Friday, 18 December 2015

Taking the lead from God himself

Notes from Bible Study on Tuesday 15 December 2015

Acts 16 verses 6 - 10

We have been following through in the Acts of the Apostles the spread of the gospel from chapter 1 where the great commission was given by the Lord himself to his disciples.  Here we see Paul and Timothy going out to preach the word of God.  The spread of the word of God is more than giving out a gospel tract, standing in the street corner or behind a sacred desk or even a personal witness.  All of these are important but notice one factor here.  The fact of the lead of God.  That is what we find here.  Paul`s life and every decision he made was governed by the will and purpose of God.  Every decision we make is governed by the will of God and backed home by the word of God.  The apostle Paul has split with Barnabas over his decision to include John Mark in their team.  Paul and Timothy went forth here.  Now he comes to one of the most important decisions in his life, of the work and in his life.  That made me start to think of the importance of decisions we make when it comes to the work of God, to the will of God and to the word of God.  We need to be clear in our decisions.

This decision was made with great caution.  He was about to make a great decision.  When Ananias went in to see Paul, Paul had been blind for 3 days and had been praying.  God was using Ananias then sent Paul on his way preaching.  Since Paul was saved and commissioned the most important thing for him was for the spread of the gospel.  Night and day he prayed exceedingly, going into the synagogues and into the market places his spirit moved within him.  When in Athens he saw the whole city given over to idolatry.  He wrote in Romans "my heart`s desire and prayer for Israel is that they would be saved."(Romans 10 verse 1)  That was the most important thing in his life.  The spread of the gospel.  Is that our priority today?  Here we see the apostle Paul in chapter 6 waiting for God.  It was not a knee jerk reaction but rather waiting on God to know which road to take.  Paul wanted to go to Asia but the Spirit said no.  He wanted to go to Bithynia but the Spirit said no.  The decisions we make must come via God.  We are dealing with things above us.  You and I need to tread carefully concerning the work of God.  In the Old Testament scriptures David was bringing back the Ark of the Covenant on a cart.  It should never have been set there, it should have been set on the shoulders of the priests and carried.  There were oxen driving the cart.  As it moved it gave a jolt and the Ark must have moved.  Uzzah reached out to steady the Ark and God struck him down dead. (2 Samuel 6 verse 7)  A knee jerk reaction but the Lord didn`t want him to do that.  The decision he made was wrong.  Paul has to wait on God - verse 9.  A vision came on him in the night - verse 10 "assuredly gathering that the lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them."  

This decision came with consequences.  Paul wanted to be sure where he was going.  He wanted to go to the place God wanted him to go.  Paul takes time to seek God`s blessing and way.  To many the church is a mere social club, a bit of entertainment.  The church is for the spread of the gospel of saving grace.  it is the means in God`s hands to save the ungodly.  Uzzah`s knee jerk reaction, his decision to help God out had personal consequences.  He was smote dead.  Paul`s decision would have far reaching consequences.  he had wanted to go to Phiippi and a family was saved.  Lydia, the seller of purple was also reached, a little girl used by men to tell fortunes was reached.  All because of Paul`s decision.  In the book of Judges we read "every man did that which was right in his own eyes."  Sometimes it is easy to make a decision and think it is the right thing to do but we haven`t waited on God.  In the book of Ruth we read of some dire consequences from decisions.  There was a famine in Bethlehem Judea.  The interpretation of Bethlehem is "house of bread".  One little Jewish family, Elimelech, Naomi and their 2 sons talked about what was happening around them.  Elimelech decided they needed to go to Moah for there was food there.  He took his family and we do not find any record of where he sought the Lord in that decision.  The spirit of the age was "every man did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord."  He took them down into a heathen country.  Elimelech died there as did his 2 sons.  That left Naomi on her own with her 2 daugthers in law.  Only by the grace of God did she realise there was food in Bethlehem.  She got back to where she came from.  Our decisions are so important.  Paul didn`t know the consequences of his decision.  Paul simply prayed then carried it through.  We should pray for our loved ones but then our actions must take over too.  Our decisions must be governed by the will and word of God.  Paul didn`t know the consequences of his actions.  Remember Abraham and the decisions he made.  He stepped out of Ur of the Chaldees and when he got to the land promised to him by God there was a famine.  He lost sight of God and went further on down the road to Egypt.  In that city he told lies about his wife to protect himself.  Abraham became rich in Egypt so much so that the land wasn`t able to bear both him and his nephew Lot.  There was a separation, all because of a decision he made.  Our decisions are so important for the spread of the gospel.

A decision with confidence.  The man in Paul`s dream told him to come over to Macedonia and help them.  Verse 10 says "immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them."  He didn`t make the decision on his own.  God took him from where he was to the place he wanted him to be.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

The awakening call of the wise men

Sermon notes from Sunday 6 December 2015

Matthew 2 verses 1 - 12

This journey that the wise men took is an awakening call through their experience.  God had done something very special in this world.  It was fallen in sin and rebellion, they had fallen away from God.  God did something special and he wanted men to see that.  There is an awakening call to us today. To the church of Jesus Christ, to those professing Christ`s name.  God is doing something marvellous in this world today.  It wa 2 years since Mary had given birth to Jesus.  We don`t know how many wise men there were exactly but we read in verse 11 they came to see the child in the house.  In Luke`s gospel we read of the shepherds hurrying to see the baby in a manger.  In this verse we are told they saw Mary with the young child in a house.  There is no mention of Joseph and some commentators would say that Joseph died when Jesus was young.  Mary is no longer in the stable but living in a house.  Time has passed between the time the shepherds came and the wise men came. 

