Monday, 9 May 2016

What meaneth the stones?

Exodus 20 verses 22 - 26

In the book of Joshua chapter 4 we read of the children of Israel.  Joshua was a young man who stepped into the shoes of Moses.  Moses brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, led them through the wilderness but couldn`t bring them into the promised land of Canaan.  It was a miraculous event.  The Jordan river was at the point of swelling its banks yet God made a dry path for them all to walk across.  God commanded the priests to go down into the waters first.  They had to take the Ark of the Covenant onto their shoulders and step into the river that was flowing its banks.  That would take a great degree of faith in the God of heaven who spoke the words.  We need to depend on the God of heaven today.  Are you where you are because the God of heaven has directed you to that point in your life?  While the waters were standing on their end 12 men were to step into them, lift a stone each and carry it on their shoulders out of the river.  They were to leave the stones on the bank.  "That this may be a sign among you, that when your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying What mean ye by these stones? Then ye shall answer them, That the waters of Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord; when it passed over Jordan, the waters of Jordan were cut off and these stones shall be for a memorial unto the children of Israel for ever." (Joshua 4 verses 6 and 7)  They would be leaving something for the next generation.  Are you leaving something for the next generation?  Exodus 20 verse 25 "And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone; for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it."  Moses is in the presence of God and God says "if you will make me an altar of stone" this is the way to do it.  The altar that will be important.  Moses is coming into the presence of God in an act of worship and praise.  That is how we have cme into this house today.  We are here that we might sing and praise God.  The same God that Moses came to all those years ago is the same God we come to today.  These stones would be a presentation to God and give him worship.  1 Peter 2 verse 5 "ye also as living stones."  They are active - doing something emotive.  These stones are living stones.  They are built up into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood - for what purpose - to be acceptable to God.  Does God find them acceptable today?  Have you asked the Lord to bless you as you come into his house?  We come to offer God adoration and praise for all that he has done for us.  Ephesians 1 verse 12 "that we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ."  There are so many theories around the world today about predestination.  There are people who say there are those from eternity past - in other words that are chosen for an eternity in the future but what does the scriptures teach?  "In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will" (Ephesians 1 verse 11)  We are the praise of his glory - from the morning to the evening - from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same we are here to open our hearts and praise the God of heaven.  The woman at the well was told by Jesus to worship God in spirit and in truth.  We worship him indeed in our coming together, in our prayers, in reading his word, in the preaching of his word, in the giving of tithes and offerings.  That is how we ought to worship him today.

The purpose of these stones was to offer up the praise and glory 

The plain necessity of the stones - verse 24.  The Lord wanted Moses to tell the people to build them just as they were.  Nothing false.  God doesn`t want any falsehood in our lives as we come to worship him.  Maybe there was a danger here that people might fall into idolatrous worship if they fashioned them according to what they desired.  We need to look beyond the stones.  It was the sacrifice that was important to God not the stones.  It is the sacrifice for our redeemed hearts that is important today.  The burnt offering was to be made on these stones.  It was that which was burned completely to the Lord.  Other offerings showed that a part would be given to the priests first but this offering was to the Lord.  Nothing was to be taken from it.  Our worship is to the God of heaven not anything else.  Our worship is for God not for the riches we have.  We get beyond that today and lift all we have to the God of heaven.  God wants everything from you.  Has he got your heart today?  Do you know the Lord as Saviour today?  Did you ever see him as the sacrifice for your sin?  He has taken that broken nature on his own body, he has accomplished something.  If you haven`t accepted it yet he stands at the hearts door but he will not come in until you invite him in. God always accepts our very best - Romans 12 verse 1 "present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."  Have you given all to the Lord today?  In Acts 5 Ananias and Sapphira sold their possessions but held back some for themselves.  Peter looked at it and said "why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Chost and to keep back part of the price of the land?"  In other words you are claiming you have given your all to the Lord but you haven`t, you have kept something back.  They were lieing to God.  As we worship God in praying, preaching, singing, in our lives, in our giving, in our praying, in our tithing are we fully worshipping God?

