Monday, 14 December 2015

The soul winner in God's work

Sermon notes from 13 September 2015

1 Corinthians 9 verses 11 – 27

These Corinthian believers just like you and I are not superheroes but had their faults, shortcomings just like you and I.  Here the apostle Paul writes to them and through these verses demonstrates to us what a man he was.  Here’s a man who has a passion for souls.  Look at the passion of a soul winner.  What passion do we need for winning souls?  We need that longing to go out and spread the gospel, not just the job of the evangelist or preacher.  In Revelation 3 the Lord is speaking to John on Isle of Patmos.  When it came to Laodicea he said they were lukewarm, were going through the motions, neither hot or cold.  The Lord wanted them to be either one or the other.  We need to be hot and need to be careful that we don’t get lukewarm.

As Paul speaks here of the soul winners passion, he speaks of the support of the soul winner.  From this teaching see how Paul says it is a team effort.  It is not just one preacher or evangelist, not left to one man but all in this together.  Verse 23 “And this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.”  What Paul is saying to this group is ‘we are in this together.’  You and I are as important as the evangelist is.  Paul is speaking here of the financial support of the preacher but as we look at that we see a great picture encompassed here.  Paul is saying here the preacher is bringing them into one area, one goal, one aim.  Verse 13 taking the principle back from the Old Testament.  Do you remember the priest in the Old Testament scriptures?  When he came with the sacrifices to the temple, he lived off those sacrifices.  He took the meat that was offered by the people.  Verse 14 brings them up to date “even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.”  Verses 11 and 12 according to these principles Paul was saying ‘I have come into your midst and preached the gospel and you have given the preachers the money needed for them.’  Rightly so Paul says to this group ‘I am telling you what God ordained from the preacher, you are to finance the preacher.’  That is your part in the gospel spread.  Encompasses not just the preacher.  The people gave finance to the preacher.  He goes out to proclaim the gospel, they gained nothing from it.  Paul says I haven’t claimed that, used none of it.  Verse 12 talks of power.  If people have claimed that authority over you from God well that is fine I haven’t used that power.  I was as much entitled to that as the next person.  We have not used this power but suffer all things lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ.  There were people saying ‘he is only here for the money wouldn’t be here otherwise.”  Paul says I don’t want your money lest people say exactly that and the gospel be hindered.  The gospel can be hindered by the preacher.  There could be someone unsaved out there and there could be something hindering them accepting the gospel because of a preacher.  The fact that we are trying to prove here is that the congregation was financing the preacher.  That was their part.  That is my part in the extension of the gospel.  We are all in it together for the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  In Romans 16 we read of Phoebe as a “succourer of many”.  She encouraged Paul to preach, that was her job.  Then we hear of Priscilla and Aquilla, a husband and wife team who opened up their home to me.  When I had nowhere to stay they gave me a job.  We support the gospel together.  They watched out for Apollo who was a great preacher.  Priscilla and Aquilla realised he didn’t have the full gospel so took him aside and taught him the full gospel message.  That is what Paul means here, sowing and watering.  1 Corinthians 3 verse 7.  There is more to watering than just praying, more to planting that preaching.  Paul is given an example as we work together.

The source of the soul winner.  The gospel he preaches and proclaims.  The power of the gospel is when it is presented.  It is the power of God unto salvation.  Something begins to happen when it goes forth.  The spirit takes the word and applies it to people in the congregation.  We will not see the lives of men and women changed.  We will not see people saved until we take the gospel and nothing else.  Paul deals with that in Romans 10 verse 13 – “for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”  That is simple message but that is all the Bible is. Have you ever called in sincerity on the Lord?  Bowed your knees at the cross, looked on Christ as his blood was shed for you?  Saw him as God’s Son, the once for all sacrifice for your sin and mine?  Realised you will never be in heaven without him.  It comes down to one call, just to lift your voice and acknowledge you have sinned.  He has paid the price for that sin and he will come to your heart.  The responsibility of it.  Romans 10 verse 14 “how then shall they call on him of whom they have not believed and how shall they believe on him of whom that haven’t heard.”  If you have never heard the name of the Lord how can you be saved and how shall they hear without a preacher?  We are in this all together.  What a responsibility we have.  Ezekiel “when I say unto the wicked thou shalt surely die and thou givest him not warning nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood will I require at thine hand.” (chapter 3 verse 18)  If you don’t preach the gospel and the congregation perish in their sin I will hold you personally responsible for that.  The God of heaven says that.  What a responsibility.  When you take the call of the preacher you are taking on some responsibility.  What about you and I?  Is there someone you haven’t warned this week?

The sacrifice of the soul winner.  Paul was prepared to go and preach the gospel but many things he had to forego.  Romans 9 verse 3.  Paul is saying “I wish that I would be accursed for God that somehow I might see all my brothers saved.”  He meant the nation of Israel.  I wonder this morning could we say the same?  Paul would forego his financial reward.  He didn’t want that.  Think of the sacrifices he made just to preach the word of God.  He loved the gospel so much.  Is there something we might sacrifice today to see a soul saved?  “Lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ.”  He didn’t want praise from man or for someone to look at him and say ‘if that is a Christian I don’t want anything to do with it.’ Paul was so passionate.  He was afraid in case anything would hinder the gospel.  We need to be sensitive.  One area was argument of meats served in Corinth.  Those who brought meat before market maybe before this offered to a pagan god as a sacrifice.  Then the Christian would go down and eat that meat.  Someone comes to Paul and says ‘I know that this meat was purchased, offered to an idol, should I eat that?  Paul takes an argument up in chapter 8.  There is no harm in it.  There is no such thing as idol.  Done out of ignorance.  You can eat that meat must be careful though.  If anyone with a sensitive conscience saw you eating that meat and realised it was offered to pagan gods it could be offensive in their eyes.  Paul says I would rather not cause offence to anyone. Is there something we would do that would somehow offend someone else?  Maybe the places we would go to, someone looks at us who is not a Christian, wouldn’t want to go there.  Things we say, habits we have, no harm in them.  Maybe someone sees no harm in them.  Wouldn’t it be better not to offend anyone?  Paul valued souls so much.  The soul that is in your bosom today is of far greater value than all this worlds riches yet that soul stands in danger of being lost.  

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