Monday, 12 September 2016

Why do we keep the message of the Gospel to ourselves?

Sermon notes from Sunday 11 September 2016

2 Kings 7 verses 1 – 10
Our minds are attracted to one particular issue going on in this passage – the plight of the nation of Israel.  They found salvation through the work of 4 lepers.  These men because of the hunger in their bellies and the vision they could see took a step out from where it was safe and content into enemy territory.  Let us think of these men and how we can draw comfort and a challenge from their actions.

Firstly there is the crisis these men where in.  Chapter 6 verse 24 Samaria was the capital city of the northern part of Israel.  The Syrian forces had come against Syria and ransacked the city and took the spoils and people captive.  As they did that they besieged the whole city.  Nothing went in and nothing came out.  There was a great famine in the city.  These 4 men couldn’t enter in because they were lepers so were sitting in the shadow of the gate.  They were in an awful crisis.  They saw something happening, saw their friends starving to death.  In fear of the enemy they could do nothing to help them.  In verses 18 and 19 we read of an earlier incident between Elisha and the Syrian forces.  There will be those who will come against us, oppose us, say all manner of things against us.  They don’t want to see God’s kingdom advanced.  If the devil can keep you out of God’s house he would do it.  We should never tire of hearing that message and thanking God for what he has done for us.  These 4 men were living in that situation.  In chapter 6 verse 18 the Syrian forces were coming against Elisha.  Elisha had authority, he had an ear in heaven.  We have got an ear in heaven too.  There is one who is listening to us, the one who bends down to listen to us as a man would bend down to hear his father’s last words on earth.  Elisha took these men and treated them with kindness – verses 22 and 23 “So the bands of Syria came no more into the land of Israel”.  Instead of being put to death they were treated with kindness.  In verse 24 some years had passed and a new king in Syria decided to go up and raid the city of Samaria.  He forgot about the deeds of Elisha.  Sometimes memories are short.  Syria came against the people and left them starving with hunger.  They were in a crisis.  In Samaria the hunger had got so bad they were taking their own children, slaughtering and eating them.  Such was the situation – verses 28 – 30. 

The company these men kept.  In chapter 6 verse 27 the king of Israel said “if the Lord do not help thee, whence shall I help thee?”  These 4 men were looked down upon, shunned.  They couldn’t enter the city.  1 Corinthians 1 verse 27 “but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.”  Remember how 5 loaves and 2 fishes were used to feed 5000 people one day on the hillside.  In John 4 the woman at the well was insignificant.  After she met Jesus she went out to tell her neighbours “come see a man which told me ever I did, is not this the Christ?” (John 4 verse 29) These 4 men were separated from the city by reason of their condition.  You and I are saved by God’s grace, we are a separated people.  These men were outside the camp by reason of their condition.  We too are separate from the world because of Christ and his salvation.  In Acts 4 the disciples had been arrested and put in prison, then released and came to their own company.  They sought out their own company, those who were saved by God’s grace – why – because they got together and prayed for God to move in their lives.  Deliverance was going to come through doing their daily business.  It still comes today to those who are prepared to be separated from the world, those who take a stand against everything that is happening against us.  Chapter 7 verse 4 “if we say”.  They were communicating with each other.  There were of the same mind, united in their work.  There was a harmony in their work.  That is what we need today, to be together as one.

There is the courage that was shown.  In verse 3 the 4 men got fed up with their situation.  They had nothing to fill their bellies with.  They had no hope for tomorrow.  They rose up to do something about it.  They had a vision in their hearts.  For these men it took effort to get up and move into the city.  It will take time for us, to make the effort, to come into the time of prayer.  Remember David who went down to face Goliath.  He had courage, he was ready and prepared to step out.  There came a day when he thought of his brothers, when he stepped out from the sheep to where the soldiers were.  He could hear the battle.  He came into a strange environment, saw the giant standing cursing the Israelites.  Even David’s brothers looked down their noses at David.  He was prepared to step out from the safety of his own home.  He stepped up to the mark.  He stepped up and it took courage for him to do that. 