The interruption in their lives.  "We have seen his star in the east."  These were the Magi which is how we get the word magician today.  They were philosophers, they studied the stars, religion and many different things.  God breaks into their lives through their studies. It was every day behaviour, it was by means of the star that God interrupted their lives.  They saw one star that was different than any other.  God was breaking into their lives.  They recognised this star as being God`s star.  That is what brought them to this place.  God was trying to grab their attention.  Has God grabbed your attention today?  Maybe by way of salvation or by way of service, maybe by asking you to correct something that is wrong?  He is beginning to break into your life, interrupt the every day proceedings of your life.  Remember Samuel was a little boy who was doing a good work in the temple with Eli. Hannah his mother had come down and dedicated him to the work of God.  He was the gift of God and Hannah offered him for the service of God.  Samuel would have got up in the morning and opened the doors to the temple.  A menial task but someone had to do the task.  All is a service to God.  One night as Samuel put his head on his pillow in the normal routine of life God broke into his life.  God didn`t bring something into the sky, no he used an ordinary voice.  Samuel got up and ran to Eli asking "did you call me?"  God was breaking in.  Maybe God is trying to break into that life of yours just like God did with Samuel.  Eli recognised it as the voice of God.  He told Samuel what to say "speak Lord for thy servant heareth."  God had something greater for Samuel`s life.  God was breaking into his life to show him that important job he was going to do later in his life.  Remember the burning bush in Moses` day.  Moses was taking his flock to new pastures and as he walked past the burning bush he realised it was not burning up.  God spoke to him there and then.  Don`t push off something that is happening in your life as a coincidence.  That is the very thing he is breaking into your life about just to unsettle you in your circumstances.  Moses never thought for a moment that God would come to him.  God grabbed his attention, interrupted his life through that bush.  God had a task for Moses and made it known to him.  Has there been something this week, somehow it was an interruption and God had his hand on it?  God spoke clearly.  He wants to use that life of yours, asks you to surrender to him just like these wise men studying the stars.

God was beginning to inform them.  God had done something marvellous in a little village.  God wanted to inform these men of this wonderful event.  God wants to interrupt you.  He needs our undivided attention.  If we are not prepared to stop and take a moment God cannot do anything with us.  God would reach them through their own studies.  God sent one different star, the Messiah star.  God informed them of something.  God is maybe informing you of this wonderful Saviour born in Bethlehem all those years ago, informing you that you have sinned and come short of God`s glory.  He interrupts your life.  That he gave his life that you through him might be saved.  Has he shown you that today?  That he has prepared a way for your salvation?  The love he had for you in sending his son to the cross of Calvary.  God turned his back on him as darkness fell.  He died for you and I.  Amos chapter 3 verse 7 "surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."  Amos had in mind the message to go to his backsliding nation.  He told them about every day things - lack of rain, shortage of bread.  Why - because God was informing them of the situation.  He reaches down to where they are.  Amos was just a man who walked behind the flocks.  Amos 7 Amos answerd and said to Amariah who was questioning who he was. "I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet`s son, but I was an herdsman and a gatherer of sycamore fruit. And the Lord took me as I followed the flock and the Lord said unto me Go prophesy unto my people Israel."  God broke in as he cared for the flocks.  God wanted to challenge him of a greater challenge ahead.  God wants you and I to take heed and go through with God.  He wants us to inform those around us too.

God wanted to involve them.  It must have been a tremendous honour for them to look at the star and realise this is the one who created the earth and all around us, here`s God trying to break into our world.  God is trying to break into our lives.  He wants to involve us.  God informs us of a lost world today, perhaps a family under our roof that is lost without God.  What about the neighbours around us? Lost in sin.  You have the message in your heart. God wants to involve us in his plan.  God wanted to involve these men, he wanted them to come and gaze on his own son.  God wants to inform us of what he has done for us this Christmas time but sadly we don`t want to get involved.  We see that clearly whenever Herod brings religious leaders together here and asks is there evidence of this child`s birth?  He gathered all his own chief priests and scribes together and asked them to tell him where Christ would be born (verse 4).  They told him "in Bethlehem of Judaea for thus i is written by the prophet."  They handled the word of God but did not get involved with it.  We need to be involved in telling others.  There are people today who do not want to hear about the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ or the death of the Lord Jesus Christ or nothing of the blood shed for their sins.  Jesus himself said "I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it."  The wise men were influenced by the God of heaven to follow the star - "we have seen the star".  What influences you and me?  The star was from God.  He was informing them of what this marvellous thing was.  Remember Abraham`s servant who was sent to find a wife for Isaac.  He saw lots of women but he saw God`s guidance.  He later said "I beng in the way the Lord led me."  He had made the effort and knew God would not fail him.  Are we influenced by others?

The instruction of God to them.  The star was the means of instructing them in the way they should go.  "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."  The Lord will not leave us nor forsake us if we rely on him.  The Lord brought these men to the very place where the child was.  When they used their own thinking they got off track.  That was what brought them to Herod`s palace.  It was only after this that they started to trust entirely on the Lord.  God would not abandon them nor leave them.  That star would lead them to the road God would have them to be on.  Is God interrupting your life today?  Why not stop and let him inform you of what he wants you to do and where he wants you to go.  He wants to involve you in he word of God, to pray for men and women, to visit homes.  He influences the way we should go and instructs us every step of the way.  You have a decision to make.  God is awakening you to himself, he wants you to be at the battle front.

Sermon notes from Sunday 13 December 2015

Matthew 2 verses 1 - 12
The responsibility of man through these verses

Faith in that which God reveals should involve action.  As we read the word of God this morning as he speaks to our heart do we put it into action?  Through simple childlike faith God has shown to us something - will we act on it?  James tells us "faith without works is dead."  Let us examine the faith of these wise men.  There is no mention of there being 3 wise men but rather they brought 3 gifts.  There could have been 3 or 300, we are not told.

