Ephesians 1 verses 1 - 14
The apostle Paul was writing to the little church of Ephesus. It is something of a hymn of praise. It just seems as if he is sitting here having these wonderful thoughts of what happened to him in the salvation of his soul. He wanted to share these with these saints. It is a letter of encouragement. Maybe they were not longed saved. The church was probably not long established, living in a pagan society, the enemies of God all around. In Ephesus the pagan gods were worshipped and idolised. Paul writes to encourage them. The apostle Paul wants them to realise what they have in Christ. Do we ever really consider what we have in Christ as a believer, a child of God? It trips off our tongues that we are saved but do we ever take it in fully what it means to be saved? Paul points them to the richness of their salvation, what they really possess in their lives. It made them changed, new creatures in Christ. This was salvation worked out before the foundation of the world. We notice how Paul brings out the workings of the triune God in salvation. Verse 3 "God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." God the Father has made that choice, the great plan of salvation was in God`s heart. It was he who made this great plan. Verse 7 God the Son "in whom we have redemption through his blood." God the Father made the plan, the Lord Jesus fulfilled the purpose on the cross. It was in God`s heart and mind. It was the Lord who carried out the work. John 17 "I have finished the work you have called me to do." "It is finished" Jesus said on the cross. He finished the work of salvation. The third triune, God the Holy Spirit verse 13 "ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise." Coming to you and I revealing our need of salvation then sealing us when we accepted him as our Saviour. God would plan that, the Son would carry it out and the Holy Spirit would apply the truth to our hearts. It is by God`s great love for us. Notice what we have in this salvation.
The relationship we have in Christ. We are coming tonight as God`s own children. Abraham whenever he believed he obeyed the word of God "and it was accounted unto him for righteousness" (Romans 4 verse 3) then he became a friend of God. What a prvilege to be called the friend of God. Galatians 4 verse 7 "therefore thou are no more a servant but a son." John said "as many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God." (John 1 verse 12) We are sons of the most high God. If a son then an heir, heirs to all God has promised in his word. Praying and seeking God`s face is not the same thing. Praying is when we come to ask God`s blessing on our lives. Seeking God`s face is coming to lay hold on God for something that God has promised. Abraham said to God "I will not let you go until you bless me." When God gives a promise in the scripture we are to seek his face until he seals that promise in our lives. We are joint heirs with God tonight. Children of God, heirs to every promise he has given in his word, we are joint heirs, rooted in Christ, Paul pointed out to the Ephesian church at that time "ye were without Christ." chapter 2 verse 12. Strangers of the covenants of promise. Having no hope yet God has brought us into covenant relationship.
There is a reconciliation that he makes. We are on speaking terms with God. In our unsaved days didn`t matter whether we prayed or not. Now we are reconciled unto God, have a relationship with him. Sin had severed the relationship but God took the steps to mend it. He was the grieved party but yet he took the steps to mend our relationship. Hebrews 2 verse 17 "wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren." Let`s remember he has made reconciliation through the cross of Calvary. We come with hearts that are humble and thankful, lives enriched by the relationship with God.
The redemption that was offered. Verse 7 the price that was offered "through his blood". Christ`s life was offered. His precious blood. Was there ever such a price paid before? So great a sacrifice paid. The apostle Paul wanted the Ephesian church to understand what we have in Christ Jesus.
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