Monday, 8 July 2019

Lessons from a mother`s knee

Sermon notes from Sunday 8 July 2019 
Exodus 2 verses 1 - 10, Acts 7 verses 20 - 22 and Hebrews 11 verses 23 - 26
During our Holiday Bible Week we considered various children of the Bible.  On our last night we thought of Moses and the terrible conditions he was born into.  We noted the amazing faith of his mother and father, the compassion they had on him.  Writers said through this act of faith Jochebed knew God had blessed her son and God would have something great planned for his life.  The love she had and the spiritual welfare she had for her child.  Take encouragement today in regards to Moses, as believers, as parents and grandparents to safeguard the souls of those we love.  There is only so much we can do and leave it all in God`s hands and trust him for them.  Notice here in the life of Moses ...

The times in which he was born.  From the lips of Stephen in Acts 7 verse 20 we read "In which time Moses was born and was exeeding fair and nourished up in his father`s house three months."  Stephen was one of the leaders of the early church.  One of the deacons called on to take care of the needs of the early church.  A man of faith, he was noticed by the members in the church.  The old devil had him in his sights right away.  He was arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin, the leading men in the Jewish religion.  There was something very different about him.  "His face shone like an angel".  They could not get to the bottom of the wisdom of his words.  He was martyred, stoned to death because of his belief.  He had his opportunity to speak to his false accusers.  They told him to speak for himself.  He gave them a history lesson on the Jewish nation.  He talked about the call of Abraham, how Jacob and his sons found friendships and help in Egypt only to find another Pharaoh was raised up who knew not Joseph.  They were under the bondage of the Pharaoh of Egypt.  Pharaoh ordered all the babies in such a time as Moses was born to be killed.  Jochebed his mother took him into her arms and was so afraid that people would know he was there and would take him from her to cast him into the river.  Acts 7 verse 19 tells of the slaughter that was going on.   The new Pharaoh (verse 18) did not realise that Joseph had brought them through a time of famine, that he was a blessing.  They were living in a time of forgetting about the blessings of God, forgetting about a man who God raised up for revival.  We have to be careful about the people God brings across our pathway just for a blessing at that exact moment.  We need to pray that we will not forget those who brought revival and blessing to our nation.  People like the Wesley`s in the 1700`s or Whitfield who in open air meetings preached and thousands were saved.  Our homes are neglecting the word of God, our lives are being neglected from the word of God.  In such a time this young man was born.  Jochebed hid Moses for 3 months.  His mother saw the dangers, sought to protect her child, did all she could to safeguard her son.  Can you imagine her nursing this baby.  She heard of those Egyptian orders to kill the babies.  She was afraid of someone taking her child and throwing him into the river.  Are we doing all we can for our little ones, to protect them in this world?  Satan is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  Do we not see those same dangers, the subtly of the enemy.  We hear that the church is too starchy and strict.  The devil is getting inroads into the lives of our young people through drugs, alcohol and immorality and through the social media.  He is getting in to give a life that is not correct.

The testimony of his mother.  Three months pass, it is time to move on.  It is not easy now to hide Moses.  What an amazing testimony - when we see our children grown up, leaving the home and knowing we have done the best we can, given them something they can hold onto.  Timothy looked back on his life like that.  Hebrews 11 verse 23.  I am sure Jochebed respected Pharaoh and his power.  She had no doubt that the law would be fulfilled but she was not afraid of the king`s commandment.  Think of Daniel when told not to pray.  He feared his God more.  he did all he could.  This woman stood firm, willing to put her life on the line for the sake of her child.  Are we ready to suffer for men and women going out into a Christless hell for all eeternity?  Are we read to sacrifice to see people saved?  Will we have the testimony to say we have done all we could possibly do?  What things she had to give up just to raise that child.  She would have to watch her company, she would have to be careful who came into her house, the things she talked about.  Anything that would give away her secret.  We have to be so careful today of the places we go to, the people and company we keep.

Notice the tears she had.  In Hebrews we read "she could hide him no longer."   Now what was she going to do?  Perhaps his lungs were stronger, his cries were getting louder.  What would she do?  We don`t know who gave her the idea of putting him into the basket and placing the basket in the river all the children were being thrown into.  She used her skills and made a basket pitched with tar.  She made sure the water would not get in.  She placed the basket among the reeds.  She was trusting the God of heaven.  There is only so much we can do.  There comes a time when we can do no more and have to leave it simply with God.  We cannot bring up our children in the fashions of this world and then expect God to work in it.  David cannot trust the armour of Saul because it weighed him down.  There comes a time when we have done all we can for our children, we have to trust God for them.  This woman trusted all would be well for this child.

