Sermon notes from Sunday 12 January 2014 (am)
Hosea 10 verses 12 – 15
“it is time to seek
the Lord”
It is time for you to seek the
Lord. God’s timing is maybe far advanced,
maybe more so than we think – what time is it?
A time to consider. God is
drawing a line in the sand here, showing something very definite. It is time to get things in order. It is time to seek the Lord. The Lord is saying to his people “use this
time I have given you to consider wisely how you are living”. Look at verse 13. Here were a people living for themselves, no
thoughts to God and sin. They were only
living for self. You are living in
borrowed time. It is time to make a
consideration, consider eternity. What
it might be like in a lost eternity? Luke
16 tells the story of 2 men who lived their lives, died their deaths. Notice their destinations and status. One was carried right into the angels of
heaven while the other man closed his eyes in death. There was probably a great celebration to
celebrate his life and honour him. In
hell he lifted up his eyes being in torment.
How much have you wasted time?
The summer is over, the harvest is past and you are still not
saved. How many times has God spoken to
your life and heart? Maybe you have come
under conviction in past days yet you let it pass by. Some times we think about our time and my time. We cannot ever boast of tomorrow for we know
not what it will bring forth. Will you
consider whether you are saved or lost, on way to heaven and home or on way to
Christless hell? Remember when Moses was
taking the children of Israel across the wilderness to the land of Canaan. When he met some of his family and friends he
told them “we are going to the place God has given to us.” He described it to his family but they would
not come with him. We cannot begin to
explain what heaven will be like in all its splendour and beauty. It is the place God has promised for us - “I
go to prepare a place for you and I will come again that where I am ye might be
also.” Are you a candidate for heaven?
A time to change. This verse
gives a picture of work still to be done. This speaks of a work the people were expected
to do. God is expecting something of
us. When the Holy Ghost comes into your
heart and he shows you what you heart is really like and your need of salvation
he asks and invites you to get saved.
There is only one thing you can do at this point in time – accept. You could hear the voice of God and leave
without ever hearing it again. There is
hope for you to come to Christ, to trust him as Saviour and Lord. A work that has to be done. Hosea says your land lies in waste. It has to be well prepared. You have got to take and break it up. There is a work for you to do in repentance
and confession of your sin and trust him as Saviour and Lord. There has to be a change of course. It is the picture of the farmer who neglects
his duty to plough. It is a picture of
want and neglect. Remember the 2 thieves
on the cross beside the Lord. They
railed on the Lord and called him every name under the sun. All of a sudden one went quiet and began to
consider Christ. He told him “I want to
be with you in paradise today.”
A time to confer. God says
to this people the best thing you can do with this time I have given to you is
to seek the Lord. God has allowed this
hour and the best thing you can do is seek the Lord. The preparation is not complete. We must consider our past and be willing to
change our lifestyle. We must be willing
to confess who we are. Who are you
comparing your life with?
A time confirmed. It is no
vain thing to wait upon the Lord. God
will come in to that heart of yours and forgive you. He will change your life and heart, will
bring forth abundant fruit unto life eternal.
Now it is time to seek the Lord.
God is giving you time to get right with himself. Will you use it and come to Christ tonight or
turn your back on him yet again?
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