Friday, 2 January 2015

The women surrounding Christmas

Luke 1 verses 5 – 25

I want us to look at some of the women folk around the birth of Christ and come really up to date and apply the principles and teachings we find here to our lives.  I want to look at Elisabeth and Zechariah and what it meant for that home.  Is this a time of great joy?  Sadly for many Christmas is not about the merriment and joy. 

Notice a woman who knew disappointment.  Verse 18 Zechariah “I am an old man and my wife is well stricken in years.”  He was speaking to the angel who had come.  That is the home we are looking at here.  Zechariah was a priest.  His job was to offer incense and prayer for the nation of Israel.  While in the temple something special happened.  The angel from heaven came to where he was.  He had a special message for him.  When we draw near to God, God draws near to us.  Can you imagine taking your place in the place of prayer, that as you do that God will draw near to us?  Cornelius got before God of heaven in privacy of his own home.  As he draw himself into that place God sent his messenger into his home.  We need to remember that God sees our hearts, he knows our situation.  There is no bluffing God.  God sent his angel to Cornelius and said “I have heard your prayer and it is answered.”  Verse 36 Elisabeth was also old who was called barren.  With God nothing shall be impossible.  God had a message for this elderly couple.  Verse 6 doesn’t say sinless.  They had a right relationship before God and they were blameless.  We are not perfect but thank God we can have a relationship before God that we are blameless.  Verse 5 they both loved and served the Lord and were united in matrimony in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Verse 13 “for thy prayer is heard.”  God points out a home with a relationship in it, shows a people of prayer, each careful to marry right, chose partners within the marriage relationship.  This was a woman though who was disappointed.  Time after time, year after year had prayed for a child and year after year God said no.  Zechariah feels it is impossible.  She kept the faith.  Verse 6 both were righteous.  God speaking about this moment in time.  Not 25 years ago or 5 years ago.  No he finds a pair who are righteous.  God looks on our testimony today, not the testimony of years ago.  God looks on us right now.  This moment looks into our hearts.  Does he see us where we should be today?  In that right faith with himself?  2 Corinthians 11 verse 25 “thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep.  In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren.  In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.”  2 Timothy 4 verse 10 disappointed with people.  Verse 16 when I stood before Nero the emperor I looked for someone to help me to stand with me they all forsook me.  Verse 14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil.  Sought to bring him down.  Saw all manner of evil reports against him.  Acts 26 verse 22 Paul before Agrippa “having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come.”.  God found a righteous woman still looking to him.  2 Timothy 4 verse 7 “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”  With all these disappointments I have kept the faith.  We will face and have faced many difficult situations.  Are we still keeping the faith?  We will face many problems with people but are we standing strong?  God comes in the midst of all her disappointment and says “thy prayer is heard.”  Perhaps she had stopped praying for a child yet God says “thy prayers are heard.”  All the prayers I have prayed they are all stored somewhere.  Can you imagine that for a moment?  The prayers you prayed 20 years ago God could come to you and say “thy prayer is heard and I am going to answer that prayer.

There is a new direction for her in her life.  God is going to change the direction of your life.  Maybe you are on way to lost Christless hell that will be for all eternity.  No second chance, no come back.  Maybe today God is going to reach down and show you your need of salvation and you will accept God’s offer of mercy and the direction of your life will be changed forever.  Through God this home will be blessed and this home will be a blessing to many people.  Verse 16 John the Baptist their son would turn many to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Here was a woman and three quarters of her life was in relative seclusion.  God comes to her now, sets his hand on her life and sets her in a different direction.  Maybe this is the day God will pick you up and change the direction in your life.  Moses for 40 years was minding sheep in the wilderness.  Maybe just a different memory to the children of Israel.  His last act was one of murder.  Distant memory even now in Pharaoh’s mind but not to God.  He sees all, knows all, knew exactly where Moses was.  God knew where he was in the wilderness, knew what he would be doing on this exact day by striking fire in the bush.  He knew Moses would stop and look into the bush.  Maybe God is going to stop you in your tracks.  He knows all about you and where you are today.  In Matthew 6 in the sermon on the mount when Jesus spoke to his disciples he was instructing and teaching them.  In verse 3 he was teaching them about doing alms, doing good deeds, the little things we do for people “but when thou doest thy alms let not thy right hand know what thy left hand is doing.”  Verse 4 “and they father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.”  Maybe that act did on the quiet no-one else knows about it but God sees it.  Matthew 6 verse 25.  Verse 5 bringing it into place of prayer.  Things done only that men see them not God.  Verse 6 “shall reward thee openly.”  My God sees you in the secret place.  Knows where you are, knew this woman was righteous woman and Zechariah were righteous people.  The birth of this child would change this woman’s life.  We may enter into the private place, think no-one sees nor hears but God sees into the secret place.