The pattern of the stones - big and small, all sorts.

The promise of the stones - when you have all on the altar I will come and bless you.  Only then would the blessing be in our lives.

1 Samuel 17 verses 32 - 45

In 1 Peter 2 verse 5 we are told `Ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ."  Not coming to be entertained but to praise God of heaven for all he has done for us.

There are lessons to be learned through insignificant things.  Just a little stone in the hand of David that brought down Goliath.  Take a look first of all at these 5 stones David picked up.  They were carried by the rivers current verse 40.  He choose 5 smooth stones out of the brook and put them into his shepherds bag.  Imagine the nation of Israel cowering behind the hedges - why - because the great man, a giant had come down and called out to the soldiers of israel, defied the God of heaven, brought all sorts of accusations against them.  He wanted to attract them out to do battle with him.  Then along came a boy called David.  He wasn`t there for the battle, only to bring cheese and bread for his bothers but became interesed in the battle going on.  The Bible describes the devil "as a roaring lion ... seeking whom he may devour."(1 Peter 5 verse 8)  He wants to destroy your family today.  He wants them to remain in a lost sinners hell.  We have got to realise the battle today.  David`s father was interested in the battle going on.  Are we praying that God would step in and save precious souls today?  David came down to bring food to his brothers.  He saw all the people cowering behind the bushes.  He went down to where Goliath was, took his staff with him, crossed a brook to meet the giant and it was there he took 5 stones.  He lifted and put those stones into his bag.  They were carried by the rivers current to meet where David was.  Perhaps sometimes when the current flowed strongly they were carried at great speed, at other times they got lodged in a pocket, somehow never moved, got stuck.  The circumstances of life that flow over us - the Bible tells me "all things work together for good to them that love God." (Romans 8 verse 28)  At times we are going places and at other times we are stuck.  God is bringing you to the place where he might be able to pick you up and use you in a mighty way for him.  As they came to the point in the river they were being moulded in the current that was flowing.  Being made the right design, every rough had to be taken off them.  David didn`t lift stones off the ground.  He went to that little brook.  At that precious moment there were 5 stones he was able to pick up.  We seem at times to be going places then other times we are stuck.  Think of Joseph`s life.  At 17 years of age his father sent him out to see his brothers.  There he was with his coat of many colours walking to where his brothers were.  They couldn`t stand the sight of him.  They took him and cast him into the deep well.  Such was the fear on them that they sold him into Egypt.  There in Potiphar`s house many things were going his way.  Potiphar didn`t know what all was in his house but Joseph knew.  Things were going so well until the day Joseph was falsely imprisonsed, cast into prison for something he didn`t do.  The hedges were being taken out of Joseph`s life.  In the wider picture God had it was to take him up to the very throne of Egypt and there to bring food to many in the future.  We can only see the circumstances we are in at a certain time.  Think of Lazarus there in that home in Bethany.  He lived with his 2 sisters.  One day he took sick.  The Lord loved that home.  He often stopped there.  Things do come to our homes.  Why does God allow this all to happen we ask.  Just because you know and love the Lord, just because you sit down and pray, that doesn`t mean we aren`t human.  Things do happen.  God is in control of the circumstances as well.  Jesus was asked to come.  Mary and Martha loved the Lord, wanted Jesus to come.  Jesus didn`t come right away.  When Jesus heard of the sickness of Lazarus he said "this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of od that the Son of God might be glorified thereby." (John 11 verse 4)  God would be glorified in this sickness.  Maybe in your circumstances God will be glorified.  James "my brother count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations knowing that the trying of your faith worketh patience." (James 1 verse 2)  In a time of sickness the rough is being knocked off.  Why because we need patience.  Think of that man that prayed for patience in the prayer meeting "Lord God give me patience and give it to me now."  It doesn`t work like that..  It is through the circumstances of life we learn patience.  We don`t know how long it took for these stones to reach where David was in the brook that day.  Moses wanted to do things his own way "I will go and lead the people out of Egypt" but God says "no you will not."  It takes another 40 years before it happens.  We are being carried by life`s circumstances.  They are in the hands of God and we want them to be in ours. Don`t try to develop your whole circumstances, they are in the hands of God.  Don`t try to manufacture your own circumstances you find yourself in.  They are in God`s hands.

