered the just for the unjust.  That is why he went to Calvary.  He gave himself a ransom for all.  Consider him who suffered such contradiction of sinners.  He bore our sin on his body on the tree.  He was bruised for our iniquities, with his stripes are we healed.  It is only by his shed blood that we can be saved.  We need to think of why He died.  Consider your ways the Bible says because of your sin and mine that the Lord ever came down into the world.  He took my sins on his own body.  We need to consider our ways as we look at Calvary.  Sin so affected the heart of God.  He sent his son down into the world.  Consider our ways but also consider our latter ways.  When you think of the destination at the end of your journey, in heaven or in hell.  Consider the place called hell.  A place of eternal darkness.  You wouldn`t want to go there.  The Bible makes it clear, there are only 2 places, heaven with the Lord or hell without him.  If you died in your sins you cannot be with Christ.  Maybe you have thought at the end of life`s journey I will get into heaven.  Except a man is born again he will never see heaven`s glory.  Thinking on these things will never save you.  Whenever you think of your need of salvation, think about the Lord, where you will spend eternity then you make a decision.  It is then you need to turn unto the Lord.  There is a plan for salvation.  Turn to Christ.  The idea of redemption.  The instructions are to take Christ.  With your words confess your sin, acknowledge you have done wrong, have sinned against heaven.  Like the prodigal son in the far country realised in himself - "I will arise and go unto my father.P  He took with him words by way of repentance and regret.  Psalm 51 David could say "restore unto me the joy of thy salvation."  The publican in Luke 18 took with him words.  2 men walking into the temple to pray, one a publican and the other Pharisee.  The Publican stood afar off and said "Lord be merciful to me a sinner."  Turn unto the Lord.  No point in turning to the preacher or denomination.  They can do nothing for you. The Lord is the only one with whom there is salvation.  There is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved.  Except you repent you will all likewise perish.  Turn from sin and turn unto the Lord.  Peter preached on the day of Pentecost and 3000 souls were saved.  "Repent ye and be converted that your sins may be blotted out."  It is necessary that you repent and turn unto the Lord.  Godly sorrow leads to repentance.  Why shoudl I turn to the Lord?  Because firstly of the problem of sin.  Sin separates us from God.  Sin will keep you out of heaven.  Might look back one day and say "I never done anyone any harm, never done anything only a little white lie or two."  One sin separates you from God.  Unless your sins are washed in the blood of the Lamb you will never make it into heaven.  Sin separates between us and God.  Sin controls lives.  The alcoholic and drug addict are under the control of sin, dominating his life.  We are delivered, set free.  If you are not saved sin is dominating your life tonight, whatever that sin might be holding you back from trusting in Christ.  Sin also destroys lives.  We can see that in society all around us.  Homes being destroyed.  People need help because of sin.  Sins penalty will separate us from the God for all eternity.  "The wages of sin is death."  Separation, eternal life from God.  Why should we turn - because of sin.  What are we turn to - God.  What are we to turn from - sin.  When are we to turn - now.  Repent now.  Acts 17 verse 30 "God now commands all men everywhere to repent because he has appointed a day when he shall judge the world."  The judge is already in place, just waiting for the day of execution.  "The soul that sinneth shall die.  There is good news.  When do we need to turn - now.  Repentance is a change of mind.  There is a great illustration of that in Matthew`s gospel.  When the father tells the son to go into the vineyard and work and he does not.  Later he repented and he went.  That is a change of mind.  Repentance is more than that.  Repentance is a surrender of the will.  I am going to do what my father wants me to do.  He was surrendered at that point.  The apostle Paul was arrested by God on the Damascus Road.  Paul decided then and there that whatever the Lord wanted him to do he would do it.  It is no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me.  Revelation 22 verse 17 refers to "the water of life".  God wants you to have that water tonight.  John 6 verse 37 "if any man thirst let him come unto me and I will give him life."  The moment a man puts his trust in Christ God enters his life.  God pours out his Holy Spirit into his life.  If you repent you can take that life.  There is no limit.  No restrictions to anyone that wants to have forgiveness of sins.  There is no age limit either.  If you want salvation you can come to God.  It is ours for the taking and it is free.  Revelation tells us that there are no restrictions, no questions about your past.  God wants to give you something free tonight.  There is nothing to pay.  God doesn`t ask you to work for it.  It is a gift.  Romans 6 verse 23 "but the gift of God is eternal life."  God want to give you that eternal life.  Not just the quantity but the quality of life.  John 1 verse 12 "to as many as received him gave he the right to become children of God."  Will you allow God to fill that empty void in your life?  Are you thinking tonight that you do need to be saved?  Turn to the Lord and repent of your sin.  Think of those words in Isaiah.  Focus on the mind.  The man who is stayed, fixed on the Lord because his mind is stayed on the Lord.  Trust in the Lord for everything.  For in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.  Trust in the Lord forever.  He will never let your down.  Trust him to keep your soul.  I know whom I have believeth and I know he is able to keep me.  Commit your life to God and he will do the keeping.  Trust him to do the guiding.  He will guide you.  You are the apple of his eye.  "Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you."  It is only the beginning when you trust God.  What you think of Christ will determine what God will do with you. 