A devotion this woman lived by.  Imagine Zechariah going home from the temple.  The angel came down and told him his prayer is answered you are going to have a child.  Zechariah replies “I am old in years and my wife is well stricken in years.”  With God nothing shall be impossible.  When Elisabeth heard the news she hid herself 5 months.  Some commentators take the thought she was ashamed.  Perhaps this woman wanted to be alone with God, wanted to get herself to prayer.  Verse 25 she wanted to take herself off to be alone with God.  When God shares something with us we need to get into the secret place.

Her delight – verse 58.  This child would blaze a trail for others to come to know the Lord for themselves.  Elisabeth opened her heart to the Lord.  Imagine getting that news – “whatever the Lord wants I will do it.”  Is God speaking to us today?

Luke 1 verses 39 – 45

I want us this morning to continue on with a few thoughts surrounding Elisabeth, the wife of Zechariah the priest.  Last week we thought of the news she had received and the reaction she had when she received that news.  The news was that she would give birth to a son in the latter years of her life when she was far beyond the age of conceiving.  This was a miraculous birth.  God wants to do so much with us today.  The angel told Zechariah in the temple.  The first thing he said “whereby shall I know this? For I am an old man and my wife well stricken in years.”  He was struck dumb as a result of his unbelief.  Unbelief in our hearts stems the work of God.  We need to be careful that there is nothing that would stem the work of the Holy Spirit.  He can be grieved with things we hold in our heart.  We need the cleansing blood of Jesus to make us clean again.  I believe Elisabeth saw more than just the birth of John the Baptist.  She was given an interest into Mary’s role as well.  The excitement of Elisabeth was seen last time.  Are we excited by what God can do or are we going through the mundane things of life not very fussed by all that is happening?  Elisabeth was excited when she realised what God was going to do.  Now look at the encouragement she gave to Mary.  Are we an encouragement to people today?  Are you and I encouraging someone today, someone going through a difficult hard time to a new Christian?  Can you give an arm around their shoulder, a pat on the back?

The company Mary received.  Mary has just found out she would have a child who would be none other than Christ himself.  In verse 39 she seeks out company.  In verse 40 Mary sought out Elisabeth because of a family connection.  Verse 36 Elisabeth was her cousin.  There was a drawing because of the family connection.  We need to be an example to our family, an encouragement to the family.  Mary sought out Elisabeth because both women were separated by God for a specific purpose.  They had a fellowship together.  If Jesus has saved you and I today we are brothers and sisters in the Lord, working together.  Elisabeth and Mary were like that.  Elisabeth separated to bear John the Baptist into the world.  Mary carried the Lord himself.  He was the one who came into the world to die on the cross of Calvary for the world’s sins.  Have you a specific role that God wants you to do?  Do you know what your role is today?  These women shared a wonderful experience.  In verse 43 look at Elisabeth’s language – “And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”.  In verse 47 we notice these 2 had a special bond that couldn’t be broken.  It is important that we seek out those with kindred minds and spirits if we believe that he was the son of God who came to earth to die on the cross, was raised from the dead on the third day and is in heaven today waiting to bring his people home.  The word of God has so much to say about company.  In verse 40 we see something special about the Christian home - that all and sundry are welcomed into it.  Amos 3 verse 3 “can 2 walk together except they be agreed.”  Remember the days of Lot and Abraham?  They had spent time in Egypt, were full of wealth and riches.  When they came out of that place their flocks had increased so much the land couldn’t bear them.  The herdsmen of Lot and Abraham fell out with each other.  Other people were seeing that.  Abraham realised the solution for this.  He told “This cannot go on, people are seeing this.  I want you to choose the land you want and I will take whatever is left.”  What happened with Lot?  Lot lifted up his eyes, saw the choicest of green pastures and thought to himself what a place for my flocks and herds.  He looked down across the valley and saw the crystal water flowing.  Water was a commodity.  As he chose that land it took him towards Sodom.  We need to be careful about the choices and company we make and keep.  Lot could see it was the best but he made the wrong choices.  Genesis 13 verse 13 “but the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly.”  It may have been alright to look at things in good light but later would suffer accordingly.  He will fall from grace.  Paul speaking of Alexander the coppersmith said “he hath down me much evil the Lord reward him according to his works of whom be thou ware also for he hath greatly withstood our words.” 2 Timothy 4 verses 14 and 15