They had a faith that was serious.  They were in the business of the creator, they came to Jerusalem and openly told everyone "we have seen the star in the east and are come to worship."  They acknowledged the baby as a king.  They had a seriousness in their faith.  God had shown them this Messiah would come.  There was no unbelief about it.  God had shown it to them and they wanted to come after it.  "Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea in the days of Herod the king."  Think for a moment of what God did for you and I.  For this poor degenerate lost mankind.  He took his only Son Jesus Christ and sent him down into the world to die on the cross for lost mankind.  God at that moment turned his back on him.  God watched through the streets of Bethlehem, watched that family as they moved about.  Mary was great with child.  They came to the innkeeper`s door, to the place where they might find warmth and refuge for the night only to have the door closed on their faces.  Then they both made their way out to the back of the inn to a cave.  They had to bow down to get into the place, it was small in size and only used for keeping sheep and cattle.  Imagine as they made their way through the dark and dismal place, imagine the smell of it alone.  As God looked on, watched his son being born into this situation, born and placed in a manger.  God looked on the day when this world would be changed forever.  These wise men prepared to set aside their business and go on God`s business, to go on a journey.  Is that the seriousness we find ourselves in today?  The moment we trust Christ as Saviour and Lord - are we serious about it?  Things come across our pathway, things he would have us to do.  These men set aside all their own business to go and pursue what God had for them.  A sacrifice setting aside all their own business.  Peter said "Lord we have given up everything, our families, our homes to go out and take the message of the gospel to this lost world."  The Lord told him "you haven`t given up all that you will ever lose because you gain something that you will never lose."  How serious do we take our faith in God`s word?  Can see these man looking at this star and give time to find out the meaning of it.  Insistent to follow it.  Do we take time to study God`s word?  To reflect on it, to see what God is really teaching?  We cannot read the word of God like a newspaper, we need to take time to study God`s word.  Perhaps this star was different in shape.  They realised it was God`s own star.  Jonah gives a great example of a man not serious about God`s word.  He was sitting on one occasion when God spoke to him.  He told him he had a task for him.  Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.  That was his response.  Have you ever been there?  Sitting with the word of God, showing you something that needs to be done and you have said "no Lord I am going to flee from this."  Jonah sat and listened to what God had to say.  He fled from the word of God.  That brought havoc to the life of Jonah and the lives of those around him.  It spelt danger not only to him but to the sailors and those he came into contact with.  There is a warning here for each of us.  We need to make sure we are doing what God would have us to do.  In the word of God we learn how we should live and how we should act.  These men had a faith that was serious.

These men exercised a faith that was simple.  These men come to Jerusalem asking people.  God has spoken to us, he has shown to us there is a Messiah born and we have come to seek for him.  The responsibility is ours.  How simple is our faith with those we come into contact with.  There is a simplicity demonstrated here.  Back home in the east I am sure there were many debates about will they go or will they not.  There are many things hard to understand, to get our mind around.  How can these things be?  They followed what God had said by faith and they expected to find what God was speaking about.  Spurgeon once said "preach what you believe and believe what you preach."  Think of the faith of the maid in Naaman`s house.  He was cut down with leprosy.  This maid had been carried out of Israel in one of the raids.  She exercised the faith that was simple in the loving God.  She had never witnessed a miracle before yet she told her mistress "if my God went to the prophet he would be healed."  Some bible commentators have tremendous views of what this star was - one said it was still the glory of God shining on the hills of Bethlehem from the shepherds day, another said it was a comet in the sky but the Bible says God placed a star in the sky and the wise men followed that star.  Remember what Balaam said "I shall see him but not now, there shall come a star out of Jacob and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel." (Numbers 24 verse 17)  These wise men came on no other ground but only the grounds of faith."  "Without faith it is impossible to please God for they that cometh must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." (Hebrews 11 verse 6)  It is good to examine how simple our faith is today.  Don`t know the road or our problems, they just come.  Sometimes we count the cost and that is good.  Have to be careful that you don`t count it the wrong way.  Is what you do for God more than what you do for yourself?  If we don`t serve the Lord it will cost a lot more.  Consider Moses as he went down to Egypt to bring the people out.  Moses didn`t feel up to the task.  If we were to consider what God wants us to do I am sure we would feel the same way.  Their faith was simple.  Moses probably thought what would happen to his sheep he was looking after.  Maybe he couldn`t speak properly or that the people wouldn`t listen to him.  The Lord told him to go and he would sort everything else out.  If you are serious about God and he says to go, God will make the pathway for you.  Willie Mullan said "if God asks you to jump through the wall you jump and believe that God will make the hole."

Their faith was stedfast.  If your faith is not on the Lord it is not on God`s foundation.  These men met with opposition but would not give up.  Their faith was in the star that had shown them the way - verse 10.  They got back on course.  Sometimes on our spiritual journey we are led through a very dark difficult time, seems no signal from God.  Maybe there is sickness, death or upset.  There is no reason for it.  they followed the star and then all of a sudden it was gone.  Their faith remained stedfast.  Maybe there is an obstacle in our lives at this moment in time.  We feel like turning away from God.  Peter was the first one after Jesus` death and resurrection to say "I go a fishing". (John 21 verse 3)  He was going back to that which he knew best.  When the way gets dark and dull, if there is pain and opposition and oppression it is very easy to turn back and say I will not go that way, it is easy to go back to something we know.  John Mark turned back from Paul and Barnabas, gave up the battle field.  For us as saved people of God it is a battle field.  When God takes us to do a task there is a battlefield.  When you get involved in preaching, praying, or teaching Sunday School the devil comes with much opposition.  Sometimes we feel like throwing in the towel.  Joh Mark walked away, he said ‘no more’.  He witnessed a time of opposition.  Elymas the sorcerer was trying to turn John Mark`s boss away from the faith.  John Mark said he was turning back, he didn`t realise that the devil used that to cause a division between Saul and Barnabas.

Their faith was strengthened.  He brought the star back again just when they had lost sight of it.  When we lose sight of what God is doing in our lives it can be a difficult time but then he comes again and strengthens our faith once more.  When we begin to examine God`s word back to where God would have us to be, he confirms our faith.

Their faith was sealed.  They found the child and worshipped at his feet.  Then God revealed to them something - don`t go back the same way.  Maybe God says to you I have a way for you to go, to do something for me.  God speaks specifically to you and shows us his way.  Through these wise men we can see and examine our faith.  Maybe as we look today we need our faith strengthened and sealed.