The cautiousness of the circulation.  He took 5 smooth stones where they were.  As the people looked on David they thought he was a foolish man.  How would he ever face or defeat Goliath?  He took his staff and went down.  Saul tried to put his armour on him.  David couldn`t move with all that on.  We will never defeat the enemy in the area of the world but will defeat the world by trusting the Lord of heaven.  He went down to the brook.  As he crossed the brook he lifted the stones from there.  He lifted 5 smooth stones.  David was expert with the sling.  He knew what would work.  Maybe God is looking down on this brook and he maybe sees those that were needed for his service.  When David picked those stones out he wanted smoothness.  He didn`t want roughness on them.  David knew what he wanted.  Those stones that were smooth.  1 Corinthians 1 verse 27 "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty ... that no flesh should glory in his presence." Here in this house today are you ready to say to the Lord "here am I, I might be foolish, might have nothing going for me, whatever I have though I am giving to you."  Maybe God has stopped at this brook, reaches down and wants to thrust you out into the battle,  He wants you this morning, he wants all of you.  He has one task only for you.  Remember the prayer meeting in Antioch and the fellowship there were those teaching and preaching the word of God.  As they fasted and prayed something happened.  "Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them." (Acts 13 verse 2)  God can use each of us today.  Maybe there is a rough edge of disobedience.  Gideon came from the weakest of families in Israel yet God said I want to use you against the enemy.  God wittled the number he had gathered up until there were only 30 left.  God brought him through it.  If we are prepared to step out for God he will use you and not fail you.  

The stones were concealed from view.  Put them in the shepherd`s bag, concealed from view in the bag.  Concealed until ready to be used.  Sometimes it is like that.  You are concealed until the Lord calls us.  Maybe you are concealed today.  Remember Esther of old and the circumstances of her life - her mum and dad were dead, she had lost her family.  Her uncle Mordecai took her into his family and rearerd her as his own.  They went into the land of Babylon, not in their own land.  Mordecai didn`t fight against those circumstances.  He used them.  Esther was the most beautiful girl in that empire.  There was a man Haaman who hated the Jews with a real passion and in particulr he hated Mordecai.  He devised a plan to put all the Jews to death.  God was working through Esther.  She was concealed from the light at that time.  She was to be the bride for the king Ahaserius.  Esther was told one day to go and plead for her nation by Mordecai.  How do you know that you may be brought to the kingdm for such a time as this. (Esther 4 verse 14)  Maybe you have been brought in to hear this message.  God has concealed you to this point in time.  There are families all around us that God could use us in.  Not being called to entertain today but to be a blessing to God.  Concealed from view.  

Notice the concrete through the stones.  He took one stone out of a brook just to be used to bring down the fall of Goliath.  It is down to you today.  One person to be used by God today.  He took that stone and swung it around and around and it hit Goliath.  One stone, one spot was all it took.  What about us?  Carried along by the circumstances of life.  God is cautious today, wants you to do a work for him.  Cautiousness in his collection.  Are you ready to say "I am thine today Lord, use me today."  Maybe never been saved yet cautious in your response to it all.  Maybe God wants you to surrender your life fully to God.  Matbe you have never said "here I am take all that there is of me."  David lifted 5 stones put them in his bag concealed to the very appointed time.  God will lift you out today but you need to be willing to work for him.

