Saturday, 26 January 2013

Facing obstacles with God

Notes from a sermon heard on Sunday 12 February 2013

Joshua 5 verses 13 – chapter 6 verse 7

Joseph Scriven wrote a little poem dedicated to his mother while living in Canada.  There was a great bond between them.  He knew no doubt because of his move that his mother would be discouraged.  He sent it to her by post.  Some years later the poem was put to music and it read “what a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear, what a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer.”  In Joshua chapter 5 we see a man in turmoil.  He had a big problem on his shoulders.  He had a lot of thinking to do.  He was standing here by the city of Jericho contemplating his walk and obedience to God.  As we come into God’s house that is what we are doing – contemplating our walk with God.  What does he want to do with my life?  Joshua is standing at the base of Jericho looking at the great obstacle in front of him.  He knows what God wants him to do and he is contemplating it all.

The focus Joshua had.  40 years previously God had brought the children of Israel out of Egypt.  The lamb had been taken, slain and the blood mixed with hyssop was sprinkled on the door posts.  When the angel came at midnight the firstborn in every home would die but if the blood had been applied the angel would pass over.  That is what the Passover means.  Exodus 12.  God is still looking for the blood today.  Not the blood of a little lamb but rather the blood of his own dear son applied to our lives.  There is only one thing that will deal with your sin – the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.  He took upon himself our sins.  He died for you and I.  When I come and trust him for all he has done for me then that blood is applied to my life.  The hyssop was the weakest of all the plants to use, it grew out of the little cracks in the walls.  That is sometimes what happens – God takes the weakest for his honour and glory.  It is not about our own ability but rather whom I am trusting in.  40 years on they are back in the same place as 40 years before.  Joshua was thinking of the failure of 40 years ago.  God has a blessing for him.  God has a blessing for us too.  A challenge comes to us.  God wants to bless out lives.  He does not want us to sit at the place where we are sitting.  God calls you now to move on with him.  First thing the old devil throws into our minds is failure.  Do you not remember that time years ago thought what good am I to the Lord and you failed then.  When God asks us to do something failures of the past come to our minds.  This could be any one of us, you and I with this gigantic problem.  Maybe you thought and focused on what was bothering you so couldn’t get mind around it.  A gigantic problem Joshua has taken a moment, left the campsite of the tribes and is standing alone focusing on journey ahead.  Maybe you have focused on something that is taking up your energy, really don’t know how ever going to get around.  Some would suggest this little word “by” actually means “in” Jericho.  That throws a different light on things.  Herein lies an obstacle.  God has something marvellous for our lives then comes the obstacle.  Only we can trust God to take us through it.  None of his adversaries could deliver him.  Only God could take him right through it.  He could only depend on God.  There could be hindrances in our lives but there are obstacles in our lives right now.  W P Nicholson that old preacher of the word of God who saw revival in his day, saw Belfast transformed and probably all of the province transformed too.  He was saved in his little home sitting at the fire.  He told his mother when she came into the room “I am saved”.  She asked him when and how he had got saved.  “Just here, right now at this very moment sitting by the fire.”  He joined a fellowship but felt he was leading an up and down experience.  He couldn’t get on in his life.  Nicholson knew there was something more for his life.  He wanted to know victory in his spiritual life, wanted to be sanctified fully.  God brought him to his Jericho.  For W P Nicholson it was pride that was preventing him going through with God.  Nicholson knew if he was to surrender himself to God he would be asked to do something he couldn’t do.  The greatest fear he had was to be asked to join the local Salvation Army in the town on a Saturday evening.  One day Nicholson fully and totally surrendered to God, went into Bangor and was handed a tambourine.  His Jericho was gone.  I wonder for you and I – what is our Jericho?  The thoughts on Joshua’s mind were how would they ever succeed, ever take this city.  In some places the walls were 25 feet in height and 20 feet thick.  Verse 13 says “then the angel came.”  This was no ordinary angel.  They would say this was the Lord in the way he would appear in days before he came to this earth.  God doesn’t desert us when we stand alone.  He knows all our thoughts.  The focus in Joshua’s life.