The conscience that was stirred.  These men proved the wonder and power of God just by stepping out.  They would never have proved the delights of God if they hadn’t moved.  This was a work of God.  God sent a noise into the camp.  As the Syrian forces heard that noise they thought it sounded like an army coming against them so they fled.  These men’s conscience took them down into the camp.  The enemy heard the noise.  Does God hear the noise of us praying?  When these men went in to the city they found a feast.  They went to one tent and there wasn’t a soldier there.  Then they went into another tent and found it empty too.  We can only prove God when we step out, when we leave behind our coldness, apathy.  These men found a feast, they found the gold and silver, cloth.  They were proving God.  Their conscience pricked them – verse 9 “we do not well; this day is a day of good tidings and we hold our peace; if we tarry till the morning light, some mischief will come upon us; now therefore come, that we may go and tell the king’s household.”  Maybe they had friends and families starving.  We need to tell other people about God.  If you are saved today, if you have proved the love of God working in your heart you need to tell others.  These men’s consciences pricked them.  They went back into the city to tell others what they had found.  Through these men God brought deliverance to the city.  Give your all to the Lord as these men did and tell others about Christ.  That is the challenge today – to tell men and women of God’s riches if they will only accept him as Saviour and Lord.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

A place of decision, disappointment and devotion

Sermon notes from Sunday morning 4 September 2016

2 Kings 2 verses 1 - 15

As you well know the ministry of Elijah ends in a very dramatic way.  Here he is walking with his friend Elisha when the heavens opened up, a whirlwind came down, picked him up and took him to heaven.  Here was a man whose life ended as he was - out and out for God.  It ended as it began.  We are not told much about his birth, his upbringing but one day however God moved on that man, and he walked into Ahab`s palace knowing he had a message from the God of heaven.  As he walked through the courts of the palace not one tried to turn him away.  There he is on the scene of this time and right away standing before Ahab.  There will be men standing behind the sacred desks today afraid to bring the word of God.  Let us take encouragement today from his story and let us never be ashamed of the gospel of Christ "for it is the power of God unto salvation." (Romans 1 verse 16)  Elijah marches in before King Ahab with a message from God.  Ahab was a man who hated the word of God and the prophets of God.  Now take a look at another ministry that begins when Elijah`s comes to an end.  To the man who will fill Elijah`s shoes - Elisha.  First thing we see about his coming to the ministry is - he was not a man that is easily put off.  He is going to go through with God whatever the cost.  If you ever want to do a work for God you need that resilience, the determination and perseverance, to be out and out for God today.

Elisha was heralding a walk with God.  Think first of all the places Elijah and Elisha visited.  The first place Elijah found Elisha was a place of decision.  Elisha was out in the field, ploughing the field.  Elijah came out to him with an instruction from God.  When we go out for God we spend time in prayer, seek him as to where we go to.  God will give you a word specifically for one person.  Elijah`s ministry was coming to an end.  He knew that God placed the message in his heart to find Elisha.  We need the Elisha`s today, to fill the shoes of those who have now left this scene of time.  People who have once taught in the Sunday School, who sat in the prayer meeting.  Elijah cast his cloak over Elisha.  That was a sign of service he was being required to do.  Elisha was not very forthcoming.  He was in the middle of doing his job ploughing the field when he met Elijah coming to him.  He wanted to go back to his father and mother to tell them about his decision.  Elijah left him there.  He had to make his own decision.  He sacrificed the cows and broke up the plough, then placed all on the altar.  He gave it all to the Lord in sacrifice.  We have got to lay our all on the altar today.  We will never be confronted by the power of God or challenged to step out for God until that day.  God came and challenged him to make a decision.  Isaiah went into the temple one day and experienced the awesomeness and wonderfulness of God.  It is only when we come to the place of awesomeness of God that things will happen.  Isaiah heard the voice that day "who will go for us."  He made a decision "will you send me I am ready to do your task."  Is there one person who is able to say "I am ready, you know this heart of mine, I will leave whatever I have, I will set it aside today and go through with God."  Not be halfhearted but ready to say "take me, use me as you will."  Isaiah came to the place where he realised he was a man of unclean lips and was standing in the presence of his God, living in the midst of a people who were unholy and sinful.  Isaiah was looking at himself.  He knew God`s searchlight was on him.  Gideon in Judges 6 was sitting with a bag of meal and had been threshing.  There was no picture of greatness of himself.  The Lord came to him.  Gideon said to him "you want me to go out for you, I am the poorest of all the families, the weakest of all, you don`t know what you are asking of me.”  God said go.  We have got to come to that place of decision.  Maybe today someone is coming to that place of decision, have heard the voice of God.  God is not listening for excuses today.