1 Samuel 7 verses 1 - 14

We often sing the song "O God our help in ages past."  That is exactly what Samuel is doing - setting up a stone and called it Ebenezer meaning "hitherto hath the Lord helped us."  Here`s a stone with a tremendous meaning today.  Not an idol, not shaped after this man`s heart, not a place could come and worship at.  It was a reminder of what God can do.  Remember the day God moved in a great way, encouraged and strengthened us in the knowledge that God stands by us.  Paul said "if God be for us who can be against us." (Romans 8 verse 31)  The Psalmist said in Psalm 124 "if it had not been the Lord who was on our side."  He felt a lack of hope.  The enemy was coming against him - "when men rose up against us then they had swallowed us up quick."  Not a stone for an idol or God to be worshipped.  A reminder of what God hath done for the nation.  We want to look at this stone and reflect on the past and say "hitherto hath the Lord helped us."  Maybe in our own situations, in families.  It was God who turned that situation.  Look at this little heading "hitherto hath the Lord helped us."  Think here as the people would gaze on this stone as they would go by. 

It reminded them of the crisis the nation was in and reminded them how God helped them in that crisis.  Our nation is in a crisis today.  None to help but God of heaven today.  Samuel gathered the people together to gaze on this stone - "hitherto hath the Lord helped you."  Perhaps Samuel was the last of the judges and first of the prophets.  Whatever way you want to look at it he judged the people and brought the word of God to the people.  He was a young man raised up by God out of a prayer meeting.  A giant of a man who brought the nation back to God.  Remember his mother Hannah who had no child.  She went up into the house of God and stood before Eli and prayed in such a manner that Eli took notice of her.  Wouldn`t it be great if people took note of our prayers, that they would touch the throne room of heaven and change people`s hearts as a result.  Hannah came with the prayer she had.   Her womb was barren.  She asked for a man child.  God heard her prayer yet not a sound came from her lips.  God heard it though.  Samuel was born out of a prayer meeting.  She came back to Eli and said remember me, this is the child I prayed for.  God would raise this child up for his own use.  Isn`t it wonderful to have a desire to prayer.  Would we be able to look back in days to come and reflect on people we have prayed for?  Hannah prayed and pleaded for a child and God answered her prayer.  Samuel brings the nation back to God.  There were men who were prayed for, men who shook this world - people like Charles and John Wesley, D L Moody, CH Spurgeon, David Livingstone.  They touched hearts and shook the generation they lived in.  In this passage the people of Israel were against the wall, fear had gripped their hearts.  The nation had grown so cold towards God.  Samuel stood between them and God.  There was fear in their hearts against the Philistines.  They only had to think back to the days in Egypt when God brought them out and into the land of milk and honey.  It is easy to forget the blessings of God - "the glory of the Lord is departed from Israel" (1 Samuel 4 verse 21).  The enemy prevailed.  What a situation that was.  Samuel brought the people together.  As the nation looked out on the Philistine force something happened.  There was a stirring in the hearts of God`s people - "all the house of Israel lamented after the Lord." verse 2.  For 20 years the presence of God had been taken from the nation of Israel.  That is where God is bringing us to today - a crisis.  The work of God had already begun - "if ye do return unto the Lord with all your hearts" verse 3.  What must we do they were asking Samuel.  Mabe the work of God is beginning to stir in your heart already.  As they looked at this stone thy would remember that God had stepped in and saved them from the enemy.  Spiritually speaking the church of Jesus Christ is cold today.  We have many reminders of God working in the past and prayer meetings started as a result of missions in the past.  It reminds us of a crisis in the past and how God worked in people`s hearts.  A lot of these meetings are closed up today.  Gone because everybody had left it to everyone else and no-one stepped into the gap.  We are in a crisis today but he is the same God and he can help us.  We need the spiritual reminder of how God worked in us and in our church fellowship.