The seventh seal of Revelation 8

Sermon notes from Sunday 12 August 2018 am
Revelation 8

Remember how John was told in chapter 1 verse 19 he was to write these things down.  He was told to record those things which he had seen in the past, those things which are in the present and then more importantly those things yet to happen.  As this book unfolds we see a vision John was given on the Isle of Patmos.  He must have taken a second breath at some of the things he saw.  The things we are looking at today in the book of Revelation will one day come to pass.  "My word shall never pass away" Jesus said.  We are looking at something steadfast and true.  

Chapter 8 verse 1 these are the seals God is reading.  The scroll he had received.  The seals are being opened one by one.  In chapter 5 the effects of that opening of the scrolls is seen on earth.  In chapter 6 he opens 6 of those seals.  Then in chapter 8 he opens the seventh seal.  As he opens the seal it is like a telescopic view of what would happen.  The 7 trumpets are about to blow and we notice what God will do on earth.  The anti-Christ will reign on earth.  God seals 144,000 Jews for the preaching of saving grace.  In that time he shows the results of the preaching of the word of God.  Multitudes are saved.  When hell is let loose on earth God is still saving people.  Let`s not give up on God.  He is able to save today.  He is able to reach down and save people today.  When you feel it is too hard to save, God is still able to do it.  From this seal onwards the effects on earth are going to intensify more.  God is pouring out his wrath on a Christ rejecting world.  A world turned against him.  In verses 1 to 5 we see a seventh seal that is opened in heaven.  Verse 1 there is a silence for half an hour in heaven.  All heaven realises that something awful is about to take place.  Something never seen before on earth.  Notice here this little phrase.  God stops for a moment to listen to the prayers of the saints.  Verse 3 who are the saints - are they special people?  People that have been blessed in heaven?  Saints are those who are saved by the grace of God.  We are a saint because of what Jesus has done on the cross, our sins are forgiven, never more to be brought before us.  God heard your prayers today.  Already there is something we should take heed of and give great adherence to.  A time of preparation - verses 6 and 7.  When the trumpets were sounded in the Old Testament it either gathered the people together to march or called them together for assembly.  Verse 7 the first angel sounded - there will come a day when mens hearts will fail them because they wonder what is happening to this world.  In verse 7 the first trumpet which the angel sounded.  A storm never felt in such global aspect before.  Something will happen that has never been felt or seen before.  Jesus himself said of the tribulation there will be nothing like it before.  We are entering in now to the second half of the 7 year period.  The first 3 1/2 years were a time of relative peace.  The anti-Christ was reigning and ruling.  He has now broken that covenant with Israel and the other nations.  Now it is hell on earth.  There is a storm now that the world has never seen the effects of before.  It will affect the weather patterns.  Imagine the scene for a moment.  The church of Jesus Christ, the true blood washed church is no longer on earth.  All manner of evil can now come in as a flood.  Mens hearts are failing them for fear.  Verse 7 hail and fire mingled with blood.  These people had received the mark of the beast, were giving their allegiance to him, following him day and daily.  All seemed well for a while but now hail is falling along with fire mingled with blood.  Exodus 9 verses 25 and 26 "Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven and the Lord sent thunder and hail and the fire ran along upon the ground and the Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt ... and the hail smote throughout all the land of Egypt ... and brake every tree of the field."  