Sunday, 31 January 2016

Joseph in a new position

Sermon notes from Sunday morning 31 January 2016

Genesis 39 verses 1 - 20
Lask week we were looking at the glowing tribute Joseph`s father paid to him on his death bed.  Jacob hadn`t seen his son Joseph in many years.  One morning Joseph went out in search of his brothers who actually sold him into slavery and Joseph ended up in Egypt.  Many years later Jacob said of him "Joseph is a fruitful bough even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the walls."  These were the characteristics of a man, something that people can see and know Christ is in him.  Whenever Joseph was in the presence of his dying father what was said of him was important.  For there to be fruit on the bough it needed the soil, the water and the wall.  Every part had its particular job to play.  It is one thing to produce fruit but when it produces fruit in other places then that is more noticeable.  It is one thing to be fruitfuul in the church but another thing to have a fruitful life in the workplace or in the community.  There was a blessing in Potiphar`s house because of Joseph.  Is the workplace blessed because of you or I today?  Joseph was bearing fruit in Potiphar`s house.  The characteristics of God were bringing forth fruit.  Even Potiphar saw that himself - verse 2 "and his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand."  Potiphar knew there was something special about him too.  It was not a put on thing.  The Lord was with Joseph.

In his new position.  In verse 1 we read "and Joseph was brought down to Egypt."  Notice Joseph did not go down but was brought down.  He was brought down for a special reason, a task only he could do.  God was going to provide the way.  God knew there would be a famine in years to come and as a result God would use Joseph in that situation.  Maybe God is providing a way for you.  Maybe you cannot see it right now.  Joseph was sold in the market place, Potiphar saw him and thought he would be good in his house so would go in and pay the money for him.  He brought him out of the market place.  That must have been a degrading experience for Joseph. His own brothers sold him into the hands of Ishmaeiites yet we find this young man although degraded accepted the situation and began to live for God.  He is only 17 years of age, he is bought and sold as a piece of meat yet when he comes into his new position he is ready and willing to live for God.  When Joseph received his tribute from his father he was about 50 years of age.  If he were to think back there were many difficult decisions he had to make over the years.  Now he is showing love, joy and peace.  That is the fruit of the Spirit.  God the Holy Spirit dwells in us and brings fruit into our lives if we ony would allow him to do that.  Joseph was standing strong in this home, showing fruit for God.  I`m sure the decisions Joseph had to made during the years of famine were hard.  Maybe there were those who pointed the finger at him and said "there is not much love there."  Paul himself talked about love - love one another, love abounds, love excels and love grieves.  We need to be careful with it.  There comes a time of chastisement.  There are times when we have to chastise our children but it is a case of seeking for their betterment.  We have to take difficult decisions and people will point the finger and say "if that is love well then .."  Paul too took the elders of Ephesus out to Miletus.  He told them "I am leaving you now, I love that church at Ephesus, love you as elders but you have to be careful now to feed the flock, a place where God has made you the overseers.  In days to come there will be those who will rise up in the midst of your fellowhsip and I don`t want to see anything happening to this fellowship but you need to be strong when attack comes."  1 Timothy 1 verses 18 - 20.  Paul had to take these 2 people and deliver them unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme.  It seems a harsh thing to do.  He might have seen people pointing the finger at him and saying "there is not much love there."  2 Timothy 4 verses 13 and 14.  Paul was saying to Timothy "there is a man who has done me much evil, he has sought to withstand our ways."  Verse 15 "of whom be thou careful also."  Paul is actually protecting the work, protecting Timothy too.  Paul told him Alexander would flatter him and do all sorts of things to get in on him.  He has done me much evil and he will do the same with you.  Sometimes the Pastor has to protect the people.  He sees something that someone else doesn`t see.  Many people will blame the pastor as a result.  Joseph had many a harsh decision to make.  There were people who came to him during the famine with no money to buy food and he had to make decisions to take from them something they hadn`t got much of.

A display here of God`s presence.  Joseph had no bitterness toward those who sold him or those who bought him.  There was a tremendous presence of the Lord with him.  He had a peaceful serenity of character displaying love.  Circumstances may alter but his love never changes.  Men and women see you and me with a presence about us if we are living for God.  Joseph`s whole world had changed but there was not a word of anger or self pity here.  Joseph is standng in the market place waiting for someone to buy him yet he had no hate in his heart.  A man who perhaps did no wrong as far as his father is concerned.  Now he is being gaged on how he lives wthout his father.  Only when new situation arises that we can be truly tested of God.  Things never planned for before in our lives - perhaps sickness yet God could use that.  Perhaps unemployment or dismissal from work.  All so that people can see Christ living in us.  Somehow God can still use us in those situations.  Remember Stephen, the first martyr in the Christian church.  All the leaders quizzed him and tried to trick him, they brought in false witnesses, people who would tell lies.  We read these words though "they saw his face as had been the face of an angel."  The scribes and rulers are watching Stephen the whole time.  He was bearing fruit then.  They took him out and stoned him to death.  Saul kept their clothes around his feet while they stoned him.  Stephen knelt down and prayed with a loud voice "Lord lay not this sin to their charge."  When Stephen said this he fell asleep.

Joseph and his promotion.  He was taken from the market place, bought by Potiphar and brought into his home.  He wasn`t placed in the masters position initially but he probably started on menial tasks first and gradually his master saw something in him that promoted him until he reached the top position in Potiphar`s house.  Potiphar probably didn`t know what he owned exactly but Joseph did.  He was serious in all he did.  All he does is handed into his authority.  Joseph is careful though.  He doesn`t get big headed when the advances of Potiphar`s wife comes.  Joseph says in verse 9 "there is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife; how then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?"  Promotion can turn someone into someone else.  The fruit of humility is displayed in this young man`s life.  Promotion can turn people`s mind.  3 John verse 9 "who loveth the preeminence among them, receiveth us not."

Joseph is now pursued.  When he rebuked Potiphar`s wife something happened.  Joseph knew this relationship could never and should never happen.  He fled from the woman`s presence.  That is another fruit of the Spirit - temperance.  He is only a young man and he turns from that temptation.  He knows it is wrong and he couldn`t do it.  Isn`t it amazing how one woman brings accusation against one man.  She tells lies about him.  There is nothing to hide.  She shows the form of self control.  How do we control ourselves in situations?  Joseph was not like that.  He saw the temptation before him and he fled.  The woman held onto his garment, told the people this man tried to lie with me, I caught the garment and he fled.  He is being pursued.  Joseph however submitted himself to God.  "Resist the devil and he will flee from thee".  Joseph never raised a finger dispite her spreading it around what he had supposedly done.  Joseph is now cast into prison.  He showed fruit for God in Potiphar`s house but now he is put into prison.  God is not finished with him yet though.  Even there God used him.  God has something for you today.  He is not finished with you.  There is something more that God has for you and he will bring you through it.

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