A place of disappointment.  Elijah told Elisha to “tarry ye here for the Lord hath sent me to Bethel.”  Many of us can vouch so much for that same instruction.  No sooner have we started and there is something or someone ready to disappoint us, to knock us back.  He had encouraged him to leave his plough and now he is trying to discourage him.  Maybe this was a test or Elisha.  It was the first trial to come his way.  There will be tests to knock us back in our spiritual lives.  We need perseverance to go on with God.  Elisha wanted to go with Elijah, to see everything he was doing but he was now being told to wait.  Gilgal speaks of a place of memories, distant ones.  Whenever Joshua led the children of Israel through the Jordan river it was to Gilgal they came.  It was there they lifted the stones out of the Jordan river and set them up as a monument, a place where the children of Israel could remember that God had helped them go through that river into a place of blessing.  At Gilgal they circumcised their children, celebrated the Passover and celebrated the first victory over their enemies.  All these memories would come back.  That is why we need to be careful – you and I can live in a bygone age, it is easy to say “I remember the time God did …”  We need to keep on moving.  Elisha didn`t want to stop there, he wanted to keep going.  We need to move on, to let go, to stop holding on to the past.

As they moved on from Gilgal to Bethel there was a place of devotion.  Elisha had no intention of stopping in Gilgal, he wanted to go on to Bethel.  Bethel was a place where we might say he gave his all, surrendered everything.  In Genesis 8 verse 20 Noah came out of the ark and built an altar.  When Abraham was called to leave his land he surrendered all to the Lord and came into the land of promise, there he built an altar.  We should not be living in a distant memory.  We should be totally devoted to the Lord.  Remember when Abraham went to Egypt, told lies and got into a wrong relationship?  When he came out of Egypt he found the land was too small for Lot and him.  What was he led to do?  To go back to the altar.  There was something not pleasing to the Lord.  Jacob travelled to meet his family and on the night before he met up with Esau he had a dream of a ladder with angels ascending and descending on it.  The next morning he said “surely God was in this place and I didn`t know it.”  He built an altar there to God.  A place of devotion – are we still at Gilgal, haven’t moved on?  Bethel was a place of destruction and direction.  Are we stopping short of our devotion to the Lord?  Sometimes our ways may seem old fashioned, outdated but as we take on new methods and ways God will direct and lead us.

Serving the Lord

Sermon notes from Sunday morning 7 August 2016

Mark 12 verses 41 – 44

This portion of scripture comes as a challenge to us about how we serve the Lord.  We notice a woman who gave all she had to the Lord.  As she looked around the treasury and on those who would come in to the offering plates, all she had was 2 mites which made a farthing.  It was something frowned upon but it earned the approval of the Lord himself.  As we come today the Lord is not looking on the outward appearance but the inward.  Are we about to give everything we have to the Lord?  There are a couple of phrases that crept up amongst sports stars and athletes competing in the Olympic Games – it is all or nothing.  What a strategy before the race took place.  Training, building up muscles so that on the day they can give all.  As the people of God have we been studying the word of God this week?  Thinking of it as we come today, are we ready to give our all to the Lord?

Notice a position that is described.  The position this woman took up.  She was a widow woman – verse 42.  They had gathered in the house and the Lord was there.  The Lord is not in vast crowds but he has promised “where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name there am I in the midst”.  He knows everything that is going on in every life right at this moment.  God is wanting to know are you willing to give all to the Lord out of your heart?  This woman knew what difficult times where.  She was a widow woman.  She knew the pain of bereavement.  Jesus points to someone who has felt the pain of death, to come through trial.  There is a difficult stage in your life and he points to it.  He is going to teach from this widow woman a great lesson.  Maybe only income was with her husband yet prepared to take out of her purse 2 mites.  Giving first in her life to the Lord.  It is great to be saved today, to look back to the point in your life when you came under the convicting hand of the Lord, when you accepted Christ as Saviour, when you heard the message of the gospel, that time you bowed your knees to Christ, took him as Lord and Saviour and allowed him to come into your heart.  Here is a woman whose only means of income was gone.  She did not know what would happen tomorrow.  She didn`t have a husband to bring in the wages for her.  We are not told the circumstances of her husband`s death or what she had gone through yet she is here in the treasury giving all she had to the Lord.  Sometimes we have a difficult trial in our lives and we want to throw all from us as soon as possible.  This woman didn`t blame the Lord through her trial.  Like the woman with the alabaster box.  She broke it for Jesus.  The disciples complained but Jesus told them to leave her alone.  She had given all to the Lord.  The Lord wants you to do all you can.  He will not exert you.  No doubt that day the Pharisees were there, the religious leaders were there and both gave of their great abundance.  Maybe you are thinking well what do I really have, I don`t really have that much.  You begin to see all you have and the abundance of others.  The Lord is asking from you today.  This widow woman watched as the people gave in to the treasury.  This woman was despised.  The Jewish people would have despised her because she was a widow.  Maybe you think you are despised because of what you are offering to the Lord today.