The feelings.  Not only do we see this leader of the nation of Israel in focus but notice his feelings.  Verse 13 “he lifted up his eyes”.  When Jesus was going back to heaven he knew he would leave his disciples and as a result their hearts would fail them for sorrow.  He told them “let not your heart be troubled.”  He was afraid of them focusing on the emptiness.  He was now going to be taken away from them.  Is that the problem in your life?  That we can say on the strength of God’s precious word?  Don’t get so focused on this difficulty that we lose out on God?  Peter’s problem as he sat in the little boat with the disciples, turned with the great storm on the waves.  The disciples sitting in the boat were so afraid.  The Lord walked to them on the water.  Peter said “if it you bid me to come.”  Jesus told him to come.  Peter was walking on the water, everything was fine until he took his eyes off the Lord.  He placed them on the sea.  His eyes went down.  We need to be careful we are focusing on something that affects only us.  When I get my eyes on that I lose out on God.  That is what happened here with Peter in the boat.  Eyes off God and on the impossibilities.  2 men were imprisoned for their preaching of the word of God.  They were put in an underground cell.  There was only one window looking out on the street.  The 2 men were then taken up into the king’s quarters and questioned.  The king asked them “how is your accommodation?”  One man began to lament about it – “all I can see is mud, mire and water.”  The other man said “I can see the sky and the sun in the sky.”  He was looking up instead of looking down.  God wants to bless us but for many there is going to be a Jericho to go through and it will not be easy.  Joshua lifted up his eyes.  There is no harm in being focused on problems but it is how we sort it out.  The harm is when we over focus on it.  The angel came to Joshua and it was then he lifted up his eyes.  Abraham was blessed of God with a son.  God comes and challenges him “I want you take your son, the one who you love dearly and go out into the wilderness and offer him up as a sacrifice.”  Abraham never questioned it.  He took his servants with him, then left them at a distance to offer up Isaac.  He took the wood and made an altar, then he laid out his son.  Just then God spoke to him.  We read in Genesis chapter 22 verse 13 that “Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and behold and behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns.”  It speaks of the perfect sacrifice.  If that lamb had been caught by its fleece then the fleece would have been torn and not perfect.  God provided the perfect sacrifice.  Abraham needed to lift up his eyes.  Joshua looked forward.  He knew he was entering into the land God would give him.  The enemy would be there but God had promised the land to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob.  Here was Joshua ready to claim the land but the enemy was there.  The enemy will be there for you when you step out for God.  God puts his finger on something in our lives and you have to stop.  Joshua could look back on 40 years in the wilderness but he needed to look forward and upwards.

The fellowship that Joshua enjoys.  Verse 14 “and Joshua fell on his face to the earth and did worship and said unto him ‘what sayeth thou my Lord.’”  His eyes are firmly fixed on the one who has come to help him.  Hebrews 12 verses 1 - 3 “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy, that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.  For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.”  Get our eyes and minds fixed on him so that there is no turning away from him.  That Jericho you have could take you and defeat you.  Joshua could have looked at the Jericho and said “I can’t do it.”  He could have turned around and walked back to his nation, told them that he couldn’t do it.  Daniel was in the lions den when the king came down and asked him “are you all right?”  Daniel replied “the Lord has sent his angel.”  What did he think when he went into that den?  This is it?  But then he got his eyes on the Lord.  The Lord sent his angel to him.  Maybe instead of focusing on that big problem we need to worship, thank the Lord for whatever is in our lives at this time and say “I know you are in control of it Lord.”  Paul and Silas were beaten until their skin fell off them, they were sore and wounded but what did they do at midnight?  The lifted up their voices and prayed and praised God.  Whenever you feel you cannot take another step it is good to worship the Lord.  A young man crippled with pains testified how he would come before the Lord and daily ask for God to lift him out of this body of pain.  One day he was going through the motions of asking God to take it away when he lifted up his eyes to the mantelpiece and there were 2 words that said “try praise.”  Although his pains did not pass he was able to praise God and God brought him into the land of blessing as a result.

The faith that was restored.  Joshua said “what sayeth my Lord unto his servant?”  We have listened to this man babble on but has God been speaking behind the babble?  Bringing to your heart something in your life right now to go through with this.  There is a Jericho – God says “put your hand where I am and I will take you through it.”  Is there a decision to be made?  Something that we need to say to the Lord?  Joshua listened to God and God said “you gather up the nation of Israel, go down to Jericho and walk around the city once.  Then the next day repeat that until the seventh day when you walk around the city seven times, shout and blow the trumpets and the walls will fall down.”  Joshua believed his words, went back to the children of Israel and told them what had to be done.  His faith was restored.  God will not ask us to do something we cannot do.  If there is something that God asks of you don’t turn away.  Go through with God today.

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