The blessings of the house of God

Sermon notes from Sunday 27 September 2015

Psalm 122

This particular Psalm is a worship Psalm.  A song of decrees, sung as the children of Israel made their way to Jerusalem to worship God.  Verse 6 “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”.  A tremendous invitation for each one of us, to take on the nation of Israel.  God will one day take up his dealings with Israel once more, it will be the main focal point.  The blessings of the house of God.  There is a pleasure here that David reveals in the opening sentence of verse 1 “I was glad when they said unto me.”  David had something to be glad about, something in his heart he was glad about.  What is uppermost in his mind?  As you read through Psalms he is bubbling over with emotions.  When we read the Psalms we can see David has times of sadness but he revealed these for everyone to know about them.  For us it would be normal to hide our feelings of sadness.  David revealed his feelings of sadness.  Great sorrow and heaviness on his heart.  Times of discouragement, times when people let him down.  There were times when he was angry, afraid, joyful.  See the character of David through the Psalms.  Here in this verse great gladness uppermost in his heart and mind.  What would have brought this gladness?  Had he gained more land, another kingdom? Was it his wealth that brought joy?  He was going into the house of the Lord – verse 1.  “I was glad when they said unto me Let us go into the house of the Lord.”  He knew he was coming to a place that uplifted his heart and he sung praises to God.  Psalm 63 tells another tale, he couldn’t get to the house of God out in the wilderness of Judah.  Saul had threatened to kill him.  The only place he could run.  Whenever we think of wilderness think of something barren, a dry hot place, nothing planted there at all.  When he was there only one thought in his mind, the thought of the sanctuary when he was there some times.  Things hinder us getting to the house of God.  Maybe they are legitimate things.  Sometimes the devil will hinder you from getting to the house of God.  The devil will hinder you because he knows there is great blessing for you there.  Maybe you could stand in this house and tell me of great blessing from the Lord.  The devil will put in a hindrance, a barrier between you and the house of God.  Maybe miss other people legitimate reason why devil can keep you away.  In the days of Nehemiah when he was building the walls of Jerusalem Nehemiah took it in his heart to get before God of heaven.  He was the cup bearer before the king.  He had such power in the king’s palace.  Nehemiah began to pray one day, asked the Lord to look on Jerusalem and have compassion on it.  Nehemiah said we need to have a man who will go down and rebuild the city walls.  The Lord told him to go.  He did go in and rallied the troops and they rebuilt the walls.  There’s a blessing here for you today.  God has a blessing for you today in his house.  He wants to show you, perhaps wants to come to your heart and reveal the work of his Son when he came into the world.  He took the form of a servant there on the cross.  He died for all the world but more importantly died for you.  Thank God he has died for you and wants to save you.  What a blessing to be saved today.  He wants to come to your heart.  He wants to save you.  He has a work for you to do today just like he had for Nehemiah had all those years again.  Nehemiah went down to the city of Jerusalem, saw the gates and walls built up.  Nehemiah went back to Shushan.  Then one time he came back he saw something that disappointed him.  The Lord’s day being degraded.  He went down to the house of the Lord on the Lord’s day and he didn’t see a soul.  He said to the Levites, those who served the house of the Lord ‘why is the house of God forsaken?’  As you thought on the Lord’s day was there a joy, a pleasure, something that came to your heart?

The place he recalled.  “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord.”  Psalm 84 verse 2 if I have only one more day to live I would rather be in the house of the Lord.  Verse 10 talks about the doorkeeper.  Picture painted with that word, an old beggar lying at the gates of the Lord.  I would rather be that person.  That is what the Psalmist is saying.  I would rather be there than to be sitting in a banqueting house eating and feasting.  In Acts 3 we see a picture of a lame man.  He received something one day no mere human would do for him.  He had been lying at the gates.  “Silver and gold have I none but such as I have give I unto you.”  The power of God delivered that man that day.  He received tremendous blessing and miracle that day.  Is it any wonder that Psalmist could say he would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God?  Thomas missed out on the presence of God.  The house of my God promises a blessing today because God is in this house.  Sometimes we make great mistakes.  We travel miles to hear a great preacher, wonderful testimony or singer but the Lord might not be there.  “Where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst.”  In sincerity looking for me, for help.  That is what makes the difference.  God is here today.  He is speaking to one person.  He is asking you to open up your heart and surrender today.  In Exodus 25 Moses was given instructions for building the tabernacle.  One focus is on little box of great importance called the Ark of the Covenant.  It was given a special design, overlaid with gold, 2 cherubims on it facing each other.  “Here on the Mercy Seat I will meet with you.”  Mercy seat is a picture of the work Christ accomplished on the cross of Calvary.  God is saying to you I will meet with you at the foot of the cross.  The Psalmist knew he was in the place where God promised to meet with his people.  Yes you could meet with God in the living room, in your garden, yes God is with us everywhere but there is a special blessing of meeting with God in meeting with God’s people.  “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is.”

The people he rejoices in – verse 1 “when they said unto me let us.”  Looking at the people he could rejoice in.  A people who had kindred hearts and minds, wanted others to be there too.  People who were warmed, touched.  His very heart means a lot to people.  They put their arm on his shoulder and said “let us go into the house of the Lord.”  Always ask people to come into the house with you, what might have been if it hadn’t been for that group of people who invited you into the house of God.  Often think of Lydia in Acts 16.  It was the Sabbath day and there she was at her stall.  All week then came to the Lord’s day she came down to the riverside.  The Lord came and the Lord saved her.  Was there someone who said to her ‘one day would you like to come to our meeting?’  Or maybe when you went to the riverside as a stranger someone there that day said “you are the woman who sold the purple why don’t you sit with me.”  It is good to be welcoming and warm to others when others come to the house of God.  The Psalmist was glad of that.

The praise that he relishes – verse 4.  The Psalmist knew he was coming in to give thanks.  The tribes would come down for that very reason.  That is why should be in the house of God.  The old devil will try and dampen your spirit, cast you down.  “I was glad when they said.”  People who really got the victory over the devil.  When we strive to see what God has done for us there is a praise that the Psalmist relishes.  When God reached down to us and gave his love for us on Calvary’s cross does that not bring praise to our hearts?

The prayer that resounds.  The Psalm says “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”  “My house shall be called the house of prayer.”  “I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord.”

