Sermon notes from Sunday 20 April 2014
MARK 16 VERSES 1 – 8
“go your way and tell his disciples and Peter.”
Peter was not to be left
out. The significance of these 2 words
come in the light of what he had done in the garden of Gethsemane. He denied the Lord 3 times and forsook him,
ran away, abandoned the Lord. Now he was
forlorn – if only he could relive those moments. Then this wonderful message came that the
stone had been rolled away, that the tomb was empty, when they were asked “you
seek for Jesus of Nazareth, he is not here he is risen.” Then the women were told to go and tell his
disciples that he would meet them in Galilee and tell Peter. He needed to hear those words of comfort and
solace. Maybe there is a Peter here
tonight. Maybe there is someone who
needs to hear these words. What did it
mean for Peter? Turn to Luke chapter 22.
Here was a challenge to his faith – verse 31.
Here they are in the Garden of Gethsemane when the Lord says to him
“Simon, Simon, behold Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat.” He came to this great juncture in his
life. There was a specific battle going
on for his soul. He was coming to the
knowledge of putting faith in Christ.
Now comes a challenge to his faith.
Satan wants to take everything good in your life and sift you as wheat
Jesus told him. One thing the devil
wanted to do with Peter was to bring him down, take him away from the Lord,
destroy him. Maybe the devil seeks to
bring you down this evening. There is
already something in your life that is challenging your faith. You are being told to go forward but there is
something holding you back. An obstacle
to climb. The devil will challenge you
the whole way. The Lord Jesus in all his
grace and mercy wants to save your soul.
He has brought you here that he might reveal his great love for you, to
show you his sacrifice for your sin, that he might save you from a lost and
Christless hell for eternity. The devil
wants to destroy your life, to rob you of the greatest gift he could ever give
you, the gift of eternal life. There was
something before Peter and he needed to make up his mind. The devil was there to oppose him. Remember that first day when Peter came to
know the Lord. Andrew his brother told
him he had got saved, he had found the Messiah the one they had been searching
for in the scriptures had been found. We
have come to trust him. John has told us
he is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. Peter didn’t leave it there until he came to
where Jesus was and found him for himself.
The Lord wants to save your soul.
Peter came and trusted the Lord for himself. Remember when the Lord came again out
fishing, mending and washing nets. The
Lord called to them “follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” There was a day he fully surrendered, forsook
his boats, gave his all to the Lord. Do
you remember that day when you trusted the Lord as Saviour? Do you remember the night when you gave your
all to the Lord? Maybe your all is not
on the altar for the Lord. Peter said
you can have my boats, my nets, my livelihood.
He said I will follow you Lord.
Sadly now he is here at this junction in his life – a challenge to his
faith. Do you feel there is a tug in
your life? The devil wants to stop you
in your tracks. Have you faced this
Notice also how the coldness sets in. A few hours later Judas enters into the
Garden with the soldiers. He took the
Lord in an embrace and kissed him. The
soldiers arrested Jesus and dragged him out of the Garden – verse 54 – “and
Peter followed afar off.” He considered
the challenge and he has backed off.
Something has happened in the Garden and his faith is faltering. He is not where he once was. He realised he had lost out on ground. Maybe you have lost out in that spiritual
life of yours. There would have been a
time when Peter stood shoulder to shoulder with Christ. We need to be careful because coldness soon
settles in. Peter remembered the former
days in the synagogue. Jesus was
preaching when a man stood up and opposed Jesus. Peter stood with the Lord. Peter remembered the day when Jesus was
invited into his home. His mother-in-law
was so sick. The Lord reached down and
raised that woman up. Peter knew what it
was like to have answers to prayer. He
remembered that day when he went up the mountainside. The glory of the Lord filled the whole
place. Here he is now walking afar
off. Maybe you remember that day you
were saved, remember how the Lord answered prayer for you. Sadly tonight you are walking afar off, not
just as close as once where. Remember
John Mark and the day when Paul came to him and said “come with me to preach
the gospel.” He went with Paul and stood
shoulder to shoulder with him and Barnabas.
When they came to Antioch they preached the word of God. They saw a demon possessed man who tried to
stop them. Somehow John Mark saw
something that day he didn’t like as a Christian. We can come up against battles and when they
come we tend to step back. John Mark
left them and went back to Jerusalem.
Notice the carelessness that enters in.
Verse 55 “Peter sat down among them.”
He had heard a challenge and the coldness had settled in. After that came the carelessness. He didn’t really care about the things of
God. He was careless about meeting the
Lord, in remembering his word and praying.
He began to walk afar off. Peter
is attracted to the fire which led him into the wrong company. Who attracts us and what places attract us? It leads us into the wrong company. Here Peter was sitting down amongst the
Lord’s enemy. What happened there? 3 times he denied the Lord. He is sitting at the fire amongst the Lord’s
enemies taking part in the conversation.
He got himself into the place of temptation. In the Old Testament scriptures Abraham and
Lot came out of Egypt, they had lots of herds of cattle, flocks of sheep and
were very wealthy. What happened? The herdsmen began to quarrel and fall out. Abraham realised they could not dwell
together. He told Lot the people of the
land can see what is happening. We are
going to separate – you take whatever you wish and I will take the rest. Abraham dwelled in the land of Canaan while
Lot dwelled in the plain. Lot pitched
his tent toward Sodom and it tells us “but the men of Sodom were wicked and
sinners before the Lord exceedingly”.
That is where Lot made his choice.
You will make a choice tonight – choose which pathway you will tread as
you leave God’s house. There is a narrow
way that leads to heaven and home and a broad way that leads to hell and destruction. You can step out tonight and trust the Lord
as Saviour. Lot made a choice that
ruined his family and home for many years.
Many a young person who has been brought up in a Christian home, had the
influence of a godly parent, minister or teacher but has been attracted by a
relationship and are now out in the wilderness.
A lot of places are away from the word of God, all bubble and squeak
with no foundational teaching from the word of God.
The conviction that settles in – verse 61 – the Lord’s eyes meet
Peter’s. No place to hide. There is still no place to hide tonight. The Lord is speaking to you tonight. Verse 62 “and Peter went out and wept
bitterly.” That is conviction. Do you realise that you are not saved
tonight? You can remember Sunday School
teachers, missions you have sat in yet you are not saved. That is conviction. It is not something parents or Sunday school
teachers can put in your heart, that is the work of God himself. Peter realised what he had done and he wept
bitterly. As we come to the cross of
Calvary let us weep tears of bitterness and regret. Do you feel conviction in your heart
tonight? Things are not as important to
you as once were in the spiritual realm.
The compassion – Mark 16 verse 7.
Knowing all Peter had done the women were instructed to go and tell the
disciples but also to tell Peter. The
significance of those 2 words. He might
have thought he was forgotten about. He
had faltered, failed, been frightened but the Lord didn’t forget him. Maybe you are running from God, come running
back to him.
There was also a conversion there. The disciples went fishing one day. They saw the Lord on the shore. The first person Jesus spoke to was Peter. “Peter lovest thou me?” 3 times he had denied the Lord and 3 times he
was asked if he loved the Lord. He had
denied the Lord at a coal fire now Jesus brought him back to a coal fire. You have got to come back to the place where
you denied the Lord to walk afar of. Are
you coming back?
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