There was a reminder of the conditions that were met - "if you do return unto the Lord with all your hearts" verse 3.  Being saved today is a first step in a great journey with Jesus.  He stepped in on the Emmaeus road.  He didn`t just step in and leave them again.  "He went with them" (Luke 24 verse 15).  Samuel told the people God would only come when they were wholeheartedly believing in him.  No half heartedness here Samuel said.  Revival begins in the heart.  Revival begins exactly where the people of God are at.  They had to recognise they had moved away from God and had allowed the enemy to control them.  There had to be a cost paid - to seek after God with all their hearts.  When we come in that way, when we seek for God with all our hearts then and only then will we find God.  There was a preparation to be done.  The strange gods were to be put away - verse 3.  The same conditions apply today.  Time can be our god today.  Remember the parable of the wheat and the tares.  When the man sowed the seed the enemy came in and sowed the tares while he slept.  We need to be careful as we sleep.  The devil comes in with temptations and he plants them.  We listen to the word of God but it is planted with other things.  Time and money can be our god too.  Remember in the times of Moses - he was to erect a serpent on a stick in the wilderness and when the people looked to the serpent they were healed.  The people had disobeyed God but one look at the serpent and they were healed.  As a result the devil turned that serpent around and made it into a god for them - 2 Kings 18 verse 4.  Hezekiah had to brake the brazen serpent because it was being used as a god.  If we want revival it will cost us.  We have to set something aside.  For the people here it was the strange gods.

There was a reminder of the confession that was made.  They gathered together to Mizpeh because they wanted God to step into their situation, to take control of their stuation.  Is there not a lesson for us.  If we hunger and thirst for the word of God there will be a desire to meet together with the people of God.  The people expected something to happen.  In verse 6 they prayed and then took water and poured it out before the Lord.  Symbolic act of confession of emptiness.  God knows about yor life and mine.  The short comings we have.  To come with all our hearts and confess what we are.  The woman in 2 Samuel 14 said "as water spilt on the ground which cannot be gathered up again neither doth God respect any person yet doth he devise means that his banished be not expelled from him."  Israel was by this solemn act taking the pails of water, emptying them out before the Lord and saying "Lord look at the wasted years."  The Lord said "I will restore unto you the years the locusts have eaten." (Joel 2 verse 25)  The people confessed their oppression and need of God.  We need to confess we cannot do anything without God, that until now the years have been wasted and ask the Lord to restore us.  There is a lot of talk about renewal of spirit and positive thinking but there is no thought of confession.  There is also the prosperity gospel - God means us to be rich and we should have everything we can.  Preachers are to encourage and lift people up as they are downtrodden all the time.  We need to let the past go and forget it because God loves you and he died for you.  We need to start to lay claim on big things because that is what God wants.  The people here were beginning to claim victory but needed to have confession of sin.  They started to confess their hopelessness.  We need to realise that we are sinners and going out to a Christless hell.  Before David could get any joy in his life he had to confess his sin - "restore unto me the joy of thy salvation" (Psalm 51 verse 12).  "If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." (1 John 1 verse 10)  "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7 verse 14)

It would remind them of the great conquest - "hitherto hath the Lord helped us".

1 Peter 2 verses 1 - 12

"Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold I lay in Zion a chief corner stone, elect, precious; and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded."

Right away realise Peter has a building in mind.  A description of the church of Jesus Christ.  Take heed today.  In our society church means a building in which you or I attend and because of that perception there is great confusion.  As you go to a door and give out tracts they ask `which church do you represent?`  With that perception in mind of a building in which they attend, they then ask `which church is right?`  Therein lies the confusion for many people.  In the New Testament scriptures we read of the church Paul speaks of.  He is not speaking of a building where people come together and communicate.  Paul is speaking of a company of people.  The Greek word for that is ekklesiastes where we get our word ecclesiastical.  It means a company of people called out from the world.  The word means a people who have heard the gospel of saving grace, accepted Christ as Saviour and stepped out to follow him entirely.  That body is right throughout the whole world and it doesn`t matter where it is.  That is the same word and body that Paul speaks of.  We want to turn to the chief cornerstone found in verse 6.

