Tuesday, 10 June 2014

The word of God - rediscovered, read, revered, bringing repentance and reform

Sermon notes from Sunday 1 June 2014

2 Kings 22

We can trace every revival back to the word of God.  Even in our land and province revival came through the word of God.  Think of the revival in the 1700’s with John and Charles Wesley and Whitfield.  God really touched them and set them on fire for the things of God.  The church doors were shut down to them, there was a great apathy and coldness in the society they lived in.  Everything was at a low ebb.  Think of the 1859 revival in our province - men looking into the word of God and preaching it to people.  4 men in Kells gathered together for prayer and to read God’s word.  Revival came from those men.  They not only had the word of God in their hands but in their hearts.  Josiah was only a young man, 8 years of age when he came to the throne and began to seek after the God of heaven.  He hadn’t much going for him.  Manasseh was his grandfather.  He was the one who lay on his bed and pleaded with God for an extra 15 years of life.  In those years his own son Amon was born.  Amon was one of the wickedest men who ever ruled.  In later years he had a change of heart.  When he died Josiah came to the throne.  He turned his heart towards the God of heaven.  Things began to happen in his kingdom.  Think of Josiah and the word of God.  Verse 11 it was the book of the law that brought conviction to his heart.  The book of the law was God’s word.

A book that was rediscovered – verse 8 “I have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord and Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan and he read it.”  It was not any old book but God’s word.  Moses first wrote down the words God spoke to him on the mountainside.  That book had been set aside.  Ammon had turned against God.  The temple was misused, bolted up, doors closed so that no-one could enter in.  Replaced the worship of God and set up idols and they worshipped the sun, moon and stars.  It stands to reason didn’t need the word of God.  So it was set aside in the nation of Israel.  Everyone turned their back on the word of God.  Even the very leaders did at one time.  No special search was made for this book.  Perhaps set aside by some old apostate king who had turned his back on God.  So many philosophers and teachers tell us today the bible is an ancient book, it is out of touch with the young people and we need something else now.  ‘Our land doesn’t need this book’ we hear it day after day.  Without this book people were living by ritual.  They didn’t know which way to turn.  “Every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 17 verse 6)  In the days of Naomi the family gathered together when the head of the house made a decision to go to Moab because he had heard there was food to eat there.  Moab was a wicked place.  The man died and so did his 2 sons.  Naomi was left with her 2 daughters in law - all because they thought they were doing what was right.  We need to get before the God of heaven and ask for his direction - is this the correct way to go?  The Lord will show us if only we ask.  Here was a rediscovered book.  Paul in Romans talked about the word of God being held down – chapter 1 verse 18 “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness.”  They are supressing the word of God and not opening it up.  Isn’t that what we have today?  People who don’t hold the word of God in high regard.  The 2 men on the Emmaeus road, their hearts were opened as Jesus opened the word of God to them.  Maybe someone had set the book aside because they felt they didn’t need it.  Maybe some apostate king did it or perhaps godly scribe did it to keep it safe for another generation.  Are we doing that – safeguarding the word of God for another generation?  The old sceptic said he couldn’t believe the bible because he couldn’t believe a book where the author is unknown.  A Christian in the meeting spoke to him – do you believe in the multiplication tables?  Yes the sceptic replied.  The Christian asked who compiled them?  The sceptic said I do not know but I believe them because they work.  I believe in the Bible because it works the Christian said to him.  Queen Victoria said “this is what made Britain great – standing on the word of God.”  Joshua told the people to meditate on the word of God day and night.

This book was read in Josiah’s day – verse 11.  He heard the book and rent his clothes.  The priest read it in his presence.  When the priest found that book he realised it was no ordinary book, something that should be in possession of the king.  Not a possession of the nation to be set aside in a glass cabinet and only read on special occasions but rather to be read day and daily.  “Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119 verse 11) The Psalmist wrote.  The word of God is to be meditated on, kept hid in our hearts, taking time to ponder over it.  In many homes today the word of God is not present.  The only time it is taken out is when death comes to the home.  The goal of the great reformers was to place the Bible in every person’s hand, in their own language.  There were many who translated it and for some it cost them their lives.  We need to get back to the reading of God’s word.  You and I need to get back into the word of God and read it and meditate on it.

This book was revered – verse 14.  2 Chronicles 34 this was no ordinary book – verse 14.  It was given by Moses.  This priest realised the importance of the book.  It was God’s word given to the nation through Moses.  Many think it is an old book and out of date but it is perhaps more relevant than tomorrow’s papers.  2 Chronicles taken into the palace revered, given a place of prominence, priority and importance.  This book was revered, taken to the highest position.  The bible should receive the highest esteem.  Is it so in my life?  Are there so many books in my life that I take it for granted?  I wonder do we take this book into homes and other places where we go?  Is it upon our lips?  Do we tell others about this book or is it hidden in our hearts?  Do we love to get together just to talk about this book?  Malachi 4 verse 16 “then they that feared the Lord spake one to another.”  The Lord hearkened to their words.  Acts 8 as they went they were scattered about preaching the word of God.  Such was the revered word.  As we celebrate 40 years we need to be making sure we revere the word of God.  We might give generously to our missions, to those who take the gospel to other lands but we need to take the word of God to our neighbours, to people who haven’t heard the word of God.  Will you take the word of God to them?  Will we seek to share the word of God with others?

The book brought repentance.  The king rent his clothes and put on ashes.  Ashes were a symbol of repentance.

The book brought reform.  The king asked the priest to ask God what would happen in the future. He sent to consult the prophetess Huldah, who assured him that the evil foretold would indeed come, but not in his day; "because," she said, "thine heart was tender and thou didst humble thyself before the Lord." An assembly of the elders of Judah and Jerusalem and of all the people was called, and the ancient covenant with God was renewed.

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