The poverty she did not deter.  As she made her way to the box she saw others giving far more and she thought she had nothing to offer.  She made sure the poverty she had would not deter her.  What was so special about her gift?  It caught the attention of Jesus.  She was giving everything she had.  Not only that but she was trusting the Lord for tomorrow.  When God would execute his plan of salvation, to send forth his only son who did he choose to bear – his only son.  He looked down into poverty and chose a young girl who had nothing whatsoever to offer but what she had to offer was everything.  No great name, no great experience.  Maybe you are in the same position today.  Do you ever sit back and think what that means?  You give your all to the Lord.  There is a mission and outreach to be done.  We need to be going out.  No longer can we depend on opening the door and the people will come flocking in.  Have you a concern for those going out into a lost Christless hell?  God used a widow woman in the days of Elijah.  She had nothing to give. She was going to make a cake, give some to her son and die.  Elijah said that was fine but give him first and she as a result never hungered again.  God uses what we give him here and now.  Are you ready to say “Lord use me today in the work of God?”  Remember the story of the man going into the far country and left the talents with his servants.  To one he gave 5, to another 2 and to the third just one.  He wasn`t making any difference in them, he knew the people he was giving them to.  When he came back the one with 5 talents had doubled his as had the one with 2 but the one with just one talent had buried his.  When his master returned he dug it up and gave it back to the master.  He had nothing from the talent.  How will it be in the day when Christ calls?  Will there be those we have helped to win who will join with us?  Will we have to stand before God with hands empty and say “I am sorry”?

The pledge that was determined.  She wanted to give 2 mites to the Lord.  She was going to give everything she had.  How many times have we sat in meetings, been challenged by God but forget about it as we leave?  She had a pledge made in her heart.  She was surrendered to the will of the Lord, ready to give her all.  The Lord loves a cheerful giver.  Remember when Peter was summoned to go to the house of Cornelius.  Peter was up in the roof top and saw a vision of all manner of unclean animals coming down onto a sheet from heaven.  Peter was told to arise, kill and eat.  Peter being a faithful believer said “not so Lord”.  The Lord was teaching a lesson.  He was taking him into a Roman house, a man outside of the Jewish nation, a Gentile.  He was using Peter to do that.  He had to teach him this lesson.  Here was a woman with a pledge that was determined.  She was saying “all that matters are these 2 mites for the Lord.”  In Luke 7 a woman came into Pharisees house began to wash the Saviour`s feet with her tears.  She washed the feet of the Saviour.  Think of that for a moment.  Sometimes through difficult times have you had enough tears to fill a basin to wash your feet?  I don`t think so.  The custom of Jesus` day was tears were to be kept in a bottle and stored.  “put thou my tears into thy bottle, are they not in thy book?”(Psalm 56 verse 8)  Perhaps this woman brought this bottle of tears with her and poured it out.  She began to wash and dry the Lord`s feet.  That bottle would have represented every time a tear fell in her life.  The pain and the joy were both reflected there.  Every experience was given to the Lord and the Lord commended her for it.  Here was a woman who felt she had so much to thank the Lord for. The Pharisees sitting at the other side never once offered a kiss to the Lord.  This woman was a sinner, realised Jesus could give her what she wanted.

There is a prize to be delighted in.  This woman gave more than anyone else.  The Lord saw it.  That was the prize.  There is coming a day when the Lord will judge the nations of the world “naked and ye clothed Me, I was sick, and ye visited me; I was in prison, and you came to Me. Then shall the righteous answer him saying, Lord when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? Or thirsty and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the king shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25 verses 35 – 40)  It is going to be the small things.  The 2 mites were all this woman had and she gave them to the Lord.