Monday, 14 December 2015

God's work as a pattern, is precious, personal and requires perseverance

Sermon notes from Sunday 20 September 2015

1 Corinthians 15 verses 42 – 58

Last Sunday we thought of the soul winners passion.  We saw Paul’s passion as he went from city to city, village to village that others might be saved.  We saw his attitude to the very missionary work he was called to do.  As we come to the close of our mission we can be sure of one thing – the activity of the devil.  He comes with a snigger, snide remark saying “what have you accomplished in these 2 weeks, not seen a soul saved.”  In answering the devil on that point we don’t know what has been done.  “Man looketh on the outward appearance but God looketh on the heart.”  The gospel has brought a means of challenge.  Maybe has made people begin to think of God.  We might never know perhaps if it has brought someone to saving faith in Christ.  This is the devil’s tactics.  The very point you went and asked someone to come and they didn’t attend is his ploy in trying to show you it wasn’t worth it.  We can answer the devil we will never know what has been achieved.  Remember the Jewish company rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem under the leadership of Nehemiah?  The old enemy were sitting up in the hills watching.  They had broken down the walls, burnt the gate, seen the people taken captive.  Now Nehemiah comes and rallies the people together.  The work commences and a stone is laid on another.  The enemy sees a work beginning to commence and they are sarcastic towards it “sure even if a fox ran against that wall it would fall.”  That handful of people could do so little.  “So built we the wall” Nehemiah says.  The insignificant group.  The mission concludes but God’s work goes on.  “We have the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ therefore my beloved be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord forasmuch as ye knoweth that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”

God’s work as a pattern.  Remember when Nehemiah was building that wall the enemy told him to stop and talk to them Nehemiah said “I am doing a great work.”  Nehemiah said he had God in his mind and in his heart and that was the only thing that mattered.  He wasn’t used to work like this, he was a cupbearer to the king but here he was out gathering the stones with his hands.  “I am doing a great work, I cannot come away from this work.”  Has the old devil tried to stop you doing the work God has called you to?  The devil is successful at times.  God’s work as a pattern.  Got to see his hand, to see that pattern fulfilled.  Peter asked about John and what would happen to him.  The Lord turned to him and told him not to worry about John but just follow him.  If you get your eyes on the Lord that is the pattern to follow.  Forget about someone else.  We need to have our eyes on the Lord today.  The pattern we have to follow is Jesus Christ.  The apostle writing to the Hebrews when people had been doing well, following the Lord but then began to fall away, became lukewarm.  The apostle brings them together.  He tells them of the host of witnesses who have gone on before them.  There are those who have gone on before us.  They have won the crown in heaven.  They are telling us to keep on going in this race.  You must look unto Jesus the author and finisher of the faith who for the cross endured the shame … for consider him.”  When you consider Christ everything else falls into line.  See Jesus at the age of 12 taken to the temple of God where he meets up with the learned men of the day, the Pharisees and religious leaders sitting in the temple.  He got so caught up in what was happening around him he forgot to go home.  Joseph thought Jesus was with Mary and she thought Jesus was with Joseph.  There was confusion so they both turned and went back into Jerusalem.  When we lose out on Jesus we need to be concerned where we stopped walking with him.  They went back and found Jesus in the temple.  The men of the temple were taken in with this young child, such knowledge and wisdom, didn’t know how he understood it all.  Mary and Joseph told Jesus they were so worried.  He replied “I must be about my father’s business.”  The challenge for us, professing the Lord’s name is that we should be about our father’s business.  In John 4 at the well in Sychar the disciples went off to find food to eat.  They came back and found Jesus having spoken to the woman they told him “come and eat.”  He replied “I have meat that ye know nothing of.”  John 4 verse 34 “my meat is to to do the will of him that sent me.”  The zeal that Jesus had for his father’s business.  I look to the Lord again and he fills me with encouragement.  I have finished the work he has given me to do.  Such was the Lord caught up in the work of his heavenly father.  There was the pattern for it.  Are we looking to the Lord tonight?  Do we see him on the cross of Calvary, with blood running down his back, spat and cursed on, wounds on his hands and feet?  Do we see the work he has done to save your soul?  He has done that to adopt you into his family.  Are we out and out for the work of the father today?  The order of the words in a concordance are – word, work, worker, world.  In order to reach the word there is a work to be done by a worker to get to the world.  The world needs the word of God, the work of God, and the worker of God.  “No man having put his hand to the plough looking back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

A work that is precious.  No other work like it which you could be involved in that is like this work.  This is the work of the master today.  Jesus likened it to the harvest field.  The harvest is truly plenteous.  Lift your eyes, see the wheat blowing in the beauty of the sun.  That harvest is mighty.  The labourers are few.  Jesus was speaking then more of a practical harvest.  People were coming out of Samaria and looking to him.  People sidestepped the work of God.  Not many in the fields to work.  The work is so precious.  “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth labourers.”  It is the work of God and he sends forth.  Are you listening?  Whenever you get down before the God of heaven to read the word of God are you listening to what God has to say to you?  That he will send forth?  Maybe he will send you forth today.  The work is so precious.  He oversees it, sends forth the workers.  Acts 16 God looks on the work in Antioch, sees them witnessing.  God comes and gathers the people together “separate unto me Paul and Barnabas for the work I have called them to do.”  It is only God who does the equipping, hiring because it is so precious.  In the Old Testament scriptures Nehemiah was called from the king’s palace to the task of rebuilding the city walls.  Nehemiah said “neither told I any man what God had put in my heart to do at Jerusalem.”  God had only told him and him alone.  Have you been obedient to the heavenly vision?  Has God placed something in your heart?  Mrs Sonia Howell wrote a book entitled “how patterns formed in the weaving.”  One day she was on a visit to a Russian artist sitting before a canvas.  He had an old painting that had hung in a famous cathedral for many years.  He had been given the task to take it back to the original.  As she came into where he was working he would make little brush strokes here and there.  Had to do this one piece at a time and every piece took hours at a time to make sure it was the right piece.  He would step back and look at it.  Perhaps there were times he had to remove what he had done and start again.  Mrs Howell asked him “is not this fearfully dull uninteresting work.”  The artist looked at her and said “this is a work for eternity.”  Are we doing something that will last for eternity?