The teaching she proved.  The first thing Pharaoh`s daughter recognised was that this was a Hebrew`s child.  She knew her father`s decree and how all the baby boys were being killed in this same river.  She had compassion immediately.  God had everything under control.  He would bring the people across the pathway even now for your children.  Miriam offered a nurse for the child.  What we teach our children now may never be seen for years to come.  It took 40 years for it to be seen in Moses` life.  It took that time for him to come to this decision in his life.  It came about because of the teaching he receieved at his mother`s knee.  It brought him to the place where he heard God speaking directly to him.  As we watch our children we are sowing a seed.  Moses` mother used the time well to tell Moses about the character of God who had promised them a land, a nation for themselves.  Keep praying for your children today.  Imagine the time when she gave Moses up to Pharaoh`s daughter.  Standing at that palace door, watching that door being opened then closed.  She turns around and walks away.  Her heart was breaking for her son.  No longer in control.  She hears of Moses being educated, growing up in the palace, becoming a man mighty in word and deed.  She never thought she would see her son growing up there with all the evils around him.

The triumph she secured.  There are many twists and turns in life.  Never give up.  The story of Moses gives us such hope because many fathers and mothers are in that situation today.  Broken hearted.  See a young person who sat with them in church, heard the word of God but are now out in the world.  Never give up, keep on trusting, believing, looking to the Lord.  At the age of 40 years Moses made a decision.  He walked away from the palace.  He decided to be no longer called the son of Pharaoh`s daughter.  Jochebed never thought she would see that day.  Make sure that child of yours hears the word of God, keep holding on.  For 40 years Jochebed held on and she saw the triumph.