The weapon of Prayer

Sermon notes from Sunday morning 14 August 2016

Acts 12 verses 1 - 11

As we turn to Acts I want us to consider these verses, think here of the church upon its knees, not in defeat but in victory.  The whole realm and effectiveness of prayer today.  The weapon of prayer lying dormant in the hands of the Christian.  James said "the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5 verse 16)  It is not a secondary weapon, something we need to have and need to use day and daily.  Paul to Timothy said "I exhort (I encourage you, challenge you) therefore that first of all supplications, prayers and intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men." (1 Timothy 2 verse 1)  That is what the church did here in Acts 12.  Not only does prayer bear much fruit but is pleasing to God.  "for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour." (1 Timothy 2 verse 3)  Verse 5 "Peter therefore was kept in prison but prayer was made without ceasing unto God for him."  This was prayer in the light of an impossible problem.  Is there something in your life that somehow you feel you cannot get around?  The church here had a problem like that.  They didn`t stand outside the palace with placards saying `release Peter`, nor did they take a petition to ask for Peter to be released, nor did thy get a solicitor or lawyer to get him out.  God had given them a weapon to use at their disposal.  Have you used that weapon today?  That God might bind every evil spiirt, that we might see his goods spoiled today, to see souls saved.

Here was prayer in the light of an impossible problem.  Herod was the grandson of Herod the Great.  There were many evil traits in this man.  In verse 3 we read that he sought to please the Jews.  He was very deceitful.  He wanted to please the Jewish nation.  He shed the blood of James - verse 2.  Why does God not answer prayer we ask?  Surely the church needed a man like James yet God allowed him to be put to death.  Why?  We don`t know God`s plans.  Herod pledged to do the same with Peter.  He was making war with the church.  The only thing that stopped him killing Peter was the fact that it was the Feast of Unleavened bread.  He thought it would be a great offence if he did it now.  He would wait until after Easter.  Everything seemed lost but the church got down to prayer.  All is not lost if we have one in heaven who is open to our thoughts and prayers.  This was an impossible problem humanly speaking but all was not lost when you bring it to the Lord in prayer.  The confidence he gives us as children of God as come seeking him today.  Mark 10 verse 27 "with men it is impossible but not with God for with God all things are possible."  A young man came to the Lord to be saved and he went away sorrowful.  The disciples saw that and they asked "well then who can be saved?"  That is the problem today in many homes.  Children are not saved, parents are at the end of their days and there seems to be no hope.  Problems that we think unfathomable we know it is possible with the God of heaven. 

Here was prayer in the light of interceeding practice.  A man came to Jesus one time possessed with an evil spirit.  The disciples could do nothing for him.  The Lord cast the spirit out of the man.  The disciples asked why they could not do this.  Jesus replied "this kind cometh not out but by prayer and fasting." (Matthew 17 verse 21)  It is being serious about prayer.  These people in Acts 12 were serious about prayer.  They had got to be serious with God to see results.  Maybe it is time we got serious in prayer.  Maybe it is time we rediscovered this great weapon.  This church prayed without ceasing.  They were determined until they saw something happening.  Here`s a people and they were ready not just to pray for themselves but for others.  Do we take that responsibility of praying for others seriously this morning?  Not just our own problems and difficulties but praying for others in the street.  They had to give up everything to pray.  Something had to go.  Are we prepared to pray?  Remember the disciples asked the Lord "teach us to pray".  Paul said he prayed day and night for other people.  Abraham persisted in prayer until he saw answers.  These people persisted until they saw God answer prayer.

Here is prayer in the light of a intervening power.  James talked about Elijah who was persistent in prayer for rain.  Here in this prayer meeting when Peter was released from prison he went to that home where the prayer meeting was being held.  They wouldn`t even believe it was him.  These were ordinary every day people praying for Peter.  In verse 4 we read that 16 soldiers guarded Peter.  In verse 6 we read that Peter was bound with 2 chains.  In verse 10 Peter came to an iron gate.  What protection and security!  God stepped in and he left the guards and chains, then went through the iron gate.  Unless God steps in nothing will happen.  Abraham prayed and God led Lot out of Sodom.  Will God step in and do the same to those who are sleeping just like Peter was in the prison?  Will we be praying serious about our mission?  Will God break the chains, open the door for people to come to know him?