This chapter speaks of a third - third part of trees, third part of the sea, third part of the sun, third part of the moon, third part of the stars.  This is not haphazard.  God is in control even at this stage in time.  Not something going to be hit and miss.  A measured response so that man will know it is the divine intervention of God.  This is only going to affect a third.  Trees are an important asset to the environment.  Now a third of those trees will burn up.  70% of animal and plant life is confined to forests today.  Imagine the destruction of land.  Thank God for the saving grace of the Lord.  If you are not saved come and trust him as Saviour.  I do not want to be on the earth when all this happens.  Trumpet 2 is sounded in verse 8.  When the angel sounded the trumpet it affected the seas, the fish and ship industry.  Notice the language John uses.  John is not saying this is a mountain but rather "as it were."  John is saying the only thing he can liken it to is a great mountain being lifted in the heavenly places and cast down to earth.  It is an awful thing.  Something so big that words cannot explain it.  It is as if a mountain came crashing down to earth.  Something that is real, coming from the heavenly places right into the earths atmosphere, right down into the sea.  It affects the shipping and sea life.  John cannot put this vision into words.  A gigantic rock caught by the earths gravitational field.  It becomes as a burning mass as it hit the earth.  This is not a thriller book, this is reality.  It gives the thought of an atmospheric bomb.  The reaction is that the sea is turned to blood.  Exodus chapter 7 verse 17 God has done this same thing in the past and he will do it once more.  The third trumpet is sounded in verse 10 and here is another catastrophy to hit planet earth.  Here as we see this object come into the earth`s atmosphere the language is a little different.  Verse 8 the image of a mountain was hurled into the sea but in verse 10 when the third angel sounded the trumpet, a great star fell from heaven, burning as it were a lamp.  Maybe it is a comet, maybe out of course, maybe caught up in the gravitation force of the earth.  Maybe it can be seen from miles away.  The name of the star is Wormwood.  It has a poisonous effect to it.  It is in the fountain systems of the earth.  No longer drinkable.  The reality is that there will be those living on earth because when Jesus comes back he will take the church of Christ home to be with him.  The sad thing about it is this - if it happened today would you be left behind?  Have you loved ones that would be left to face this situation?  That is the challenge to us today - to be on our knees in prayer for our family and friends.  When this star falls into the water system people cannot drink from it.  In verse 11 we read that many died from drinking the waters.  They cannot turn on the tap or take a bucket to the well because there will be no water safe to drink.  The warning goes out.  The unavailability of it.  In verse 12 the fourth angel sounds the trumpet.  You can imagine the interpretations of all these great events taking place.  The sun, moon and stars will be darkened.  What a day that is coming.  A day that is shortened.  Imagine the mayhem on the streets.  4 hours of darkness for man to do his evil deeds.  In Exodus 10 verse 22 we see the darkness in the land of Egypt.  God didn`t explain how he did it in Moses` day.  Remember the covenant promise to Abraham - my people will spend 400 years in a strange land and the children of Israel did just that.  Even the bones of Joseph were taken up because God said he would visit Egypt again.  God said 70 years would be spent in Babylon because the people had rejected Christ and after those 70 years he raised up a deliverer once again.  The reality of the Bible today - surely this would challenge us to live for him, to win our friends out of this situation.

