Notes from a sermon heard on Sunday 2 August 2015
When you go into the book of creation Adam and Eve see the first attack
come on the word of God. Satan came into
the Garden of Eden, got Eve separated from her husband. He tried to confuse Eve with the word of
God. “Hath God said”. The bible is the foundation of
the Christian faith. “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the
common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the
faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”(Jude 1 verse 3) “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts:
and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of
the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” (1 Peter 3 verse
15) “If the foundations be destroyed,
what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11 verse 3) We see a chipping away at the word of God today. There’s an attack on the word of God
today. We have to be up to that
challenge, have to be up to what the word says.
“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro,
and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning
craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; (Ephesians 4 verse 14) Satan wants to move you away from the word of
God, not building your life on the word of God.
Satan himself hates the word of God being opened. Why does the devil hate the bible? Hebrews 4 verse 12 says “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged
sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the
joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of
the heart.”
The devil
hates the bible today because of the character
of the word of God. This is a living
word, not something written years ago and means very little today. This is the word of God, able to bring life
to us today. That is why the devil hates
it. As sinners hear the word of God new
life will come to their souls. The devil’s
plan and purpose is to damn every soul he possibly can. The word of God is to bring life abundant
life to everyone who believes. John
Wycliffe saw a great need in the 1300’s, the importance of placing the bible
into the hand of every man in their own language. At that time it was only in the pulpit, only
the priest could handle it. The layman
had no authority. He couldn’t understand
it, couldn’t take it in as it was written in Latin. Wycliffe set about to put the word of God
into the language of man and woman that they might understand it. It is a word that is living and not dead. John Wycliffe’s body was dug up and
burned 30/40 years after his death. “Being
born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God,
which liveth and abideth for ever.” (1 Peter 1 verse 23) Remember Jesus spoke of the sower going out
to sow and the seed fell on various parts of the ground. Some fell on hard ground representing those who heard the
word of God but did nothing about it.
The birds of the air picked the seed up and took it away. Maybe the person was challenged but did
nothing about it. The devil comes and
takes it away. This is a living
word. In the Old Testament Josiah was
made king at 8 years of age. He loved
the Lord and set out to reform the name of God.
The temple doors had been closed for 200 years, there was no worship in
the house of God. Josiah sent a convoy of
people down to renovate the place of God.
As they were doing that the priest put his hand into a cubby hole one
day, cleared it out and found something. It was the word of God given by Moses.
God preserved that word, kept it alive.
The priest brought it into the presence of God, opened it up and began
to read the word of God. The king fell on
his face and rent his clothes when he heard it.
It is a living word meaning it is quick.
Notice the composition of the word of God. It is powerful. The make up of the word of God is something
very powerful. That is why the devil
hates it. John 3 verse 16. The Holy Spirit can right this moment take
that word of God and apply it to your heart.
Whenever we begin to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ something
happens. Lives are changed, the word of
God can reach down into your soul and reach that which is corrupted by
sin. When we think of some of the
medicines we have today and the composition of them it makes us realise how some poor person in an accident coming
through time of trauma, see these medicines administered to their body. Their composition has the ability to reach
down and take away some of the pain.
Look at the composition of the bible.
The 2 disciples on the road to Emmaeus were making their way home. Jesus drew alongside them and for a time no-one
spoke. They testified later “did not our
hearts burn within us when he opened up the scriptures." He opened up from the book of Psalms and the
Prophets showing them all things concerning the word of God. The make up of this word is so powerful. In Thessalonica for 3 sabbaths Paul opened up
the word of God. He took one scripture
and built on it. The result was those
who were saved of the spirit of God and built that church. Paul wasn’t afraid of going on with the word
of God. The word of God is the power of
God unto salvation to every one that believeth.
The devil hates the word of God. Why? Because it could save your soul
today. If the devil could he would damn
your soul in a lost sinners hell. Wouldn’t
it be awful to close your eyes in death and open them in hell? God has given us the word of God and it is
quick and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword. Think of Lydia who attended church every week
but one day Paul preached and something happened. Her heart was opened for the first time. The word of God is powerful. In Ephesians Paul talked about the soldier
before him. He saw all the pieces of
armour. He would have a sword fastened
to his armour which was sharp on both sides.
