Sermon notes from Sunday 11 June 2017
Matthew 22 verses 1 - 14
We are told here in verse 1 Jesus speaks to the crowd in parables. A parable is an earthly story which Jesus takes up and places on it a heavenly meaning. The Lord paints this picture of a king. What is happening in the royal household? He has a young son who has come of age and is taking to himself a bride. A great marriage is taking place and he wants to share this great day of celebration. He wants to invite all and sundry to a great supper. 3 times he sends out the invitation - verses 3, 4 an 9. He never tires of inviting or sending out the invitation. Don`t we see that great picture of God. Every Sunday night a great invitation is given to you and I that we might be saved for all eternity. He gives that invitation to you. Invites you to come to the cross, to lay your sin down and take eternal life from his hand. See here the picture he paints. entrance into this supper is by invitation only. Entrance into the kingdom of heaven is by sins forgiven. We can never attain it or earn it or gain favour with God in any other way. The invitation into heaven I also hear explained in a way that brings a chill to our soul. Verse 5 "but they made light of it". They never gave him a second thought. Imagine as this invitation came to their very door to come to the great marriage supper. These very same people thought little of it. As we gather in another gospel meeting what do you think of it? Something you do not give very much thought to? Not relevant to you? The God of heaven comes with this invitation, extends it to you again. People expressed their opinion of this invitation. Let`s consider through these verses that wonderful gospel message.
The first thing I see they thought little of was the function that was before them. Instructed by servants to issue the inviations. That king had a son who was getting married and there was to be a great celebration with a dinner for everyone who was invited. The king is presenting his son, holding him up before all. He wanted this to be the greatest day of his life. no-one is to be excluded. Then see the people discussing it, seeking one another`s advice about it. God has a great function for us - that Jesus Christ came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost. After Adam and Eve rebelled in the Garden of Eden sin entered into the world. We were cut off from God. We needed to be reconciled to him again. He sent his son into this world with one purpose in mind - to die on the cross for the world`s sins - yours and mine to buy us a way into heaven. What if God had turned his back on the world? We would be facing a lost sinners hell for all eternity tonight but he didn`t do that. In his great love and mercy he sent his son. John 3 verse 16 "that he gave his only begotten son" yet we say I never thought of it. Tonight will you give it some thought? Consideration of the people here. It doesn`t matter what the king has done. We don`t care about that. See them blatantly turning their back. How sad it must be for God. Nothing to do with the church or the preacher or the communion table. When he gives that invitation men and women turn their backs on God. They think little of the salvation he offers. How it must be for God when he pleads with you. Shows you what he has done for your soul. How it must grieve his heart when you turn your back on him. Yet time and time again he comes again with that great invitation. Verse 5 so caught up in their own activities hadn`t one day to give to the king to celebrate the marriage of his son. They couldn`t even do that. Maybe already our minds are so taken up with what is going to happen tomorrow that we are giving so little time to the things of God. The function is God loves you, sent his son to save your soul. He came unto his own and his own received him not. They turned their backs on him, it didn`t matter to them. The greatest privileges he has given us. The cross is forgotten about tonight in many meetings. Way back in Sodom in Genesis 18 God looked down on that city and reached down from the very realms of heaven. As he went down to that place they were warning Lot to flee from the wrath of Sodom. They wanted Lot to deliver him out of that city. When Lot sat with his sons in law he told them God was going to destroy these cities. We need to get out as quickly as can. The sons in law thought that Lot was mocking them. They thought little of the judgement of God. The Philippian jailer when he got his opportunity he closedAdams in with God`s offer of mercy. He asked Paul "what must I do to be saved?" He thought he had to do something to be saved. Maybe you feel you have to have good attendance at church, give your money in, be a better person than you are at present. Jesus has done it all at the cross of Calvary for me "therefore repent of your sins, turn away from them and trust him as Saviour and Lord." Here`s a man saying in his heart `I am ready to do anything to be saved, I want God`s salvation, to be sure I am saved, I don`t want to miss out on this savlation.` Paul said "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Believe that God loved you and gave his son to die on the cross of Calvary, believe and you will be saved. That man went home believing on the Lord. Maybe you are not saved tonight and the invitation comes again. Zaccaeus sitting up in the tree when the Lord said "come down." He wasn`t taking these things lightly, he was going to reach out, he was prepared to take his wealth and prosperity and give it away as long as he could secure his salvation. Is that what salvation means to you? Can you set it aside for one minute? These people made light of this function.
They made light of the feast prepared. If you are coming to Christ you are coming to someone who is more wonderful than you can ever imagine. He will give you a joy, an understanding that passeth all understanding, you will never be judged because of your sin. Not walking at enemity with God. This was a royal feast coming from the very palace. Jesus offers you this same feast tonight. I am confident that whatever crowd comes they will be catered for. The Lord has confidence in the cross tonight. He is able to save all that come to him. Jesus says "him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." They were not asked to bring anything, just invited to come. Maybe they assessed the tables, looked at the tables, thought why would I go there? Sure I have as much in my own church. I have my own religion but no relationship with Christ. That is the difference tonight. Isaiah 53 "he shall go up before him as a tender plant there is no beauty that we should desire him." Here was a people who thought little of the invitation. God says "this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." Remember the woman at the well. Jesus was speakng to her about water in the well and water he could give her. The woman looked at Christ, what he had, nothing to draw the water out with and said "the well is deep you have nothing to draw with." Thinking light of the things he was offering. When you look into the face of Christ do you see him as the Son of God, able to forgive your sin tonight? Many would love to be saved but think to themselves not enough in Jesus. That is the bottom line. I wonder tonight what do you make of the provision of Christ? Take heed to what Felix said. He listened to what Paul had to preach. He listened with intent and trembled. "Go your way when I have a convenient season I will call for you again." Putting it off, made light of it.
Made light of their freedom. No barriers, hindrances, everyone was invited. Everyone had freedom to chose. "Ho everyone that is thirsty," "whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." How many times have you heard the gospel, left the meeting saying `I must do something, get right with God?` Here`s your invitation tonight again. "My Spirit shall not always strive with man." Remember those words from God. Felix thought he would use his freedom again. That one day he would just call for Paul - we don`t read of him ever doing that again. God has come to you time after time and he calls you but tonight might be the last time he calls.
Made light of their fate. As they made light of the king`s generosity they never realised that grace would be recalled, that they would be destroyed. Such was the result of that choice. We say `God is a God of love and he will not turn his back on everyone` but one day he will though. "It is appointed unto man once to die and thereafter the judgement." "For the time is come that judgement must begin at the house of God." If you are not sure tonight come and trust him.