Here is prayer that impacted the people.  What an encouragement to the people of God who had prayed for his release.

Sermon notes from Sunday 21 August 2016

Colossians 4 verses 1 - 9

Last week we were noticing the great weapon the Lord has given to us as a church to use - prayer.  I am very interested in the news reports and the effects of violence coming back from various countries around the world.  They speak of a small cell that was working.  That is the outlook the church should have - a small cell that is working, we need to be a small cell working for the Lord to reach out to men and women in our community.  Paul says in verses 1 and 2 "continue in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving. Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds."  It must be God who opens the door of utterance for us.  He was telling this people to pray to that end, that others might be reached with the gospel.  How important prayer is.  If that is so then our declaration of intent should be "go ye into all the world."  That is what Jesus instructed us to do. 

The preparation that is required for prayer.  If you look at verse 1 it seems to have nothing to do with the coming message - "Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven."  Some of the commentators and Greek language students would tell us this verse is completion of the section that went before.  I find it here to make perfect sense to be included at this point.  Paul is saying there are things that need to be set in order in the church first.  We should never lose sight of this.  He is asking them to pray for God to open a door for them to speak.  Sometimes we have never prayed for that door to be opened for us.  Remember Lydia in the prayer meeting.  God opened a door for the word of God to be brought to those people that day and in particular for Lydia to receive the word of God too.  Like the Bereans who studied the scriptures to see whether what Paul was teaching was really true, we need God to open doors for us.  The only way he will do that for us is when we come before him in prayer.  That is the importance of prayer.  Not depending on anything else.  Not on the ability of the preacher, those who come to testify or singers to bring the presence of God to the meeting.  Depending on the God of heaven to supply us with his presence and his grace in the meeting.  We need God to do that for us.  We learn here of something important in verse 1.  The relationships and the people of God before we go into the gospel mission.  Paul could see something that was happening.  Paul is speaking to those rich and well off.  To the slaves in their houses.  They had very little rights in most cases and were not treated well at all.  Paul said there should be honesty in all things.  Ephesians 6 verse 9 tells us the role of masters and their role to their servants and similarly servants to masters.  In verses 5 - 8 the apostle Paul is setting the scene.  In verse 1 of Colossians 4 Paul is emphasizing again that there should be harmony amongst the believers as the children of God.  Before we ask our Lord we must live in harmony with one another, doing things honestly and jealously and right before God.  We notice in chapter 3 of Colossians 3 verse 3 relationships are brought into it.  In verse 5 we are told to be careful and in verse 9 "lie not one to another seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds."  There has to be something evident from the new life in Christ.  In verses 12 and 13 we are told what to put on.  Paul is getting at divisions, quarrels and then he comes to chapter 4 verse 2 "continue in prayer."  These have to be all sorted then we can get into the place of prayer.  Chapter 3 verse 18 talks of the relationship of wives to husbands, then in verse 19 husbands to wives, verse 20 children to parents, verse 21 fathers to children, verse 22 servants to masters.  Speaking here to relationships in the church.  He wants to get the social aspect right then we have confidence when we come into place of prayer.

