Saturday, 23 April 2011

God's perfect peace Part 2

Notes from a sermon on
Philippians 4 verses 1 - 9 heard on 10 January 2010

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26 verse 3

The secret of peace is to be found in none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. Isaiah wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. He wrote of the past, the present and events still to come. Isaiah was writing 700 years before the birth of Christ.

This peace is promised by the eternal God. God is someone who cannot lie. We might be in a set of conditions that are prevailing against us that no-one else knows about but Jesus says to us as we go through them “if you can keep me in your mind I will keep you in perfect peace throughout it all.” As we read the book of Isaiah we can realise that things were difficult then. There was a confusion of religious beliefs in their day. There are many who say God doesn’t exist any more, they are following all sorts of religious thoughts and beliefs that bring a certain degree of happiness. There was a carelessness in moral standards in Isaiah’s day - covetousness and greed. There was a great love for wealth in Isaiah’s day. Their consciences were completely corroded. There was a conflict of military supremacy. Assyria was at the very gates of Jerusalem. It was not an easy time for them. Maybe it is not an easy time for you. Maybe there are many confusing and conflicting thoughts in your mind. This verse of scripture gives us a promise of peace. When you accept Jesus as your Saviour you have a great peace - why - because we have been justified with God. “Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God though our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5 verse 1 As come into this world we are at enmity with God. There was nothing we could offer that would merit our salvation. God is looking at us and loving us, wanting us to be saved. The sufficiency of the sacrifice - the moment we cry out to God he gives us a great peace. We are at one with Christ. “Justified” means every sin I have committed, every wrong thought in my heart, God looks at me and says “innocent”. If it hadn’t been for that mercy I would have stood before him and he would have said “guilty”. Do you have that peace today? This is not a religious life, this is a transformed, converted, changed life. We can know that peace in our lives. Jesus told his disciples “ye will have tribulation” but he went on to say they would also have his peace. Paul told us that we will suffer for being one of Christ’s own but we can know “the peace of God that passeth all understanding.”

A peace that is precious. A thing is immediately precious when we think of who owns it, when think of where it comes from, when it is in short supply. Jesus spoke through Jeremiah the Old Testament prophet, rebuked the nation false prophets and religious leaders “you are claiming peace peace and there is no peace.” We can know the peace of God in our hearts. Remember the disciples in the boat, they tried everything in their power to get to the other side. The wind was making the waves crash against the boat. The disciples thought they were going to perish. There might be times in our lives when we are fearful. Jesus comes, steps into the little boat and says “peace be still.” Not a ripple on the waves, not an air. The disciples get their eyes on the Lord again - let’s get our eyes on the peace of God today - a peace that passeth all understanding.

A peace that is practical. Something that perhaps we never really experience until in the depths of trials and afflictions and it really works. It is practical in its application. Think of Abraham that great Old Testament prophet. God called him out of Ur. He promised him so many things - land of his own, a child in his old age. Whenever God came to him and told him to take his son to Mount Moriah and offer him on the altar of sacrifice, there would have been turmoil in his heart I am sure. Now his life would be shattered. The son would ask “I can see the wood for the fire but where’s the lamb for the sacrifice?” Abraham tells him “God will provide the sacrifice.” On the third day they reach their destination. Abraham places his son on the altar. At that moment God says “enough there’s the sacrifice behind you.” Abraham walked every step with that in his mind but all the time there was peace in his mind. “By faith Abraham when he was tried offered up Isaac and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son.” Of whom it was said “That in Isaac shall thy seed be called. Accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the dead from whence also he received him in a figure.” Hebrews 11 verses 17 to 19. Do I have the peace of God today if I was to face death? Have you Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord? Are you sure of that today? If God was to hold that breath and you were to close your eyes and go out into eternity would it be absent from the body and present with the Lord? Or will it be the fires of hell for all eternity. You can be sure by putting your trust in him and him alone.

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