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Committing our way to the Lord

Sermon notes from Sunday 5 August 2018 am
Psalm 37 verses 1 - 11

The Psalmist in this Psalm talks of a tremendous exercise, a personal exercise, he cannot do it for anyone else.  This is an exercise you must do today.  You have to commit your way unto the Lord as I have to commit my way to the Lord.  It is a wisdom Psalm, it reflects all that which concerns man and his relationship with God.  The one who sustains life tells us in verse 1 "fret not thyself."  If this message was merely that we are not to be worried or overly concerned then you would might say "that is alright for you to say, you don`t know the pain and burdens I have."  What is the exercise the Psalmist has - commit they way unto the Lord.  This psalm is looking foward.  This is the moment God has given unto you and I.  He asks us to commit our way unto him.  This little verse could have the heading "business with God."  As I rose today I wondered what this day would mean.  Is it just a day to come in, sing a few hymns, hear a message and everything is normal?

It is a daily exercise.  Is this a day to do business with God?  This exercise is a daily exercise.  The word "way" is used many times in scriptures and has different meanings.    It could be a well trodden way.  You have been on the road a long time as a Christian or perhaps only for a short time.  The psalmist encourages us to commit our way to him.  Another thought is a mode of life you are on.  Maybe you have trodden the path for many years.  Maybe as you open your life up to him the Lord is saying "this what I want you to do today."  This today will be your task in life.  I shall commit whatever I am doing today, bring it to him daily, ask the Lord "what does this day mean to you today Lord?"  Do not fall into patterns of yesterday.  Let`s make this a new day with the Lord.  Jesus speaks of daily needs to his disciples.  These were men similar to us.  When Jesus told them to follow him they dropped everything and followed him.  They gave up their daily income, social outlook, all to follow a lonely Galilean.  No income meant they could be hated by the enemy at any time.  You still need to eat, be clothed, who will look after all these things?  When they brought this nee to the Lord he taught them "give unto us our daily bread."  Not "Lord make sure we are well catered for next week."  This is a daily journey we are on.  No guarantee of tomorrow.  We need to come day and daily to the Lord.  We do not know what a day may bring forth.  Maybe today you are looking forward to something in the future.  Have you made your peace with God?  Have you come to the Lord, confessed you are a sinner, need his grace, mercy and forgiveness?  Have you invited him into your life to be your Saviour?  Do you come to him on a daily basis?  James corrected those of his day - business men - would profit themselves, would go down into the city, stay there for a year, move on to another city.  James 4 verse 14 "whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow for what is your life it is even a vapour that appeareth for a little while and then vanisheth away."  You know not what a day may bring forth.  Your boasting is evil but now you rejoice in boasting.  All such boasting is evil.  Have you brought all your needs to the Lord daily?  Hve you stopped for a moment and said "Lord I am bringing this day before you, all the activities of my hands before you."  Commit your way to the Lord.  it is a daily thing.

It is a definite exercise.  The Lord desires our coming to him today that we might receive guidance and help.  In Acts 16 we read of a man renowned for the preaching of God`s word, knowing God`s mind and will.  Here he is wondering what his the next step should be.  Maybe Phrygia and then he thought of Asia.  Sensitive to the prompting of the Spirit, realised the doors were being shut to these 2 places.  He was waiting on the Lord asking him what way to go.  We need to be careful, serious about knowing the will of God in these days.  Remember Lot - backsliding doesn`t happen instantly nor does coldness.  Lot was brought up under a godly influence of his uncle Abraham, he showed him things that were right and wrong.  God had blessed them so well - flocks and riches, land, couldn`t divide themselves.  Abraham and Lot decided to separate.  Abraham told Lot to choose where he wanted to go.  He lifted up his eyes and saw this profitable land all around him.  It suited his flocks so well.  Never once did he say to God "Lord I am committing my way to you, this is the land that would suit me perfectly."  We can be so guilty of that, this is the life that suits me, that I am happiest with.  Maybe the Lord has something else.  Lot was happy with that well watered ground.  Remember what happened to him.  That ground was toward Sodom.  He set up his tent, looked down into Sodom but never once talked to the Lord about where he was or if this was God`s will.  Before long he was in Sodom "the most wicked people in all the earth."  Here was this man living in midst of all this sin.  One day God would judge it.  Then he is not only looking towards Sodom but then living in Sodom.  He is now on the ruling board in Sodom.  Backsliding doesn`t happen instantly, it begins with a lackadaisical attitude towards God.  What is happening in our lives?  Just as Lot allowed things to come into his heart.  For so long  he followed Abraham.  Peter himself - when Jesus was arrested "he followed afar off" when Peter was standing outside the Judgment Hall.  Then he was sitting at the fire listening to others talking.  They told him he was one of them and he denied it.  He followed afar off then he denied him to others until he was nowhere with God.  "Commit they way unto the Lord."  A definite exercise.  Remember the 2 on the road to Emmaus.  Jesus drew nigh and walked with them.  They didn`t recognise him.  They were caught up in their own pain and heartache and in that moment they didn`t recognise that the Lord was in their midst and walking with them.  They had all these other things on their mind.  In Psalm 37, Psalm 49 and Psalm 73 the Psalmist has this thought on his mind there is no justice in this world.  He saw those prospering above other men.  In Psalm 73 Asaph goes into the house of the Lord and sees the end of the wicked.  Sometimes we get caught up with looking at others, see them with no concerns as others, getting on quite well themselves.  The Lord drew alongside these 2 disciples, they lifted their voices and asked him "are you only a stranger here, do you not know what things have been happening here?"  "What things?" he responded.  Did he not know of these things.  He knew all about them, all the things that were burdening them.  He wanted the 2 on the road to tell him everything.  It is one thing to have a burden but another thing to bring it to the Lord.  Tell him about it, commit they way unto the Lord.