Paul said for the Christian to take the word of God and use it it will do what it is supposed to do because
it is sharper than any two edged sword.
Peter on the day of Pentecost preaching the word of God faced his enemies. The people around him stood with their mouths
opened aghast listening to this uneducated fisherman about God’s plan and
purpose to go all the way to Calvary to shed his precious blood for you and
I. Peter said it was you with your wicked
hands and sinfulness that took him and placed him on the cross of Calvary, you who
condemned him to death. That word
pierced the peoples heart and what they must do now.
Satan hates
the word of God because it is convincing. It is the word of God that judges,
guides and discerns. As you lay hold of God he shows
you the way. “As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a
buckler to all those that trust in him”. (Psalm 18 verse
30). “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
(Psalm 119 verse 105) It is as if God knows
the very thoughts of your heart, discerning the heart, convincing you of your
need of salvation. That is why the devil
hates it. The word of God under the
ministry of the Holy Spirit.
There is a converting power with it. You will realise that you have sinned and
come short of the glory of God and then you realise something of the nature of God. He sent his son to die for your sin. As you take it on board and believe the word
of God “faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.”
Notes on a sermon from Sunday 9 August 2015
Paul said “all
scripture is given by inspiration of God.”
That word “inspiration” means God breathed. When we leave it there God used the instrument
of man to write the word of God. It is
the very word of God coming from the heart.
It is profitable to you and I today.
It will do something, It will not return unto God void. It will accompany that which God hath sent it
forth to do. It is profitable for
doctrine. This book tells us what we
need to believe about Christ, the cross of Calvary, our sinful state, a heaven to be
gained and a hell to be shunned, resurrection of the body and soul. That is why it is profitable. Imagine going through life without instruction. "that the man of God may be perfect or mature,
thoroughly furnished unto all good works."
Is it any wonder the devil is against this book? This book is our instruction manual, road map
through life because it convicts, corrects.
The devil seeks to ensure an opportunity to blot it out.
The very first
question that ever appears in the bible makes its way into human history comes
from the devil himself way back in the day of creation. It is a word of scorn upon the word of
God. The devil made use of the serpent on
this particular day. The devil can use
those to infiltrate and cause disturbance, to bring people down and that is what he did way back in the days of
creation. He came to Eve and tempted
Eve. The serpent was more subtle than
any beast of the field “yea hath God said”.
What is he doing – getting a dispute with Eve, disputed the authority of God in the Garden of Eden with Eve,
disputed the authority of God’s word.
God’s word is our final authority on all we do and say. When we get into the situation, come into the
crossroads in life, some advising us to go this way and some advising us to go
another way we must come back to the word of God for the final word on
anything. Every other thing means very
little. Here’s what Satan does –
disputes God’s authority. Satan caused
doubt in man’s mind. All these
documentaries about the word of God are all there for a purpose - to put a doubt
in our minds about the authority of God.
It comes directly from the devil himself. As Eve answered this question she already had
the word of God in her heart. I’m sure
Adam told her all about God and how he had been given instructions to eat of
any tree in the Garden but the tree in the centre of the Garden they couldn’t
eat. Can almost imagine Eve asking why
this tree could not be touched. You will
not die physically but spiritually, separated from God for ever. That is the consequences of that sin today. We are separated from God today because of
eating of the tree by Adam and Eve. In
disputing with the woman he sows the doubts in woman’s mind. Who is God that he should tell you this? Remember Isaac and Jacob. Isaac came to the land and there was a famine
in the land. He thought he would go down
to Egypt where there was food but God came to Isaac “go not down to Egypt but dwell in the land I shall tell you.”
Jacob was faced with the same problem some years later in Genesis
46. He knows there is food down there,
knows the experience of his father, told him not to go down to Egypt. God says to Jacob “fear not to go down to
Egypt for I will make of thee a great nation.”
It was what the word of God said.
