Sermon notes from Sunday 15 October 2017
Acts 3 verses 1 - 10
Great things were happening on the streets of Jerusalem. When you went up into the Upper Room after Pentecost something special happened there. The Holy Spirit came down and filled the believers on that particular day. Those same disciples came down and began to preach the gospel on the streets of Jerusalem in different languages. They were confronted with the gospel in their own language. The Spirit was gathering the people to hear this. The people thought they were drunk because they heard all these languages then Peter got to his feet. The whole place was just a buzz. Peter preaches the word of God and thousands of people were gathered into the kingdom of God on that particular day. Here we find a particular incident. Something happened to this man which affected not only him personally but his family, his friends, his neighbourhood, even the city. It even affects us tonight. We still read of this particular account all these years later. This man`s life was totally transformed. He was 40 years of age and had never walked from his birth. Something special happened to him. God transformed his life in a matter of minutes. Salvation is like that. It is not a progression, it is instantaneous. One moment you are outside the kingdom of God and the next moment you are in the kingdom. That is why Jesus could say to a scribe on one particular occasion "thou art not far from the kingdom." He was not in it but maybe a step away from it. Maybe you are in the same position. You have been thinking about these things. They are weighing heavy on your heart and mind. Maybe you are still not saved, you have never trusted Christ as your own personal Saviour. You are a good person, a religious person, a church going person but you are not far from the kingdom. In a moment that could be changed. Your life could be illuminated in an instant. These 2 disciples came down to where the man was. They said to him "look at us". It is not a matter of looking on anyone, that will never save you. One look to the Christ on Calvary who bled and died for you. One look could transform your life totally. It only takes one look but you need to look in the right direction. This day would be one he never forgot. He had been carried by his friends to the temple gate. It was a day when he met the Saviour and was raised to his feet. Maybe it could be a day like that for you tonight. Let`s take a look at the situation with this man and out of that we can see what God does in the saving of a soul.
The provident hand of God. Things were happening around the Jerusalem streets. Things are happening tonight in our own meeting and at other such meetings around our province. It was a normal day like any other. Maybe he had a father and mother who lifted him out of his bed, washed him, fed him. Then there are his friends who come in, they have compassion and mercy on him. They carry him to the temple and leave him at the temple gates. There he would sit like any other day and receive pennies from the people as they walked by. There was nothing different about this day. To you today is just another ordinary meeting but it could be different for you tonight. They carried him as they did on many occasions, they laid him down as carefully as they could. Man can do so much for us but man cannot save a soul. See the hand of God working in this man`s life. God has been dealing here and sorting out the bits and pieces. Two of God`s servants were led to the very place he was sitting. That is God`s providence. Maybe you have thought of not coming here tonight. Somehow all was overruled. That is the provident hand of God. He brought you into this meeting. God takes the preacher and leaves with him a message to preach on. That message is just for you, he applies things to you and your life. He doesn`t know all about it but God knows about it. He works it out according to his plan and purpose. God is leading his servants to this man, bringing them both together. What a wonderful amazing hand of God. God has drawn alongside you tonight, drawn you into this meeting because you have been thinking of the things of God in this past week. Remember Jesus as an infant being taken into the temple for dedication. Simeon came in by the Spirit just as Jesus was brought in. He was drawn in. Anna was another worker in the temple. She came in at that particular time. She was drawn by the Spirit of God. There is always that unseen element in the saving of a soul. Remember the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years. She had tried every doctor. On that particular day it was the same day Jairus` daughter was ill and he brought Jesus to his home. The provident hand of God was working because that woman was also present.
The patience that is demonstrated here. We see God`s servants here making their way to the temple. It was the hour of prayer. They stopped to communicate with this man. He is in desperate need. They stopped in their tracks. They have a compassion in their heart for this man lying here. Remember the Samaritan making his way down from Jerusalem to Jericho. He saw the man lying by the roadside. He stopped in his tracks because he had a compassion on the man. There have been people praying for your soul tonight. These 2 men stopped and took time to speak with this man. Maybe there is someone God would have us to talk to. Philip came to Samaria because there was great persecution in Jerusalem. He preached the word of God and saw people saved, saw people raised up from illness. God comes to him and tells him to take the desert road because he had a work for him to do. He has a compassion for souls and a great patience. God was leading him and he followed the Lord.
The presentation that was made - verse 6. Peter looks down at this man and the man looks up at him. He thinks he is going to receive money from them but Peter says "Silver and gold have I none but such as I have give I unto you in the name of Jesus Christ rise up and walk." There is a presentation of the name of Jesus Christ. These men had been used by God in the past. Maybe people recognised them in the street. Now they were looking down at this man. They remembered what this man needed most - Jesus Christ and they were prepared to give Jesus to him. They were standing and people were watching them. They wondered what would happen. They recognised that they had nothing to give this man but a preentation of the name of the Lord. Look at verses 6 and 16. They took no glory for themselves. It was all Jesus` name that was important. In verse 22 Peter spoke of the plan of God - it was in Jesus coming into this world and dying on the cross to save men and women from their sins. He spoke of the power that raised him from the dead - verse 31. You could see the people being pricked in their hearts as they would think on these things. God was doing a mighty work. That is what God has done for us. The angel spoke to Joseph about the fact that Mary was pregnant. The angel told him to fear not. He gave him a presentation of the name of Jesus - "thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins." If there is no presentation of Christ`s name there will be no salvation of souls. Men and women have to be pointed to Christ. As John the Baptist said "behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."
The power that is experienced. After listening to this Peter holds out his hand - verse 7. After 40 years I am sure this man thought he was mad, he had never walked in his life but this man is holding out his hand to him. This man must put out his hand to his. There has got to be a meeting of 2 hands. You have got to surrender your life, got to reach out to the Lord, have to trust him. He will never force his way on you. If the Lord comes into your life he will come by invitation and invitation only. He is a sovereign God, he is powerful, he rules over all things but tonight he offers his invitation and bids you to come and take him by the hand. This could be the night you could be saved or lost for all eternity. The power that is experienced when this man reached out to this disciple and Peter took him and lifted him up onto his feet. His legs became stronger and he realised that nothing had ever happened like this before. Many people would never have believed they could be changed when they accept Christ. There is a power that comes in, gives strength to change and strength to live for Christ. God has brought you into this meeting. The patience that people have prayed for your soul. The presentation of Jesus Christ - seen him on the cross of Calvary, realise there is a power to be experienced.
There is a praise that arose. He went into the temple, leaping and singing and praising God. That is what Christ wants to do for your life. Will you allow him to do that? Will you come and trust him tonight, that you might leave this house with a praise to God of heaven for the salvation of your soul?
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