It is a personal work.  “Be ye steadfast … ye know your labour”.  Your labour hasn’t been in vain.  This work is personal.  Remember the woman with the 2 mites who went in to the treasury one day?  Think of her earlier in the day before she left for the house of God.  All I have is 2 mites, what good would that be, might as well stay at home.  Then she started to think of all the princes, the governors who would come in before and after her, all so well gifted with riches putting in out of their abundance.  It was her own work.  She was putting in her 2 mites.  That is all she had to give.  The kings and governors wouldn’t even miss what they gave but she was depending on the God of heaven for breakfast the next morning.  Think of the little boy with fishes and loaves “what is that among so many.”  Jesus told the story of a man who left for a far country.  He gave his servants talents to look after while he was gone – the first received 5 the second 2 and the third 1.  The first servant with the five went and doubled it as did the second man but the third man went and hid the talent until his master returned.  The master was angry with this man and told him he expected him to put it to good use but you have done nothing with it.  Perhaps the man with the one talent looked at the other 2 men with the 5 and 2 talents and felt insulted.  He probably thought what was the point in going out to do anything with it.  This is a personal work and we must give our all to it.

It is a work that needs perseverance.  You can get tired in the work but what does the verse say “keep at it”.  The race is not over, the cup is not won, there is a reward to be won.  That is what kept David Livingstone going in his prayers and preaching.  One day the villagers found him slumped over his stool with his hands clasped and head bowed in prayer.  He simply slipped across into the presence of God.  We need to keep at it.  There is a prize one day.  Your work is not in vain.  Noel Grant the evangelist used to talk about not becoming lemonade Christians.  If you took a bottle of lemonade and shook it, it fizzed for a while then settled down.  We need to keep at it day by day praying.  Your work will never be in vain because God is overseeing it.  The word of God will not return unto him vain but will accomplish what he desires.

The soul winner in God's work

Sermon notes from 13 September 2015

1 Corinthians 9 verses 11 – 27

These Corinthian believers just like you and I are not superheroes but had their faults, shortcomings just like you and I.  Here the apostle Paul writes to them and through these verses demonstrates to us what a man he was.  Here’s a man who has a passion for souls.  Look at the passion of a soul winner.  What passion do we need for winning souls?  We need that longing to go out and spread the gospel, not just the job of the evangelist or preacher.  In Revelation 3 the Lord is speaking to John on Isle of Patmos.  When it came to Laodicea he said they were lukewarm, were going through the motions, neither hot or cold.  The Lord wanted them to be either one or the other.  We need to be hot and need to be careful that we don’t get lukewarm.

As Paul speaks here of the soul winners passion, he speaks of the support of the soul winner.  From this teaching see how Paul says it is a team effort.  It is not just one preacher or evangelist, not left to one man but all in this together.  Verse 23 “And this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.”  What Paul is saying to this group is ‘we are in this together.’  You and I are as important as the evangelist is.  Paul is speaking here of the financial support of the preacher but as we look at that we see a great picture encompassed here.  Paul is saying here the preacher is bringing them into one area, one goal, one aim.  Verse 13 taking the principle back from the Old Testament.  Do you remember the priest in the Old Testament scriptures?  When he came with the sacrifices to the temple, he lived off those sacrifices.  He took the meat that was offered by the people.  Verse 14 brings them up to date “even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.”  Verses 11 and 12 according to these principles Paul was saying ‘I have come into your midst and preached the gospel and you have given the preachers the money needed for them.’  Rightly so Paul says to this group ‘I am telling you what God ordained from the preacher, you are to finance the preacher.’  That is your part in the gospel spread.  Encompasses not just the preacher.  The people gave finance to the preacher.  He goes out to proclaim the gospel, they gained nothing from it.  Paul says I haven’t claimed that, used none of it.  Verse 12 talks of power.  If people have claimed that authority over you from God well that is fine I haven’t used that power.  I was as much entitled to that as the next person.  We have not used this power but suffer all things lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ.  There were people saying ‘he is only here for the money wouldn’t be here otherwise.”  Paul says I don’t want your money lest people say exactly that and the gospel be hindered.  The gospel can be hindered by the preacher.  There could be someone unsaved out there and there could be something hindering them accepting the gospel because of a preacher.  The fact that we are trying to prove here is that the congregation was financing the preacher.  That was their part.  That is my part in the extension of the gospel.  We are all in it together for the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  In Romans 16 we read of Phoebe as a “succourer of many”.  She encouraged Paul to preach, that was her job.  Then we hear of Priscilla and Aquilla, a husband and wife team who opened up their home to me.  When I had nowhere to stay they gave me a job.  We support the gospel together.  They watched out for Apollo who was a great preacher.  Priscilla and Aquilla realised he didn’t have the full gospel so took him aside and taught him the full gospel message.  That is what Paul means here, sowing and watering.  1 Corinthians 3 verse 7.  There is more to watering than just praying, more to planting that preaching.  Paul is given an example as we work together.

The source of the soul winner.  The gospel he preaches and proclaims.  The power of the gospel is when it is presented.  It is the power of God unto salvation.  Something begins to happen when it goes forth.  The spirit takes the word and applies it to people in the congregation.  We will not see the lives of men and women changed.  We will not see people saved until we take the gospel and nothing else.  Paul deals with that in Romans 10 verse 13 – “for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”  That is simple message but that is all the Bible is. Have you ever called in sincerity on the Lord?  Bowed your knees at the cross, looked on Christ as his blood was shed for you?  Saw him as God’s Son, the once for all sacrifice for your sin and mine?  Realised you will never be in heaven without him.  It comes down to one call, just to lift your voice and acknowledge you have sinned.  He has paid the price for that sin and he will come to your heart.  The responsibility of it.  Romans 10 verse 14 “how then shall they call on him of whom they have not believed and how shall they believe on him of whom that haven’t heard.”  If you have never heard the name of the Lord how can you be saved and how shall they hear without a preacher?  We are in this all together.  What a responsibility we have.  Ezekiel “when I say unto the wicked thou shalt surely die and thou givest him not warning nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood will I require at thine hand.” (chapter 3 verse 18)  If you don’t preach the gospel and the congregation perish in their sin I will hold you personally responsible for that.  The God of heaven says that.  What a responsibility.  When you take the call of the preacher you are taking on some responsibility.  What about you and I?  Is there someone you haven’t warned this week?