When we go by the word o God it will be good for you. Voltaire said “in a 100 years from my death
this bible will become a museum piece, Christianity will be totally eradicated
from the world.” 50 years after he died
the Geneva Bible Convention bought his house and from his printing press in his
front room printed the Bible. There are
many today who don’t like to think the Bible is God’s authority, just like
Satan coming to Eve and saying “who is God to say what you should and should
not do.” In the book of Judges men and
women did that which was right in their own eyes because there was no
king. We are living in society just like
that today. If it feels right do it. We are to take on the full armour of God, the
shield to protect us from the fiery darts of the enemy. Society is moving on, education is moving on,
people are smarter but they are still trying to put down the word of God. How can we be sure of this book? Moses commissioned by God in desert went down
to Egypt at God’s command. He stood
before Pharaoh “the Lord has said let my people go.” Pharaoh turned around and said “who is this
Lord to tell me what to do.” People are
closing their heart, not acknowledging the God of heaven. Satan says the authority of God has to be
done away with.
This dispute was on the accuracy on the word of God.
Satan takes Eve to one side. She
is looking on the tree. That is what
Satan will do. He will not attack your beliefs
as you sit in the prayer meeting, as you read God’s word, he will attack you on
a Monday morning. The old devil comes to
get doubts going, doubts on the accuracy of the word of God. Now he brings it down – do you know what God
says? “Study to show thyself approved
unto God.” Paul told Timothy we need to
get back to the word of God. The Bereans
searched the scriptures after they heard Paul speak to them. “Are you sure God said?” We are challenged on the accuracy of God’s
word, not only what was said but who said it.
The devil took Eve back to the word of God. If as Paul said all scripture is given by
inspiration of God, if God has spoken in such a manner then we need to be
careful as to how we read the word of God.
The Bible tells us about a sect called the
Sadducees. They lived among the
Pharisees and had many things in common with them. One of their features was they didn’t believe in the resurrection. One day they came to the Lord and challenged him
on the accuracy of the word of God. They
came with their pet theory, took the Lord back to the book of Moses “Moses has
said”. It is written here in the book of
Moses, Moses taught us if a man dies having no children then his brother would
come and take his wife and raise up a family in honour of his brother, then if he
dies another brother should come and takes the woman as his wife. This happened 7 times and they then asked "at
the resurrection whose wife will she be?”
They disputed the accuracy of the word of God. Jesus said “For in the resurrection they
neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in
heaven.” (Matthew 22 verse 30) He
took the Sadducees back to the word of God.
They were making a mistake because they didn’t know the scriptures. What a terrible error to one day through
error open your eyes in a lost hell for all eternity because you didn’t know
the scriptures. Eve did the same thing in
her dispute with the devil “ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it
lest ye die.” She was building another
bit onto the word of God. The devil had
her right where he wanted her to be.
A dispute about the application of the word of
God. 'How can you apply your life to
something outdated and not relevant to today' people ask us today. 'You have a book only man has written, we are
not sure God has written it at all?.
Attack after attack is being made against the word of God. Remember when Peter toiled all night? The next day he was mending his nets. Jesus came to him and said "Peter have you caught nothing? I want you to launch out into the deep and
let down your nets." Peter said “I have toiled
all night and caught nothing but never the less at thy word I will let them
down.” Many are criticising, disputing
the word of God. We need to simply apply
it to ourselves. Sometimes we might have
to go to our own way of thinking. If God
is showing me something here I have to apply it to my life. Remember Balaam in the Old Testament, Balak tried to
get him to curse the people but he wouldn’t do it. Balak told him "God has kept you back from
harm I would have given you so much but he knew he couldn’t go against God’s
word." People tell us don’t go too much
into it because God only wants to spoil your life.
Notes from a sermon Sunday 16 August 2015
Jeremiah 36 verses 1 – 8, 20 – 24
In the 36th chapter of
the book of Jeremiah we are taken down another road, another attack on the word
of God. This time it is from the hands of
the king – verse 23. Jeremiah is called to
write the words of the Lord down. God comes to his
prophet and he speaks into his heart. Jeremiah was going through a difficult time, under a strict guard.
God breaks through though – verse 1.