4 Building Blocks

Notes from Keswick at Portstewart Sunday 7 July 2019
Acts 2 verses 22 - 47

I want to start tonight to think through what Peter was saying in this sermon.  He is doing something different to what we do when we talk to people about Christ.  It is like when you have a jigsaw and you work to put all the pieces together to build it. We have different pieces that fit together in our lives - yes we can have that car, that holiday, that relationship. We are building our jigsaw, then we hear about Jesus and we ask 'would he fit into my jigsaw, would he add something to my life, can he make my life better?' Then we decide yes he might be able to, we hear he forgives sins and gives a place in heaven, so we decide he can be part of my jigsaw. Jesus does not want to be part of my jigsaw, he wants you to be part of his jigsaw. In our jigsaw when things get tricky we will chuck Jesus out. We are in danger sometimes of trying to sell Jesus to people. We tell everyone they need Jesus, tell them he can do this for you, he can make your life better, give you joy, freedom and peace. Are those things true? Yes they are all true but if that is the way we talk of him we end up being sales people. Peter does not do any of that.  Peter says Jesus is the Lord and he is Christ and you must follow him. Peter starts his sermon small and builds it to an amazing crescendo. He tells them God has made this Jesus whom you crucified Lord and Christ. There are 4 building blocks. The first thing Peter tells the crowd - Jesus lived. Jesus was a man, a real man. This is when we need to learn some doctrine. A great heresy entered into the church - they said Jesus was not real. They were nervous about the idea of him having a body, being flesh. Peter starts by saying Jesus was a man, born as a baby, grew up, learned to walk and talk, he lived a real life, he had to learn to study the scriptures but this man performed miracles wonders and signs. He did extraordinary things. We know the stories but have lost the wonder.  That he could quieten a storm from a boat, feed 5000 people with a couple of loaves, raise the dead, open the ears of the deaf but he was a man accredited by God.  God worked through him.  We are sceptical of miracles today.  We find throughout the book of Acts the believers did not deny them because they knew they were true.  He did do miracles.  If you stop there Jesus will end up being a friend, being nice to you.  We have to move on.  In verse 23 we read he was handed over to them by God`s deliberate plan and foreknowledge.  You put him to death by nailing him to the cross.  This man of Nazareth ends up dead on a cross because wicked people killed him - why - because God planned they would do it.  It was God`s plan.  In Isaiah 53 we read it was the Lord`s plan to crush him and make him suffer and through that to make his life an offering for sin.  This man who did wonders and signs, it was God`s plan to let him die on the cross, that he would be crushed so that our sin could be paid.  Imagine Jesus dying on the cross, bleeding because he is a man, dying, to be an offering for your sin.  You deserve to die and he took your place.  This is Jesus, the man who died according to God`s plan.  Jesus is the eternal son of God.  He was with his father in heaven.  He could see the world his father made was dying.  He decided to leave his fathers side to come into this world to plunge himself into the jaws of death to save you.  That Jesus would give his life that you might be saved.  It was the Lord`s will to crush him.  There is more though.  That is the first 2 building blocks.  He was a real man.  He lived and died.  Verse 24 God raised him from the dead ... because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.  Here is Jesus handed over to death, dies on the cross, his body is taken down from the cross and laid in a tomb.  He is dead.  Death wins every time.  Death has a 100% record always.  In the grave a battle takes place between Jesus and death.  Imagine death realising there is something about Jesus that is different. For any other victim death has been claimed.  This man will not stay dead.  He is too strong.  Death is about to loose, to experience its first defeat.  The body that breathed its last is breathing again, the eyes that closed in death are open again, the heart that stopped beating is beating again.  God raised him from the dead.  Peter quotes from Psalm 16 in verses 25 to 28.  He is speaking about David`s great confidence in death.  Peter then says "but David did die" so he cannot have been writing these words about himself.  He was writing about someone else.  God promised David that through him a kingdom would be established.  David was therefore speaking of someone yet to come.  The resurrection of the Messiah himself.  If this is true this is amazing.  We all crave something that will last and never find it in this world.  Here was a man who was risen from the dead and is not decaying.  There is something in this man that will be different to anyone else.    This is not the end however.  In verse 30 Peter takes the Old Testament figure they could identify with.  Out of him he brought Jesus, the greatest one of all.  He is seated at God`s right hand, has poured out his spirit on all men.  This is the one Peter wants to show us.  In verse 34 Peter quotes from Psalm 110.  David called him Lord.  Peter is painting in the biggest possible colours the greatest man who ever lived, Jesus.  He is at the right hand of God until all his enemies are made his footstool at his feet.  Verse 36 he has become Lord and Christ.  God whom you call on.  This Jesus of Nazareth is Lord himself.  Jesus is the man who is God.  Those 2 things are true in Jesus.  He is the Messiah.  Notice that Peter does not say here are all the things he can do for you.  He is Lord and Christ and you crucified him.  Do you not feel the weight of this?  There was probably a large crowd there that day.  Obviously they didn`t all crucify him.  To declare the Lordship of Christ is the gospel.  This is the good news our world needs to hear.  Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.  That is the gospel.  The people`s response is to be cut to the heart and ask "what shall we do?"  Peter tells them "repent."  Admit, turn your life over to him.  If that is who Jesus is then for us to look at Jesus as fitting into our jigsaw is wrong.  Repent  means to smash up that jigsaw, fall on our knees and say "you are my Lord, I will follow you."  That is what it means to call him Lord.  If that is true it means our lives need to change.  Will you follow Jesus when life is hard?  In the Old Testament we read of 3 men Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who were told they would be put into the fiery furnace if they did not bow down and worship a statue the king had erected.  They told the king "we will not bow down and worship your statue because our God is able to save us and even if he doesn`t we will not bow down and worship your statue."  Will you submit to God?  Will you bow before him and give your life to him.  That is life lived to the full.  That is where freedom is found.  If Jesus is Lord and Christ we can take risks.  One of the reasons many people find being a Christian boring and dull is because they have forgotten how to take risks.  When was the last time you did something for Jesus that made you nervous?  When did you get an adrenaline rush from following Jesus?  If he is Lord and Christ we should give him everything, we will do everything for him.  Do not get Jesus to fit in with your plans.  Will we repent, will we say "I will go where you will send me, go to people who have never heard of Jesus dying for them."  This is exciting.  This is scary.  It is something worth giving your life for.  Maybe you are not ready for this.  If Jesus is Lord and Christ you can trust him totally.  There is a danger in being reckless too.  Most of us however are not in danger of that.  If he is Lord and Christ we must love the church.  Yes church is frustrating and difficult.  There are people in the church who will irritate you and annoy you.  Answer me this - do you go to the church prayer meeting?  I would dare to say that our prayer meetings are made up mostly of older people - they know how to pray and young people don`t go.  Why?  Because there is not much fun there.  They are not convenient.  They are a pain at times.  If young people started to go to our prayer meetings they would transform the church.  Love your church.  Be someone who goes to church, who gets to know different people.  For older people, when the younger ones come into church love them.  Jesus is Lord and Christ.  He loves his church.  I am challenging you tonight to stop trying to build your jigsaw but fall on your knees before Jesus and tell him "I will do what you want me to do."