Sunday, 7 April 2013

Entry into Jerusalem

Notes from a sermon heard on Sunday 24 March 2013

Luke 19 verses 28 – 44

We are seeing here the Lord as he makes entry into the city of Jerusalem the Sunday before Easter.  Making this great majestic approach.  Something is going to happen, this city would turn their backs on the Lord.  Judgement will fall on this city.  “He steadfastly set his face toward Jerusalem”.

A day for the fulfilment of scripture.  Here they saw the Lord ascending on this little colt.  He was their Saviour. He was doing this all in fulfilment of scripture.  Matthew takes them back in the Old Testament  to Zechariah 9 verse 9.  500 years later we have that very incident before us.  This was just one of the prophecies.  Zechariah 11 verse 12 30 pieces of silver would have bought a slave.  Matthew 26 verse 15.  Zechariah 11 verse 13 Matthew 27 verse 3 – 5.  Judas took the 30 pieces of silver offered to him for betraying Jesus and threw them back at the people who had given it to him.  Verses 6 – 10 when I look back and see the Old Testament prophecies coming to bear in the New Testament how could that be anything but tremendous mind behind all these scriptures.  We see everything coming to pass exactly as Zechariah had prophesied.

A day of fervent spirit.  The whole city was moved Matthew says.  The whole multitude began to sing Luke says.  Are we still excited about the word of God today as we were when first accepted him as Lord and Saviour?  We are here to meet the king of kings and Lord of Lords.  Luke 19 verse 37 even before he arrived, entered into Jerusalem this city was excited that they went out to meet him.  Are we fervent in spirit today?  One day Jesus met a man with a withered hand.  The Lord Jesus came into the synagogue that day.  The Pharisees watched him to see what he would do, interested in what he would do.  Can we come with our minds and thoughts on Jesus today?  Are we expecting him to do something for us today?  Here was a people came out who were fervent in spirit.  Didn’t know what to expect with the Lord.  Gathered because seen the mighty works he had done.  In the days of the Revival came to the meetings 1½ hours before the meeting.  Wanted to get in, couldn’t get them out again afterwards.  Why – so taken up with the things of God.  Can we take Jesus and love him?  That is the fundamental question.  Can we take the meetings in the church or leave them?  John 12 verse 17.  The Psalmist said "the very heathen thanked God for what he had done" Psalm 126 verse 2.  John 12 verse 20 there were certain Greeks amongst the crowd.  There to worship Jesus, didn’t know anything about Jesus but there in the midst of the people.  When they looked at these believers these Greeks came to Philip and they said “Sir we would see Jesus”.  When they looked on the face of the believers realised something they didn’t have.  You see they saw something in these believers.  Is that how people look on us and know we have a difference in our lives?  Are we fervent in spirit living and burning for the Lord Jesus Christ.  Is that our testimony today?  When they saw the joy in their spirits they went to the disciples and said "we want to see Jesus as well."  Wonderful when people gather with us who are not saved, when people are looking on us, not saved, go away with one desire to know the Lord as Saviour.

A day of fruitful surrender.  The disciples were given specific instructions.  They followed them to the letter.  They went down and found the colt and unleased it.  The owner asked them what they were doing.  They simply said the master has need of them.  Maybe the Lord has been speaking to you, he desires a full surrender today.  He will add to your life.  Peter out in the boat mending his nets contemplating that night.  Not able to catch anything.  The people were gathered all around him.  They wanted to see Jesus.  Jesus told Peter “I need your boat, launch out into the deep”.  The Lord touched the need of the people because Peter was willing to give of his little boat.  I wonder what God will ask of us to give to his service.  A little boat, a little colt.

A day of fearless song.  Not afraid of any one.  Sang from the depths of their hearts.

A day of fearful statement.  Many will reject me, calamity will come on many.

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