It doesn’t matter what the situation is in our lives he wants to break
through that barrier and speak to us directly.
Some 20 years before God had spoken to Jeremiah and now God is asking him to
write those words down, write them all on a scroll, now take them to the people and
maybe if they hear the word they might turn in repentance and tears to me. God doesn’t want us to come here for a good
time, he wants us to listen and react to the word of God. Imagine the response to it. Baruch now tells him something has
happened. The king has taken the scroll
and burned it in the fire. Look at the
time difference – verse 1 “It came to pass in the fourth year” and in verse 9 “and
it came to pass in the fifth year.” God
tells him to write all the messages he had given to him. A years work going up in the flames of the
fire. I’m sure it discouraged him very
much. The same is true today. Sometimes it can be discouraging preaching
the gospel week in and week out. Maybe
you are going through a discouraging time.
God is there to lift you up. We
are living today in such a time where the word of God is constantly under
fire. The main problem today is the same
as was in Jeremiah’s day. The king didn’t
like to hear what was written. He was
hearing about sin in his people, in his nation.
He thought he would take the words and cast them into the fire.
Here we find in this attack as
the king takes the book I believe it was a frustrated
attack. I can almost imagine the
king in sheer frustration attacks the word of God, cuts it up and casts it into
the fire. Jehoiakim came from a good
home. Josiah was his father who came to
the throne at 8 years of age and brought many reforms to the nation of Israel. He believed in the God of heaven and he
wanted to walk in the footsteps of his father David. He had that influence in his home. This is the life he enjoyed. Now he is so frustrated, he wants to take it
out on the word of God. Maybe there are
times when he heard the voice of his father worshipping God, when he was taken
to the house of God, heard the word of God proclaimed. Maybe he saw his father praying and pleading
with God. What an influence. Maybe there were times when he saw his
father sacrificing things to please the living God. Now he is at an age when he is totally
frustrated at the word of God. There was
a young man in the gospels who knew the faith of his father, grew up happy but
one day decided to leave it all behind.
He wanted all the restraints lifted, there were too many restrictions
for him. Jehoiakim probably thought the
same. If only I could get rid of the
word of God. Men today don’t like what
the bible has to say and attack it with venom.
Verses 4 – 7. The Lord was giving
them an opportunity and he takes it to the king and the king burn it. He didn’t get that from his father Josiah who
brought many reforms to the nation of Israel.
There was a time when Josiah ordered that the house of God be repaired
so that worship of God would once again take place. The word of God had been hidden for many years
in a secret place. One day as they
repaired the house of God one of the scribes found the word of God. He realised it was the word of God given to
Moses for the children of Israel. He ran
straight to the king, rolled the scroll out before him and reads it to
Josiah. Josiah rent his clothes, put on
sackcloth and ashes and repented of his sin.
The word of God touched his heart and he needed to repent. For Jehoiakim the word of God caused anger
and rage so much so that he cut it up and threw it in the fire. Maybe some people will get angry and rage,
walk out of the meeting because the word of God is being reflected in them.
Jehoiakim thought he could
destroy the influence of the word of God.
He thought it was the end of the matter to cut up the scroll and throw
it into the fire. We hear it every day
on our televisions and radios “we don’t go by this book anymore.” We have set it aside. This book is what made Great Britain great
according to Queen Victoria. Many
churches were based on the word of God at one time but today rarely hear the
word of God proclaimed from its pulpit.
The reason for the kings wrath was the word the prophet brought –
instructions to turn back to God and perhaps in mercy he would forgive
them. The king thought if he could
destroy the parchment it would stop this message going forth. He tried to cut the word of God and throw it
into the fire. Evolutionists don’t
believe God created the heavens and the earth so they cut out some of the words,
particularly the very first words recorded in the bible “in the beginning God
created the heavens and the earth.” We
have people today who believe there is a gap between Genesis 1 and Genesis
2. It is called the gap theory. Somewhere in that gap everything came into being. When you read Genesis 1, 2 and 3 you will
find the morning and the evening were the first day. God divided it up. In the original Hebrew when you get a number
behind the word day it means a full 24 hours.
