Thursday, 13 July 2017

Daniel chapter 7

Daniel 7 verses 1 - 14 Keswick Portstewart Convention Jeremy McQuoid

The movie Bruce Almighty became a blockbuster film in 2003 starring Jim Carrey who gets to be God for a day.  Bruce discovers the job of being God Almighty more difficult than he could ever imagine.  The idea of someone playing God in a movie might make you feel uncomfortable but I want you to ask yourself - "if I was God how would I rule the world, if I was judge over all creation would I use that authority?"  In asking that question we realise how little we understand about God`s wills and ways, the perspective of how God works and does what he does.  He is overseeing the world history all the time.  He is ruling nations right down to the motives of the human heart.  It is important to remember that when we come to the second part of the book of Daniel from chapters 7 to 12.  In these chapters we read of the future of the world.  The progress of evil is leading to the final judgement of God.  He is allowing things to happen we never would, he sees things as we never could.  Often we are left gazing at the majestic, questioning how God rules over all things for all times.  The thought in these chapters begins with God teaching us that he allows evi empires to flourish - verses 1 to 8.  As God rules over all nations at all times God allows evil empires to flourish.  We read here of 4 empires coming after Babylon.  It is one emperor taking over from another.  It is clear that these are allowed to flourish by God - verse 4.  It is God that raises these empires, allows them to have their time of preeminence.  Thousands of years before arises the first beast in verse 4 a lion with eagles wings which represents Babylon.  That is the time when Daniel was living.  Babylon is the king of the empires like the lion is the king of the jungle.  Babylon was known for its hanging gardens and great libraries.  The eagle has its wings plucked of which speaks of Nebuchadnezzar who was humbled by God and became like a wild character as seen in chapter 4.  It is recorded in the British Museum that there is a gap in Nebuchadnezzar`s history when he undertook no international work at all and it maybe relates to that time.  He was restored to santiy and allowed to form Babylon again.  Then the second animal appears, the bear representing the Medes and Persians who took over from Babylon.  The bear was raised up on one side which it is believed signified that the Persians had more influence than the Medes hence the reference to lop sidedness.  It had a ferocious appetite which shows its conquering of the ancient world.  The next beast is the leopard which represents the Greek empire.  Alexander the Great was known for his speed in taking over the world.  It was said his horses were faster than any other.  At the age of 32 Alexander wept and wept because there were no more worlds to conquer.  In verse 6 we see dominion was given to this leopard.  The Greek empire did not come into power on its own.  It was allowed by God to flourish.  In verse 7 we read of a grotesque beast that is different to the other beasts.  It represents the Roman empire renowned for its great military power.  It lasted longer than any other previous empires.  it had 10 horns and there are different interpretations of these, none of which are precise.  In the bible horns represent kings and there were 10 in this verse.  There were 12 Caesar`s in the history of the Roman Empire, 2 of them lasted for a few months so perhaps the 10 horns represent the 10 Caesar`s.  Daniel`s attention is turned to the little horn that comes out of the beast.  It had the eyes of a man, a real human being.  Some greater human leader.  This leader is boastful which fits the image of an anti-Christ given in other scriptures.  He is a world leader still to come in the future world.  We read of this anti-Christ in Matthew, Thessalonians, John and Revelation.    John speaks of a series of anti-Christs leading to the final anti-Christ.  We can begin to think of Nero, Adolf Hitler and others, pyschotic leaders who performed barbaric acts on God`s people.  The anti-Christ is not some comic book character.  We have seen the hallmarks of the anti-Christ in history.  It has only been 70 years since Adolf Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews from Europe.  This passage was not written to reveal who the anti-Christ is but rather to remind us that human evil will continue and increase in our world.  A passage like this asks why does God allow evil empires to flourish?  These are questions we must face up to.  We have to acknowledge we do not know the answers to.  Evil must reach its conclusion before Christ is revealed.  Martyrs are crying out today "how long o Lord?"  Our response is not to come out with some superficial response.  Like Daniel at the end of this chapter "my thoughts greatly alarmed me and my colour changed."  He was troubled by these visions of evil.  The problem of evil is about real pain and suffering.  We have to suffer and watch loved ones suffer and all of it is allowed by God for some reason.  The marginalisation of Christianity, the position of abortion being allowed, the redefinition of marriage in our generation - all of these are signs the end is near.  The progress of evil is a mystery and it shall distrub us.  The Lord when dying on the cross, knowing he had to come to the world to die for the world, was still deeply trobled and asks the question from the cross "my God, my God why have you forsaken me?"  There is no answer for the evil in the world.  "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever that we may do all the words of this law." (Deuteronomy 29 verse 29)  The most faithful people in the Bible always asked questions.  Until we trust God in the mystery rather than trying to work out a nice Christian answer God has himself not given us.  As evil troubles us, ISIS, the loss of Christian values from government, watching loved ones die in the midst of crumbling disease - be clear - these things happen only because God allows them to.  He is not taken by surprise.  He manipulates evil for his own purpose without using evil at all.  It was evil that hung him to the cross but God used evil for the blessing of creation.  We live at the mercy of God who allows evil.  He allows evil empires to flourish for his own sovereign purpose.  If that was the end of the story we would all be in despair.  The passage goes on to say God will judge evil decisively and he will rule the world through Christ.  Verses 9 - 14 are his final words - he will deal with evil once and for all one day.  Notice as describing the little horn he seems to break away from it.  God`s throne is perfecly ordered and glorious - verse 9.  God and the heavenly host take their seats.  Contrast to the evil emperors trying to make their mark on the world.  His hair was white like wool speaking of purity and wisdom.  God will judge the world with righteousness.  How we do not know.  His power to judge the world is real.  "his throne was like the fiery flame and his wheels as burning fire."  Fire speaks of judgement.  Wheels signify always turning.  God is in all places at all times in history watching on all that is going on.  Jesus said "when you pray go into your room and pray for your heavenly father will reward you openly."  We will be rewarded for the secret thing.  It is a vision of the end of history.  How quickly and suddenly these evil powers are brought to nothing by God - verses 11 and 12.  We read of the final judgement as depicted by a great battle.  These human emperors have had their day.  God will snuff them out.  Not really a contest.  Who should we really fear is the question we should really ask.  Don`t fear those who can kill the body but fear the ones who can put the body and soul in hell.  We need to fear him more than anything else in life.  We should really fear God but if we fear him we will really know no other fear.  In verse 13 we read the words "son of man" which was Jesus` favourite title.  This title was used 86 times in the gospels.  He wanted people to understand who he really was.  Verse 14 "to him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom."  This was pointing to a future day when Jesus called himself the Son of Man.  In his trial he told them "you will see the Son of Man return with great power."  The high priest tore his clothes and ordered that he must be killed for blasphemy. (Matthew 26 verse 65)  They knew who he really was at that point.  He is teaching us that God will judge all human evil and will reign the world through Christ.  This prophecy is given 600 years before Jesus comes.  We are to run the race with perseverance.  Jesus is coming to reign the world.  The story has already been written.  We are servants of the Messiah and are called to be signposts to that great and glorious reign.  That sets our lives on a higher plane.  Our lives are not really about how well or otherwise work is going for you now.  You are part of an everlasting kingdom.  Our primary call is to serve the Messiah who will one day rule the world.  One day everything you do or say in Christ`s name regardless how we are received by the world has an ultimate purpose.  What we do in this life he chose in eternity.  Daniel is saying God allows evil human empires to prosper and secondly at the end of the time he will judge that evil decisively and rule the world through Christ.