The conversation Mary and Elisabeth had.  Good company promotes good conversation.  Mary was only a young pilgrim.  The angel had only met with her, explained what would happen to her.  Elisabeth was woman who knew and loved the Lord.  They began to have a conversation that leaves Mary encouraged.  A conversation directed by their devotion to the Lord.  Malachi 3 verse 16 “Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another and the Lord hearkened and heard it and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lrod and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.”.  Remember the 2 on the Emmaeus road on the day of resurrection.  They were making their way home to their own village, shoulder to shoulder, the only topic of conversation was what happened in Jerusalem that the woman had went to the tomb and there was no body in the tomb.  On the mount of Transfiguration Peter James and John climbed the hill with Jesus when they saw his raiment shining bright.  Matthew and Mark record that Elijah and Moses came and talked with Jesus.  Mark 9 verse 4.  You and I were lost in our sins, on the way to a Christless eternity.  No help or hope for us.  Jesus took his place on the cross, nailed his hands and feet to that tree. placed a crown of thorns on his head that he bore your sin and mine.  These 2 mighty prophets could speak nothing only of Christ’s death.  Our conversation - is it an encouragement to others?

The comfort Mary received.  As she listens to the song of Elisabeth Mary breaks into song too.  This comes at a time when Mary was exposed to suspicion and doubt.  Joseph her husband even cannot understand it.  He has decided to put her away privily.  Elisabeth says in a loud voice “blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.”  Elisabeth continues “what a privilege it is for you to come into my home.”  Not talking here about flattery but using sincere words of encouragement.  “I know there are those ridiculing you, criticising you at this moment in time, who look down their noses at you but I know what you have in your womb is none other than my Lord.  It is a great privilege that you ever came to my home.”  Here was Mary just getting to her feet.  She needed a word of encouragement.  Paul told Timothy to be an example to the believers.  Timothy was a young man and Paul put great responsibility on his shoulders.  Acts 4 verse 36 and 37 Barnabas had land and sold it then gave the money to the apostles.  In Acts 11 verse 22 he was sent from Jerusalem to Antioch because the church had heard people were getting saved.  He told the people in Antioch they should cleave unto the Lord.  I’m sure he saw those who made mistakes, there were those plodding along from one incident to another in their Christian life but he had the love of God for this people in this city and he was glad about it.  He encouraged them to keep on going.  Mary in the face of ridicule criticism meets Elisabeth who tells her to keep on going.  That is the word to you today – keep on going. 

The confidence that Mary gained.  Verse 49 “he that is mighty hath done to me great things and holy is his name.”  Mary came with a heavy heart, head down, with questions, not able to answer herself.  She left however with a spring in her heart, confidence to live out the Christian life.  This woman was carrying the Lord Jesus in her womb.  They encouraged one another and Mary leaves with a new confidence in the Lord.  After Philip talked with the eunich, the eunich went on his way rejoicing.  It is good to know Christ has come into this world.  The company we keep, the conversation we have, what about it today – can we be encouraged with one another?  Thank God leave confidence knowing that the Lord is with us in his work today.

LUKE 1 VERSES 26 - 38

God is not limited to places in whatever situation or circumstances we find us in.  He spoke to Moses at the burning bush out in the desert, Jonah in the depth of the belly of the fish.  He came to Mary and described what he would do to Mary.  She would be a vessel by which he would send his son into the world.  One day he was taken from Mary’s side, taken into judgement hall of Pilate.  There he was taken out abused, beaten, taken to the cross of Calvary.  He gave his life for the world.  John 15 “I have finished the work you gave me to do, I have glorified thy name.”  He gave his life that we might be saved.  Verse 39 “And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Judah. And entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elisabeth.”  The angel told her that Elisabeth was also to have a child.  She wanted to be in the company of her cousin first.  Elisabeth was to be the mother of John the Baptist, to be the forerunner of the Lord, to turn the nation back to God.  It started off with disappointment when she couldn’t have a child.  “If we think we are doing right in God’s eyes then we are not.  It is when we are not.  It is in those times when we don’t think that he is working through us.” Oswald Chambers  In the second study we looked at the encouragement she was for Mary.  This is a great ministry in itself.  She was good company.  Mary arose and went to where Elisabeth was.  Are we good company to be in?  Could God direct someone to us.  She was in good conversation.  She was good comfort.  Elisabeth was able to comfort Mary.  That is what God asks us to do in ministry of encouragement, that we might comfort others, give them a certain degree of confidence as leave us.