The humanist will believe there is no life after death, you are just
like the animals, go into the ground and there is nothing more. Man doesn’t think today of judgement, after
death there is nothing. The bible says “it
is appointed unto man once to die but after this the judgement.” Man doesn’t like to be responsible to stand
before God and give an account for what he has done with his life. In Acts 17 the people listened to Paul and
said he was a good preacher but when he started to talk about the resurrection
they laughed and scorned and mocked him.
A futile attack. In his rage Jehoiakim cut up the word and
threw it in the fire. He would have
arrested the prophet but the Lord hid him.
Psalm 91 verses 1 - 4 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most
High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and
my fortress; my God, in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the
snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with
his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust; his truth shall be thy
shield and buckler.” What did God tell
Jeremiah to do? Verses 27 and 28 “Take
thee again another roll and write in it all the former words that were in the first
roll.” It was futile trying to chop away
the word of God. A fatal attack – verses
29 – 31 “And thou shalt say to Jehoiakim king of Judah, Thus saith the Lord;
Thou hast burned this roll, saying, Why hast thou written therein, saying, The
king of Babylon shall certainly come and destroy this land, and shall cause to
cease from thence man and beast? Therefore thus saith the Lord of Jehoiakim king
of Judah, He shall have none to sit upon the throne of David; and his dead body
shall be cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the frost. And I will punish him and his seed and his
servants for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the
inhabitants of Jerusalem and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have
pronounced against them; but they hearkened not.”
Notes from a sermon on Sunday 23 August 2015
Matthew 4 verses 1 – 11
We have been thinking on the
attacks upon the word of God which are designed by the devil himself, planned
and purposed in the pits of hell. The
Bible tells us the word of God is the very foundation on which we stand. We are told not to be hearers only but doers
also.(James 1 verse 22) Jesus said there
are those who hear the word of God but go out and neglect it and they are like
those who build their houses on sand. If
we have ours built on sand the foundations will crumble. Then there are those who read the word of God
and apply it to their lives. They are those
who take time to dig in and build a firm foundation so that when the rains come
the house will stand firm. That is why I
say the bible is the very foundation on which we stand. It is the living word of God. It abideth for ever. It will not pass away. There are attacks on it day and daily. What will the righteous do if the foundation
be destroyed. (Psalm 11 verse 3). That
is what we are doing today. People are
chipping away at the foundations. If we
have no foundation there will be nothing to hold onto. In this reading today we find the Lord Jesus
being confronted by the devil. They try
to tell us today there is no such person as the devil. As Jesus is confronted in the wilderness this
is a verbal attack on the Lord. He defends
himself in verses 4, 7 and 10 by going back to the word of God and telling the
devil “it is written”. In verse 6 notice
how well the devil knows the bible as well “for it is written”. The devil was able to turn it up to the Lord and
show him this scripture. Jesus was not
having anything of that. He turns the word
back again. The devil knows the
scripture as well. That is why we need
to be well equipped in the word of God.
The bible is under attack today.
I would defend the bible by
looking closely at the plan of God. There are many books, how is this the one to
consider when looking at the plan of God?
It is united right from the beginning of the bible to the end. Not a mismatch but a harmony runs through
this book. The plan God has for this
world is a great plan of redemption, salvation, regeneration. We can see that right from Genesis to
Revelation. Exodus 17 verse 14 “and the
Lord said unto Moses write this for a memorial in a book and rehearse it in the
ears of Joshua or I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under
heaven.” It was to be written in a language
he could understand and others could hear.
He wanted this to be a memorial.
As we look through the bible we have a tremendous memorial of God’s plan
for this old world. In Genesis 1 we read
that God spoke and everything came into being.
God had it in his heart, a great plan but in Genesis 3 Satan came in
with his plan, tempted Eve and she disobeyed God’s word. A great plan was devised then and there to
bring man back to God. In Genesis 3
verse 15 we read of the first promise given to man. He promised to send the redeemer to him. He spoke there of the cross work of Calvary. In Leviticus we see the sacrificial lambs
being brought to the altar to be put to death.
