Sermon notes from Sunday 10 June 2018
Revelation 6
As you read through the book of Revelation, Daniel and Thessalonians there are so many prophecies contained within each that you start to wonder if there is any point in reading them. There is so much you don`t understand within each but books of prophecy are of the utmost importance. They hold a value to our souls. Here in these books God is giving to us a scene that will take place on this earth in coming days. As we study prophecy and see things that will take place in the future we should be encouraged and comforted by these words. As people who have been saved by God`s grace, we will not be on earth when these words take place. We will be in heaven with the Lord. Paul when writing to the Thessalonians, who were disheartened because there were certain loved ones who had passed away and therefore in their opinion had missed out, told them about the Lord`s coming again. At the end of it all he told them "wherefore comfort ye one another with these words." The first thing we receive from words of prophecy is comfort. They also come as a challenge to us. What about our loved ones, family members, those we love on this earth - they are going to be left on this earth, to the onslaught of the anti-Christ. In chapter 5 we saw something happening, saw the title deeds of earth in a book. The Lord takes them out of the hand of the one sitting on the throne. He begins to open the seals, only he could do that. He is the Redeemer and the coming king. In chapter 6 we see these seals opened but the seventh is not opened until chapter 8. Notice here because the Lord is in heaven, as he opens the seals, the consequences are seen on earth. Wrath and judgment is being poured out here on earth. People would rather not talk about the judgment and wrath of God. They would rather hear about God as the one who loves us - John 3 verse 16. "For God commendeth his love to us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." Jesus does say to those who knock on his door "I never knew you."
In verses 3 and 4 we see the devastation. There has been peace in the land because of this man. Daniel 9 verses 26 and 27. He makes peace in the Middle East but worse is coming. This peace treaty will be set up during this 3 1/2 year period but it will be broken. A tremendous war will break out. The mask will be taken off and the people will see a ruthless leader. They will kill one another. That refers to civil war. There will be anarchy on the streets. This is not something we can set aside. This is coming, it is all part of the future.
There will be a time of dearth - verses 5 and 6 the Lord takes this book into his hand and opens the third seal. There will be a time of delusion and then a time of devastation followed by a time of dearth on the earth. This time the rider is not holding a sword but a pair of balances in his hand. Starvation will come upon the earth. The scales are for measuring the wheat. The cost of living will soar. There will be a time when food sources will be scarce. During the time of war money will be used to buy weapons. People are forgotten about. In Jesus` day a penny was the wages for a man for a full days work. Here we read one penny will only buy enough for one meal in the day. That will only be for one person - there will be nothing left for the rest of the family. There will come a day when people will not be able to work and therefore not able to buy food. There is also a reference to 3 measures of barley for a penny. That surely is better value but the barley was used to feed animals. The people will be buying the food for animals and using it to feed their families because it will be of more value or so they think. The comfort from prophecy is that we will not be here during this time if we are saved, have trusted Christ for sins forgiven. What about the challenge though? Am I prepared to go to heaven on my own, without my loved ones? We cannot do anything to save them but are we doing all to ensure they are saved, are we praying for them, seeking God for their salvation? In this verse 6 we read that the oil and wine were not to touched but under these circumstances will anyone be able to afford them?
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