Thirdly keep the faith when evil seems to be winning.  In verse 8 the anti-Christ is different from other presidents and kings.  In verse 24 he will put down 3 kingdoms.  The anti-Christ is overt, a blasphemer but also will have a religious zeal about him.  "He shall wear out the saints".  Verse 21 "and prevailed against them."  Verse 25 "and think to change times and laws" meaning he will change the laws of the land.  He will create his own alternative framework.  We can see that already in our nation today.  All things are being questioned today like never before as if preparing the ground for some future perverse dictator.  His kingdom will be defeated.  All traces of Christianity will be crushed - verse 25 "and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."  This means 3 1/2 years of future tribulation.  Some commentators say but it is a time limit on his reign and it will not last.  Verse 26 shows he will be cut short.  Verse 27 "shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High."  That is what breaks the future dominion of the anti-Christ and brings a kingdom to believers.  This will be the return of Christ himself.  Verses 21 and 22 show that one day Jesus will return to the earth in power and glory, he will bring the reign of the anti-Christ to an end.  Hebrews says God will roll up this world like a scroll.  We will reign with him on earth.  The basic truth is simple - keep the faith when evil seems to be having its day.  Our children and grandchildren are growing up in an atheist state, we need to protect them.  Let us keep the children`s work at the top of the agenda in our churches.  This is war as we battle for the minds and consciences of our children.  As the world prepares for the anti-Christ, if ever our nation needed the gospel it is now.  People are searching for spiritual meaning today.  There has never been a greater need to live a vibrant life before people who do not know where they are heading.  They have no answer to death, no rock to lean on in times of trouble, no understanding of life and where it takes you.  In the midst of this climate keep the faith.  When everyone else is losing theirs only Jesus can bring light and life to people.  We have been called to bear the light of Christ.  The greatest job descripton in the world.  There are some answers we will never know this side of glory.  We are promised in God`s word that he will judge evil decisively and rule the world through Christ.  Keep the faith when evil seems to be winning.  The darkest part of the night comes just before the dawn.

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