A devotional exercise.  I have to commit my way to the Lord.  I am worshipping him.  I am placing my full trust in him, to listen and hear and be able to do.  It is a demonstration of our trust in him, the God of all creation.  Job was asked to travel a lonely road.  Job had lost everything.  One day he got up, all was well, he went to pray for his famly but before the day was out he had lost everything, his crops, his herds, his flocks then his family.  Then he lost his health.  Job was full of boils.  He had to take a piece of tile and scrape himself yet Job could say "he knows the way I take."  That is a tremendous confession.  Why did the Lord know?  Because Job lifted his heart to the Lord and committed it to him.  The Lord was listening to him.  Abraham had to travel a similar hard road.  He was told to take his son as a sacrifice.  He staggered not at the promise of God because he knew God was able to raise his son to life again.  It is a devotional exercise - do not hold your life back but bring it to the Lord.

It is a dependable exercise.  As we commit our way to the Lord he can bring it to pass whatsoever is in your hand today.

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

The prayer, patience and problem for Isaac and Rebekah

Notes from Prayer meeting on Tuesday 7 August 2018
Genesis 22 verses 19 - 28

We are left with a tremendous example/illustration here.  We see Isaac and Rebekah both in prayer.  A husband and wife, a mother and a father.  We are introduced to them in their early married life and the birth of their first 2 children.

The first thing to notice is their prayer life.  Both Isaac and Rebekah prayed.  Verse 21 Isaac prayed for his wife and in verse 22 Rebekah prayed for her unborn children.  Surely there is no greater gift to give to our families that to pray for them.  We can give them many a material gift but there is no greater benefit than to pray for a loved one.  We are losing the grip of prayer today.  Jesus said "if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 18 verse 19)  What potential there is in the time of prayer.  "If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7 verse 14)    Verse 21 - for Isaac  all seemed to be lost because his wife was barren.  Abraham his father was so careful that a wife would not be chosen for Isaac from his neighbourhood.  He takes his servant and gives him a great request - to go and get a wife from Abraham`s home town in Mesopotamia.  Chapter 24 verses 3 and 4, then verse 10 we see his servant obeyed the charge from his master.  Abraham was very cautious, he knew the responsibility was on him.  The covenant promise of God was upon him.  Imagine the joy Isaac had when he first saw his new bride.  He had visions of what God had in store for him with the covenant promise on him.  Then something happened - verse 21 - the wife he was presented with was barren.  That great promise of God might not be fulfilled.  Chapter 1 verses 15, 16, 19 and 21.  The promise that was bearing on Isaac.  He finds out his wife was now barren.  Remember the message that came from Abraham to Isaac.  God gave Abraham a promise - Sarah your mother laughed - "is anything too hard for the Lord?" (Genesis 18 verse 14)  No doubt as Isaac prayed for his wife who was barren he remembered there is nothing too hard for the Lord.  All will be accomplished in God`s own way and timing.  Isaac prays for his wife and child even though he was the son of that great covenant promise of God.  Isaac had to pray.  There was no time for laziness although the covenant promise lay on his shoulders.  He could have lain back and said "let God do what he will."  He had to take time to pray for the situation himself.  Maybe God has given us a promise for someone that is in our families, that God will save that person.  That doesn`t hinder us from praying for them.  God is well able to do for us what we ask.

Notice now the patience of Isaac.  We read that a son would be born.  Isaac was also given a promise about his family too.  It is good to learn to pray for the impossible just as Isaac did.  He prayed for what he thought was impossible.  Like Moses facing the Red Sea with the enemy coming behind him.  He knew God could do something.  God is still the God of miracles.  Isaac knew he was the one chosen by God to fulfil his promise through him.  There was a land to be given and a people to inherit that land.  He not only exercised faith in prayer but also in patience.  Isaac was 40 years only when he married and was 70 years old when his sons were finally born.  A time of waiting was necessary.  God`s answer is sometimes wait.  Maybe we have been praying for years but nothing has materialised.  Let`s have patience to wait on God.  Responsibility is on his shoulders.  He was the one to bring blessing to Israel.  Remember the story of the Israelites who went into the land of Canaan to spy on the people.  The message came back that the land was impossible to conquer.  Caleb stepped up and said "if the Lord is for us no-one can stop us, we can go down and take this land."  The people listened to those who did not want to go in and possess the land.  The people turned at Kadesh Barnea and remained in the wilderness for 40 years.  Caleb kept the promise in his heart and asked for the mountain to be given to him 40 years later.  He knew God would keep his promise.

The problem - verse 22.  Rebekah took the problem to the Lord, she prayed for her children before they were even born.