The sacrifice of the soul winner.  Paul was prepared to go and preach the gospel but many things he had to forego.  Romans 9 verse 3.  Paul is saying “I wish that I would be accursed for God that somehow I might see all my brothers saved.”  He meant the nation of Israel.  I wonder this morning could we say the same?  Paul would forego his financial reward.  He didn’t want that.  Think of the sacrifices he made just to preach the word of God.  He loved the gospel so much.  Is there something we might sacrifice today to see a soul saved?  “Lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ.”  He didn’t want praise from man or for someone to look at him and say ‘if that is a Christian I don’t want anything to do with it.’ Paul was so passionate.  He was afraid in case anything would hinder the gospel.  We need to be sensitive.  One area was argument of meats served in Corinth.  Those who brought meat before market maybe before this offered to a pagan god as a sacrifice.  Then the Christian would go down and eat that meat.  Someone comes to Paul and says ‘I know that this meat was purchased, offered to an idol, should I eat that?  Paul takes an argument up in chapter 8.  There is no harm in it.  There is no such thing as idol.  Done out of ignorance.  You can eat that meat must be careful though.  If anyone with a sensitive conscience saw you eating that meat and realised it was offered to pagan gods it could be offensive in their eyes.  Paul says I would rather not cause offence to anyone. Is there something we would do that would somehow offend someone else?  Maybe the places we would go to, someone looks at us who is not a Christian, wouldn’t want to go there.  Things we say, habits we have, no harm in them.  Maybe someone sees no harm in them.  Wouldn’t it be better not to offend anyone?  Paul valued souls so much.  The soul that is in your bosom today is of far greater value than all this worlds riches yet that soul stands in danger of being lost.  

The influence of God on a lad's life

Sermon notes from Sunday 6 September 2015

John 6 verse 1 - 14

In John chapter 6 the first thing that strikes us is the vastness of the crowd that gathered. I want us to focus our thoughts and attention to one little phrase in verse 9 "there is a lad here". In the vastness of this crowd, in the sea of faces Andrew picks out one little child.Maybe as we gather here this morning , maybe God has already been putting his finger on one person and God is saying I want something of you. Would you be prepared to come and give him your life today? Would you be prepared to give him your heart and life today? Maybe he is laying his hand on you to be a children's worker today, a pastor or an evangelist. Maybe even the burden of prayer on you. Andrew comes to Jesus and says” there is a lad here.” Jesus and his disciples had no food and a great multitude of people. Mark tells us the day was spent, darkness was coming. God was laying his hand on one child. Maybe God is saying to you the day is far spent and he is calling you to get into his work today. Is God laying his hand on you today?

The importance that was suggested.

Andrew says about this child there is a lad and he is here right in our very midst. This lad could have been many a place, some other place or village but was in the place where Jesus was. How important that was - to be in the place where Jesus is - in his house, where his voice is heard and presence felt. Thomas sat among the disciples praying and preaching but when Jesus was placed on the cross, laid in the tomb on the third day, raised again, when Jesus reappeared to his disciples Thomas wasn't there, missing something important that day. It is important to be in the Lord's house on the Lord's day. The lad was going to witness what the Lord was about to do. In John 2 there is a lovely account of a wedding. No details of the bride and groom. Jesus was there, how important it was for them to have Jesus a part of their married life. When this couple took their vows they wanted Jesus in their midst. To them it was important to begin a life with Jesus. We read in Mark 2 Jesus again entered into Capernaum and after many days it was noised abroad he was there. Peter's home town. He was in the house and it began to be talked about. People knew Jesus was abiding in that house. It is good to have a home built on the presence of Jesus. Have you got that home today? Is Jesus right in the presence of your home ? Do you take time to open up the word of God, read a portion of scripture, to bow your heads and commit the day to the Lord? Is it noised abroad that Jesus is in that home?

The interest that he showed

As I look on this scene here with so many people gathered together and see this boy in the midst, I have to ask “what brought him out on that particular day?” Interest in his heart to see the Lord and interest to hear him. What has brought you into the house of God? Is it the same interest as this lad, just to hear God's voice. Maybe you have taken time to ask God to speak to you, to commit the service to God even before anything happens? Verse 2 "and a great multitude followed him because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased". Heard so much about him, wanted to be where he was. Isn't it wonderful when that interest brings us into the house of God, that we might hear his voice. Maybe was a family day out. Isn't it good to come into the house of God as a family.  Maybe led by his father and mother to this position, to look on the Lord.  On one occasion Jesus when he was out walking there were those who turned their backs on him, came under ridicule and criticism. Many today do the same, finding it difficult and hard, turning away from the Lord. There were those in Jesus own day. As Jesus looked at his disciples and asked "will you go away also?".  Their reply was "how could we when you alone have the words of eternal life?" As children come each Sunday morning there is one thing they are learning - the fact that there is eternal life in none other than Jesus Christ. That is what we teach them, no salvation outside Christ, no eternal life outside Christ. If you miss the precious blood shed for your sins you will be lost for all eternity. I see the interest of parents when Jesus approached a village one day and the children came out to meet him. The disciples started to rebuke the parents. Jesus said "Suffer the little children to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven." This lad was drawn because of the swell of the interest in Jesus. Perhaps drawn out by the crowd. As watched them leaving the villages he decided to go with them. He was drawn by the crowd. Many of our children are drawn by the crowd but sadly away from Christ. Where is the crowd drawing you today? As an adult that is a challenge here today. Are your children being drawn to Jesus by the way you walk? Do they look on you as a role model? When do they see you going to church? Are you leading them into church or into social activities, the pubs and clubs? Do they see that you have an interest in Christ today?