Notice the stone and its importance.  This is the chief cornerstone that God has laid.  When the architect looks at the plans he is drawing, he begins with something solid.  He wants the best foundation.  It is most important, utmost importance and it is the architect who knows the end from the beginning.  From the moment God called this universe into being he knew the end from the beginning and the stone which is of particular importance and significance will connect and tie everything together.  It is the chief cornerstone where 2 walls meet together and bears the stress of the whole buiding.  The chief cornerstone of the church of Jesus Christ, of our lives should be none other than Christ himself.  Every building needs a foundation and a conerstone.  The Bible says the builders rejected this cornerstone.  Imagine trying to build a building without it.  So many are trying to do that today without Christ.  "Whoever hears and believes my word he is like a man who builds his house on rock." (Matthew 7 verse 24)  When Jesus came into the world he came unto his own and his own did not accepted him. (John 1 verse 11)  The Saduccees and Pharisees and religious leaders would not listen to what Jesus taught.  Job after a time of heavy trial said "I am afraid of all my sorrows, I know thta thou wilt not hold me innocent." (John 9 verse 28)  That was after he had lost his family, his farm and had only those sitting with him, who mocked and ridiculed him.  He knew even if he should die he would trust the God of heaven.  God would bring hm through his trials as gold tried in the fire.  At the end of his life God spoke to him and invited him to ask a few questions he had throughout his sickness.  There is no harm in having questions. We don`t know the path we take but God knows best.  God said "Where wastthou when I laid the foundations of earth? declare, if thou hast understanding." (John 38 verse 4)  We need Christ at the foundation of our lives.

The stone and its identity.  We are not talking about an ordinary stone.  Peter is talking of Jesus as the chief cornerstone.  In Matthew 16 Jesus asked his disciples "Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?"  The response was some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, others Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.  Do we reflect on who Jesus is?  Reflect upon Christ the Son of God, the redeemer of the world, the Saviour of mankind.  Does it bother us how others see Christ?  They have a wrong idea of him.  A marvellous teacher or a wonderful healer.  You have got a wrong view of who Christ is today.  We should always be ready to give an answer ot the hope that is in us.  Can we open up the scriptures and show who Jesus is and what he came to do?  Jesus turned the question around.  "Whom do you say that I am?"  Do you know who he is?  Is he your Saviour?  Have you trusted him as Saviour and Lord?  Have you trusted him as the chief cornerstone?  Peter stood up and said "thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."  On hearing that Jesus looked into Peter`s face and said "upon this rock I will build my church."  Not on Peter.  Jesus said "you are right and I will build my church on it."  The very gates of hell will not prevail against it.  All hell will come against you as a child of God.  Would you believe in what your families and fiends will say?  The only thing will stand is the church of Christ.  One day the citadels of the world will fall.  All the financial establishments will crumble.  The only thing that will stand is the church of Jesus Christ because he is the sure foundation.  In Ephesians Paul told the people they were saved by grace - grace and grace alone.  That is the only way you are saved today.  You cannot just come when you want yourself.  Christ decides when to invite you, when and how he invites you.  He invites you through his grace to be saved.  Then he asks you to put your trust in Christ.  Notice when Paul talks to them in Ephesians about the foundation and says you are building on the foundation of the apostles and followers.  What is your life built upon today?  What is the local church built on today?  The assembly needs to be built on the doctrines of Christ with Christ being the chief cornerstone.  The stone is important.  The stone is identified as Christ.

The stone is impeccable.  It was perfect for the corner.  The whole building depends on it.  It is the main stress point for the whole building and it has to be tested.  Jesus was tested yet without sin.  Judas Iscariot said "I have betrayed innocent blood."  The thief on the cross said "we are here becase of our own mess but this man hath done nothing amiss."  Pilate said "I find no fault in him."  There is only one redeemer able to save your soul from its sins.

Te stone is immovable because the storms come but Jesus will take us through them.

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