The persistence in prayer.  Prayer is something we need the patience for.  One of the principles in coming is to have our prayers answered.  James tells us we must ask in faith.  Jairus came to the Lord.  His daughter was lying sick.  He knew the Lord could do something for her no other doctor could do.  He brought the Lord with him.  Just as he was about to open the door of his home something happened.  One of the servants came out, looked into his eyes and brought the worst message ever.  "She is dead trouble the master no more."  The Lord took Jairus by the hand and said "only believe".  Can you imagine that man Jairus receiving those words "she is dead" then hearing the Lord telling him against all the evidence before him "only believe."  As we come into the mission and look into the family circle and see those that are not saved, is the Lord saying "only believe".  Do not give up.  We must believe.  “But without faith it is impossible to please him; or he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder o them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11 verse 6)  Praying for the right reasons, for the right things with all our hearts.  John said "whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do."  That my faith may be glorified.  This is the same as someone wanting you to have so much money and I have given the authority to go and claim that money.  Whenever you go into the bank you produce a cheque and that cheque has given you authority in the donors name to take out whatever money is in their name written on the cheque.  Are we asking today - that God would be glorified?  Then we have that assurance God gives us a promise.  If you ask anything in my name I will do it.  There is something missing.  Doesn`t say when he will answer it just whatever ye ask I will do it.  That is left open as to when.  We need to be persistent and wait.  We have this promise if we ask he will do it.  Doesn`t say when because that needs persistence.  That can be seen in the prodigal sons life.  His father never gave up on him.  The father saw him afar off.  He never stopped looking for him.  He always went to that same place every day looking for his son.  That is the same persistence we need today.  Jesus gave the story of a man knocking on his friends door and because he kept knocking and was a nuisance to the man inside so he got up and gave him what he wanted.  God says I will give it to you out of my love for you.  Not because of nuisance but only because you are my child.  In Genesis 32 we read of Jacob going to face his brother the next day.  He hadn`t seen him for many years.  The last time Esau threatened to kill him.  He didn`t know what to expect when he was going to meet his brother the next day.  Before that he had a tremendous experience.  He wrestled all night with God.  Sometimes we go out into a situation we don`t know what we are going to face, we are doubtful and afraid.  Here was a man who left it with God.  The battle was fought the night before.  We need to persist.  Jacob didn`t wrestle for 10 minutes but all night.  I wonder will we wrestle with God in prayer for those who will hear the word of God in our families?  W P Nicholson on one particular occasion was staying with a family.  On the morning the woman of the house went up to tell him his breakfast was ready.  There was no sound from the bedroom.  Nicholson opened the door and walked down the stairs to go down for his breakfast.  The sheets on the bed were tied up in a knot - he had been wrestling with God all night.

The protection of prayer - "Continue in prayer and watch."  We as children of God have an enemy.  The last place he wants to see us is on our knees.  He trembles when he sees that.  We need to watch and guard the place of prayer.  The enemy will seek to disrupt every opportunity we set up.  It has to be protected diligently.  "My voice thou shall hear in the morning.  In the morning will I direct my voice to thee."  David made that covenant with God early in the morning.  Before the day starts it is time to pray.  Psalm 55 hurt by an enemy not someone he loathed or feared, it was someone he trusted, looked up to, respected.  "Evening and morning and at noon will I pray and cry aloud and he shall hear my voice."  The important thing is not how many times we are praying but rather not to let the devil disrupt our time of prayer.  Wrestle, continue in prayer. 

Sermon notes from Sunday morning 28 August 2016

Luke 11 verses 1 - 13

God has given to every one of us a great weapon which is sadly placed in the closet in many churches today.  We want to take it out again.  It is the weapon of prayer.  One of the disciples heard the Lord praying and knew there was something that was not in his life.  He didn`t pray like the Lord.  He waited until the Lord stopped praying then he said to him "will you teach us to pray?"  Paul as he wrote to the churches saved by the gracious Lord was instructing and inviting people to pray.  Jesus went out into the mountain to get alongside his father and prayed.  Romans 8 verse 26 "we know not how to pray."  If ever there was a day for men and women to pray it is the day in which we are living.  If ever there was a day for using this great weapon it is the day in which we are living in.  When we call a prayer meeitng today it is just a handful of people meet together.  It is the weapon that makes up the armour of God.  It is only complete piece by piece.  Paul told us of the various parts of the armour.  A girdle of truth, there should be truthfulness about our life and how we live.  There is the breastplate of righteousness, the boots to be worn, the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation.  Paul told us to put these on all to stand against the devil.  He said to take the sword of God to bind everything together.  Ephesians 6 verse 18 "praying always".  In Colossians 4 verses 2 and 3 we see the preparation, patience and persistence in prayer.  There is also the protection in prayer.  The devil will try and distract us from our praying.  It may be something that is legitimate, something that is taking your mind away from the very issue you are praying about.  That is why we need to protect ourselves that when we get into prayer we do not begin to stray.  Here today is something else very important - continue in prayer.  In the same way we need thanksgiving.