The identity of this young lad

One fact picked up if we hadn't been told it was a lad who brought the lunch we might have thought of an adult. Not a king or a governor or a rich person but a lad. How important it is for us to see that Christ overlooks none. Jesus doesn't overlook us. He has something to say to you today. He didn't overlook the widow woman in the treasury hall when throwing money into the plate. She gave 2 mites into the plate. There is a lesson for you. Jesus said to his disciples the Lord will not forget about you, that the Lord will not see you in a crisis.  Children are so important. You are important to God. Of children today how often we say you are only a number, you don't matter. Even the very hairs of your head are numbered to God. That is how important you are to Jesus. Jesus said "not one sparrow will fall to the ground that God doesn't know about it." God deals with us on a personal level. You are individual to him and he will deal with you individually. One day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess. This lad was picked out. An individual out of 20,000. The Lord will deal with him personally as he will deal with us today. You will bow your knee as an individual.

Notice the invitation

When Andrew spoke to this boy I have seen you come prepared will you come with me, make your way down through the crowd and hand it into Jesus' hands? That is what we invite children to do, invite them to give what they have, their hearts and lives to Christ. Invite you to give your heart to the Lord "my son give me your heart". The bible says this lad, didn't have much but all he had gave to the Lord.

The impression that he made

Look what Jesus did with this lad. He stepped out from the crowd and gave his lunch to the Lord. The Lord took and gave it to his disciples and they fed and they fed and they fed until there was nothing left. That is what the Lord did for a young lad. What the Lord could do with you today. Little is much when God is in it. David was a shepherd boy God placed on the throne of Israel. Joseph was a young man from his father's house who became second to king. Today the devil fills our children with drugs, takes them into the gutter. What the Lord does today, takes them and places them on a rock which is Christ Jesus. David Livingstone won Africa for Christ. D L Moody won thousands for Christ. God could raise one soul for him, bring many to Christ through them.

Lessons from Abraham

Sermon notes from Sunday 5 July 2015

James 2 verses 14 to 23

It is said of Abraham that he was "the friend of God" verse 23. What a wonderful tribute to be paid to any person.

Abraham's title.  He was a friend of God. How was that title acquired?  It was not purchased with money but it was the gift of God. In verse 23 see the context in which the title came about. Titles are important to some people. The only access into a place is because we know a person. Today we are all hoping (and trusting) to be in heaven and the only way to be there is on the authority of someone else - Jesus. It is not something to be acquired or merited, it is "not of works less any man should boast". It was through the shedding of Christ's blood being shed on Calvary to die for our sins. Can you lay hold of that title?  Abraham was not born a friend of God. He was born as a sinner into this world but became a friend of God because he believed in God. When he was living in Ur of the Chaldees God looked down on his family and called him out of that place, from his family and told him "get thee out of thy country unto a land I will show you." God spoke to him, we don't know how long for or how often he spoke to him but he spoke to him. It called for a decision and that is what we have to do too. Remember how God spoke to Samuel in the darkness of the night. So clear that Samuel thought it was Eli the priest. Like Elijah it can come in a still small voice. Abraham realised God was speaking to him. When did we last hear God's voice? Do we take every decision to the Lord, pray and take his guidance? The Psalmist could say "teach me the way I should go." Listening for the God of heaven, waiting on the Lord. He may not answer then and there, we may get up and feel God has not been speaking at all. We may have to wait and hear God's voice showing the direction. Moses out in the wilderness saw the burning bush, it was out of the ordinary for it to burn. Sometimes that is what God does in our lives, shows us he is speaking. Maybe God had been  speaking to Abraham day after day until he could go no further. Even today God is singling out one person, asking them to follow him. Will you step out of where you are, lay your all on the altar for God?

Abraham's testimony.  Many bear the title but have no testimony. For Enoch in Genesis it was said "he walked with God". There was a time when he didn't walk with God but one day he made a conscious decision. Enoch maybe looked at his son and saw the beauty of him, the perfection of him and he lifted his eyes to God. It was at that point that he walked with God.  Abraham's father had already died and they had moved to Haran and stopped there. Now God spoke again. The death of his father provoked a walk with God. Abraham was prepared to turn his back on an idolatrous society, a place where they worshipped the moon God and all the stars, where the elders brought their children to be sacrificed. Abraham made a decision to follow God. "What shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" There must come a time when we must decide if we want this world or rather put God first and follow him. Abraham turned his back on this society. Isaiah 1 verse 38. Remember the testimony of Daniel. He was living in a society opposed to the worship of God. They had him cast into den of lions because he was not prepared to pray to the king. Daniel opened the windows facing the house of God in Jerusalem and began to pray. The people arrested him and brought him before the king. The king couldn't change the law and Daniel was put into the den of lions. The king said to him "thy God whom thou servest continually shall deliver thee." He realised there was a difference in Daniels God. You may bear the title but what about the testimony? 1 Peter 3 verse 1 "that they might be won by the conversation of their wives". That word conversation means lifestyle. A love for the Lord and for souls is the most important thing of all.

Abraham's trials.  To be called a friend of God does not mean you will be ushered in to heaven on a bed of feathery clouds. When you trust the Lord as Saviour you become an enemy of the world.  And there is the greatest enemy the world has never know, Satan himself.  A friend of God will put God first in every aspect of their life. Abraham loved his son Isaac and God asked him to sacrifice him on the altar to show his love for God. Just in time God stopped him from doing it and gave him a lamb caught in the thicket behind him. Do we put God first in our lives?  The widow woman whom Elijah met had only a small amount of meal and a cruise of oil, enough to feed her and her son one last meal. Elijah told her to give him some first and she did so, she survived and had enough and plenty more to keep on living. The widow woman in the New Testament had only 2 mites yet she threw it all into the collection plate.  It was all she had but she gave it so willingly. If we want to see God's hand of revival are we prepared to give our all to him?

Abraham's trophy. He didn't see all the things God promised him but he saw them "by faith".