The mystery of Elisabeth’s faith.  There’s no point in coming today to take Elisabeth’s life unless we take that comparison to our own lives.  There was a mystery about her faith – verse 41 “and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.”  Mary walked into the house, she was with child herself.  The moment she speaks to Elisabeth the baby leaped in her womb.  Mary was now spoken to by the angel, shown what the mind of God was.  She was to deliver God’s son into the world.  Verse 42 the moment Mary spoke to her she responded “blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.”  Elisabeth’s expression of faith based on the fruit of Mary’s womb not Mary herself but the fruit of her womb.  All of this was revealed to Elisabeth.  When you and I have a faith in our hearts then when we sit down with the word of God we have the mind of God revealed to us through the Holy Spirit.  The channel is the same.  As we apply it to our hearts it is the work of the Holy Spirit.  Mary sitting in her own home, the angel comes and steps into Mary’s presence.  “Fear not Mary” the angel says.  The news from heaven is you are to have a child.  How can I have a child when I don’t know a man.  What the angel was revealing to Mary was the very mind of God for her life.  Have you sought the mind o God?  The most important thing in this world is to know what God would have us to do, what God would require o us.  We must one day stand before God at the judgement bar and give an account of the life we have lived.  Wouldn’t it be awful to say “I never knew what your will was for my life” when we have the word of God before us.  Elisabeth was showing Mary her faith.  She knew Mary was carrying the Messiah.  Are we afraid to let others know too?  Remember the widow woman.  Her husband had passed away and the debtors would soon come to take away her 2 sons to pay off the debt owed.  The woman got before the God of heaven.  She was told to speak to the man of God.  Her faith was demonstrated when the man told her what to do and she did it.  She was told to take a cruise of oil and gather all the vessels to carry it  She poured oil until there were no vessels left to carry it.  She had to demonstrate her faith.  Are we really demonstrating our faith today?  Are we telling others of what God has done for us?  Do we love God with all our hearts, souls and minds?  Peter was already demonstrated to jump for the Lord Jesus.  One day he was told to go out and cast his nets out into the deep.  Peter told the Lord they had fished all night and had caught nothing.  He had to prove his faith.  To demonstrate it to everyone around him.  Today are we proving God’s word?  Our faith is based on the same foundation as Elisabeth’s.  Elisabeth knew in Mary’s womb lay the hope of a lost world, lay the hope in you and me.  Our hope is in the Lord Jesus.  James said “show me thy faith”.  Our faith has to be demonstrated.

The miracle of her faith.  Elisabeth’s mind was enlightened.  It is only when the Holy Spirit takes the word of God and applies it to your mind that you can see your need to be saved.  Your faith and mine is no less than a miracle.  Elisabeth proved her faith.  You and I don’t realise we are lost because the devil is so subtle and cute.  He has half the world believing there is no God.  People are deceived, they think they are young and have plenty of time to get saved.  The Lord takes the Holy Spirit and reveals to you your need of salvation.  That is a miracle and if that is not a miracle then you will not be saved.  In John 4 Jesus came to the well of Samaria.  The woman came out, a deep dyed sinner who had no thought for the Messiah.  What a miracle took place that day.  She talked to Jesus and went out into the city telling people “come see a man who told me all things ever I did, is not this the Christ?”

The maturity of her faith.  As Mary entered into Elisabeth’s house she starts to praise God.  Imagine 6 months earlier God had come and revealed to Elisabeth her son would be great, a man who would turn the nation back to itself.  Now she has to take in that Mary’s child would be greater than her child.  Imagine the jealousy, envy that might set in.  “But the God of all grace who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.” (1 Peter 5 verse 10)  We are to mature in our faith.  To add to our faith day and daily.  “Brethren, be not children in understanding” “1 Corinthians 14 verse 20)  “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” (Ephesians 4 verse 14)

The motivation of her faith.  “And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” verse 43  Elisabeth was motivated in her faith by the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ not Mary.  Often we say it is thy presence that maketh the feast but Elisabeth’s meant it.  Out of her mouth came the power of praise.  Elisabeth’s faith was motivated by the presence of Christ.  Moses leading the people of Israel “if you be not with us take us not up hence.”  Is the presence of God real in our churches, in our lives?  What a tragedy for Jonah – he got up and fled from the presence of God.  Naomi left the house of bread and went down into Moab.  Ten years later she came back and people questioned if it was really her.

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