We find a shadow of the Lord on the cross of Calvary in the Old
Testament days. People were saved by
looking to the lamb, looking forward to cross.
We are saved by looking back to that same place. We see the unity in the books of the
bible. 66 books, 40 different authors,
over 1500 years yet tremendous unity, all of the same mind. Moses was the boy put into the ark of
bulrushes in the water for safe keeping.
Brought up in the palace of Pharaoh, raised as son of the daughter of
Pharaoh, given the best education.
Contrast that with Peter the fisherman.
Educationally speaking he was poles apart. Nehemiah sent out from the palace in Shushan to
Jerusalem was given tremendous words from God.
Contrast it with the poor man sitting begging on the streets in Jesus’
day. Solomon was the wisest man ever
lived contrast with his father David, a poor shepherd boy on the hill sides
around Bethlehem. There is harmony in
the word of God. The 2 disciples on the
road to Emmaeus. As they walked along
they were sorrowful. Jesus came along side
and went with them. Their hearts and
heads were troubled and discouraged.
Jesus asked why are you so down.
They began to tell him why and the Lord took them to the scriptures and
began first with Moses then the prophets then to the psalms. He pointed them to all the scriptures to show
them that Jesus Christ must suffer and there was a plan originated in God’s
heart. Peter did that on the day of
Pentecost. The people wondered what was
happening. Peter took them back to the
prophet Joel. This is that which was
spoken of by the prophet. When someone
says how do you know this is the word of God?
Point them to the plan God had for this book.
Thank of the apostle Paul – he goes
for the power of the bible. Whenever Jesus spoke to those who came in the
Garden of Gethsemane to arrest him they fell backwards. That is the power that is in the word of
God. If a man is accused of a crime he
must appear before the courts. The jury
is there to hear and listen, to make a decision. They have to gather the evidence first in
line with the prosecution or defence. We
need to gather the evidence with the plan and power of God’s word. Its outcome and unity is marvellous and
miraculous. Behind the plan and power is
the one person. In the Old Testament the
Holy Spirit moved on people by the power of God. Holy men whose hearts God touched. He gave them a word to write down. The apostle Paul had one argument – the word
of God is sufficient for me. That is why
he could say “I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto
salvation.” Paul speaks in the book of
Romans of when the word of God is suppressed, held down. The devil knows the power of the word of
God. If he preached it in all its fullness
it would convict men and women of sin.
It would have a tremendous power as it goes forth. “For Christ sent me not to baptise but to
preach the gospel not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be
made of none effect.” (1 Corinthians 1 verse 17) He spoke of many who he baptised. The Lord didn’t send me to baptise but send
me to preach the gospel. There are many
standing behind the sacred desk and God hasn’t sent them. They have no message. They are afraid to preach what this book
says. That man is a sinner and the only
way out of that state is to come to the Lord in childlike faith. The word of God is a hammer that breaketh the
rock in pieces. (Jeremiah 23 verse 29) The
moment you trust Christ as Saviour all the old things of the past are
gone. You become a new person. It doesn’t change who you are but what you
are because at this moment in time you are a sinner, going out into a
Christless eternity. To trust Christ you
are made a new person in Christ and living for heaven and home. The bible says I will be forgiven of my sins
if I trust in his name. James said we
should receive the engrafted word of God which is able to save your souls. “And my speech and my preaching was not with
enticing words of man’s wisdom ut in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.”
(1 Corinthians 2 verse 4) That is why Paul didn’t come with his own philosophy
or teaching. He wanted to preach a plain
gospel, point men to the cross of Calvary and in so doing they would stand not
in his words but in the power of God their Father. It doesn’t need to stand in any denomination
or preacher but in the power of God and in his precious word. The unity and the power that God’s word
has. Paul said in Corinthians know ye
not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God neither
fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of
themselves with mankind nor thieves, greedy people, drunkards, slanderers and
robbers will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6 verses 9 and 10) Paul didn’t mince his words. “And such were some of you but ye are washed
but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by
the Spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6 verse 11) Paul came preaching the word of God and they
were totally transformed. That was the
power of God. That was the power of the
word of God. The plan of God, the power
of the word of God.
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