Thursday, 29 July 2010


Notes from John 14 verses 1 - 7
A way that is sought after …
A way that is simple …
A way that is sure …

This passage was addressed primarily to Jesus’ disciples. He knew what was ahead of him but they didn’t. What spoke to me here was the fact that God knows the way we should take before we do ourselves. He has our lives planned out for us but sometimes it is difficult to really put this in perspective. Like Thomas we ask repeatedly “Lord we know not whither thou goest, and how can we know the way?” (verse 5) We are like little children in this respect - I know this from personal experience - if you tell a child once where we are going I can be sure I will have to repeat it up to a dozen times and even then they will not realise it fully. Like my daughter said to me when we arrived at a place “Oh this is where you meant!”

The way to heaven is something every person on this earth is seeking after. Yet Jesus in his word has told us “I am the way, the truth and the life.” So many people believe that when they die they will go immediately into God’s presence and heaven itself. They reckon that because God is love he will let them in to heaven - it is that easy they think. Jesus has told us “You shall find me whenever you seek me for me with all your heart”. Sadly too many don’t want the hard work of searching and finding this treasure for themselves. Think again of the rich man who came to Jesus and asked him “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” When Jesus told him he went away very sad because he just couldn’t give up all his riches - he had a realisation of the truth but deep down it was too hard to take in. Then there is the other side of the coin - remember the Philippian jailer in Acts 16. He asked the same question and when Paul told him to “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” his reaction was simple - he dropped to his knees! Too often the problem is we have too much to give up in order to receive God’s free gift of salvation.
Jesus has made that way to heaven very simple - he did it all for me when he died on the cross of Calvary for my sin. His word, the Bible tells me “I am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved.” What is preventing anyone opening that door?

There is also the surety of the promise - “I am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved.” We can all know with assurance the way to heaven if only we will trust Christ here and now.

This passage was expounded by my local Pastor on 4 July 2010 and really spoke volumes to me on the assurance of my personal salvation.

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