Sermon notes from Sunday 3 June 2018 pm Mr Joseph Kenoway
John 8 verses 1 - 11
Perhaps if we were to give a title to this message it would be `the sinful woman who met the forgiving Saviour.` The story we have just read concerns a sinful woman who was in the very gutter of sin, given up all self respect, leading an openly sinful life. If we were looking at this through twentieth century eyes this was a no hope story. She had brought shame to herself and her family. The compassionate Saviour enters into the story at this precise moment. He does not condemn her but reaches out in love and mercy. He tells her "neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more." Some of the early fathers doubted whether this passage should be included in the scripture, they believe Jesus was too lenient but here we see a compassionate Saviour. The Lord came down to reach a sinner who was lost.
The first thing to see tonight is the blessing of sins forgiven. It was the Psalmist David who wrote in Psalm 32 "blessed is the man whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered." Is the greatest thing in all the world to be rich, famous, to have all the power and might of all society? The greatest thing is to know your sins are forgiven, that all your past sins are under the blood of Jesus. Why could the Lord say to this lady "neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more"? Very soon after Jesus would go to the cross and take this woman`s sins on himself, would die and rise again. 700 years before Jesus died the prophet Isaiah had a vision of the place where Jesus died for sinners "but he was wounded for our transgressions ... by his stripes we are healed." If you are outside of Christ tonight take this thought - it is the cross that makes us sufficient, it is the blood that makes us secure. He died the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God. The message of the gospel is almost too good to be true. God`s grace is always greater than our sins. Where sin aboundeth the grace of God doth much more abound. The blessing of sins forgiven. Can you imagine the lady coming from the temple after she met with Christ? There was a wonderful change in her life as she came out that day. The people saw a great change in her life. I`m sure they wondered about it. I am sure her answer would be "I met the Lord today and he has changed me completely." If you are saved tonight you are the most blessed person on this earth. We should never be ashamed of the Lord. We should be able to tell it to everyone - that there is life in the risen Lord. Maybe there is someone you work with and they are not saved. They are searching for God tonight, for the peace you have. You are the one that has the answer, the only one that can help them. You alone know the gospel. What a wonderful salvation she experienced that day. Maybe you don`t know that peace that passeth all understanding. At Jesus` feet you can find rest, peace, joy, forgiveness. "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden." Is Jesus precious to you tonight? This lady enjoyed total forgiveness. Romans 12 "there is therefore no condemnation to them which are in Christ who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit." What God forgives he forgets. There are many in the journey of life carrying this spirit of condemnation. They know they have accepted Christ as Saviour but they worry about their past sins committed in their unsaved days. Here`s a word of encouragement - "if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins." "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all our sins." When we accept Christ as Saviour he removes our sin. "As far as the east is from the west so far has he removed our transgressions." Your sins and transgressions will I remember them no more. Not only removes and forgives our sins but he buries our sins. "I will cast all your sins in the depth of the sea." Do you want your sins forgiven? Jesus can meet your deepest need through the blood he shed on Calvary`s cross.
The hypocrisy of a self righteous life - verses 6 and 7. These 2 verses are significant. They are the only record we have of Jesus writing anything down. What did the Lord write on the ground - did he write their sins on the ground, the names of all those men who had been with this lady? No matter they went out without Christ, without forgiveness of sins, deeply religious but deeply sinful. We could write oveer these 2 verses - these men remained unforgiven. They were too good to be saved. They were blinded by religion, good works, membership of the temple, by their charitable deeds. Many are dependent on good works, church membership, attending the Lord`s table, going to church. The bible says "all our sins are like filthy rags." I wonder are you a good person openly speaking? Good to your family, neighbours, to the church but you are not saved. You have never seen your need of God`s salvation. We can be deeply religious like these men but deeply sinful. If this was your last evening on earth, if you were to stand before the God of heaven and you were asked why should I let you into heaven what would you say? If you are depending on anything else it would be absent from the body and straight into a lost eternity. Some people have never made preparation despite having heard the message of the gospel.
The motivation to live a holy life - verse 11 "go and sin no more." He didn`t say "go and sin as little as possible". A separated, sold out life is the greatest advertisement for a Christian life. We all know we cannot be sinless, perfect. There is a life we can know victory every day over the devil and the world but most of all over me myself. Each one of us will give an account before the Lord. The Bible does not teach us that one day we will all hear well done from God. We need to strive for it. We are building our foundation on Christ. There is a foundation of gold, silver and precious stones but there is also a foundation of a wasted life. There is the motivation here to live a holy life. We can think of the life of Abraham and Lot. 2 family members. Abraham, a friend of God. Altar after altar, prayer after prayer. Lot was living for self. A wasted life. Whose life counted the most? It was Abraham. Lot`s life was a misery. He couldn`t save his wife. He was saved by fire, just saved and no more. Is our life sold out for the Saviour tonight? Have we learned some lessons from this woman`s life?