We need praise in our prayers.  Paul says in your prayers and pleadings do not forget praise.  Sometimes we get into the habit of praying for our needs but we should remember to praise God for what he has done.  In Colossians 1 verses 12 and 13 we are reminded of what we have in Christ.  In Ephesians 2 they were told to consider what they were in in a bygone day.  They were not always Christians.  Ephesians 2 verse 2 that is what you were, you followed “the course of this world”, led by “the prince of the air”, you went along with his plot for your life.  Where was that course leading you?  The narrow road leads to heaven and home, the broad way leads to hell.  Like the Ephesian believers we were going to a Christless hell.  Consider what we have now in Christ, if we are saved today we are on our way to heaven and home.  Whenever we stop to pause we can see what the God of heaven brought me from. In Luke 16 we read of a man who lifted up his voice to the God of heaven.  He asked for Lazarus to come and dip his finger in water and touch his tongue because he was in torment.  We have preachers today who don`t want to preach about hell any more they want to keep their congregations coming back for more.  They don`t want to think of that man in torment. However if you are not saved today that is exactly where you are going.  If you were to give up your sinful life and trust the Lord today you would be saved for time and eternity.  If that doesn`t bring you praise in prayer nothing will.  He took me from the dung hill, saved my precious soul and I will spend one day in all eternity.  Are you saved today by God`s grace?  Paul says to give thanks because God has saved us from this precious world to an inheritance preserved for us in heaven.  Colossians 3 verse 17 "giving thanks to God and the Father by him."  Romans 8 verse 28 Paul says "be careful for nothing but in everything by prayers and thanksgiving make your requests known unto God."  10 lepers came to Jesus to be healed one day, only one turned back to give thanks to God and God asked where the other 9 where.

Paul goes on to speak of a priority in prayer.  Verse 3 "with all praising also for us."  Imagine here for a moment thinking of Paul the preacher, theologian, wrote many of the letters in the New Testament to churches scattered in Asia.  He asks them to pray for him.  The great priority he laid up in prayer.  It was no secondary class to Paul, it was his greatest priority, that is why he valued people to pray for him.  There was nothing greater they could do for him than that they could pray for him.  Nothing more valuable you could do for the man or woman of God who brings the word of God week in and week out.  There is a need for finance yes but we will never know the value of prayer until we reach heaven`s shore one day.  Paul lays great emphasis on prayer.  You might give great gifts and that is OK but take time to pray for me.  Whenever Mary ruled Scotland she did with an iron fist.  She met a man called John Knox who wanted to introduce the reformation teachings to Scotland.  God had touched him and raised him, he wanted to turn the tide of idolatrous worship in Scotland.  It was said of John Knox that he prayed daily "give me Scotland or I die".  Such was his love for the gospel.  By the time he did die Scotland had embraced the reformation doctrines.  Some of the earliest missionaries to America came from Scotland.  During that reformation period I am sure the devil hated the prayer meeting, hated the sight of those gathered to pray for the gospel service.  Mary said "I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the armies of England."  What could she do against this man on his knees, she had no answer for that.  In 2 Kings 19 Assyria marched on Jerusalem.  Hezekiah knew the priority of prayer.  He sent for Isaiah to pray for the nation.  We are living in a day of trouble for our nation.  We need the weapon of prayer.  Dust it down and get back into usage again.  At the dedication of the temple Solomon began to pray to God of heaven "Lord if this people sin, if the enemy comes against us, if the windows of heaven are closed, if they get together in this house and pray will you hear our prayers?"  God answered that prayer.  God said to Solomon "if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and turn then will I hear from heaven and heal their land".  Are you prepared to do that today?  To rise up, to take God at his word, to come to the throne of grace, to cry out to the God of heaven?  To say to God "you have given us a promise - will you fulfil it Lord?"  Hezekiah knew the best thing he could do was to pray. 

There is a purpose in prayer.  "That God would open unto us a door of utterance."  You need a purpose to pray.  Praying, asking for a door for us to be opened to proclaim God`s teachings.  The key was prayer in God`s people.  When God opens the door no man can shut it and when he shuts a door there is no man that can open it.  When we shoot an arrow we look for where it hits.  When you see a ship set of you look for its return.  When we sow a seed we look for a harvest.  When we pray we should be looking for answers.  We need a purpose in prayer.  Is that what we have?  In Acts 12 the church prayed for Peter and the power of God came down.  An angel came right down to where Peter was and delivered him.  The people got before God of heaven and they prayed for Peter`s release.  They didn`t believe it would happen but that is what they prayed for.  In Acts 4 the people prayed that God would help them, to strengthen and encourage them, that the word would go forth with a mighty strength and purpose.

There is the passion in their prayers.  That the gospel goes forth with an utterance that man will hear, understand and respond to the word of God.  Pray God will give us a burden for people`s souls today.