Monday 19 August 2024

The Harvest is Plenteous, the Labourers are few




Many times we often hear the challenge many missions face today.  It takes a lot of time to develop and answer.  There is no one word answer.  When we think of the challenge of mission many talk about

·       lack of finances

·       increasing pressure from government regulations

·       visa restrictions placed on them as a church and an organisation that leads to persecution

·       secularism creeping in - people don’t want anything to do with mission of any kind. 

·       the lack of supplies and workers in different situations including volunteers

The challenged mentioned in Matthew 9 verse 37 stand in today’s world.  The challenge issued by the Lord is still relevant for today. 

The first challenge - there is a plentiful harvest.  When we talk of a harvest we think about the approaching harvest season.  Farmers are assessing when to bring in the crops.  Don’t have to tell them about the challenges that bring.  There is a lot of work done before the harvest is brought in.  The planting is done, the seed is looked after, fertiliser is spread which gets them to the point where a harvest is ready.  It also depends on the weather conditions and help available.  Many will work day and night until the crops are brought in.  Some times we wonder why they work through the night.  Surely it would be better to start the next morning when daylight has come again?  There comes a time when the crop spoils and cannot be brought in.  The weather turns and the farmer cannot get the crop in.  Crops are lost.  What a tragedy when we see a field of potatoes rotting in the field.  That ripe barley field now lying flat in the field.  Verse 37 “the harvest truly is plentiful.”  We are not talking of a harvest of crops.  It really means that there is a lot of work to do.  The spiritual harvest is ready to be harvested in the world today.  We will still find people to be saved.  There is nowhere that does not need to hear the gospel message.  There are people who most likely haven’t heard it or trusted it for themselves.  When we think of the vastness of the field it is mind blowing to think of the expanse of that mission field.  That knowledge was what first compelled the first missionaries of Acre Mission to leave family behind and the land they knew to go to Brazil.  There are plenty of fields ready for reaping.  Even here in Ireland itself, within this town there are local people born and bred as well as other nationalities who have come here for a new life and work.  Refugees, fleeing from their own country because of war and conflict.  There is a mission field even here on our doorstep.  An opportunity to witness to those who have never heard the challenge of the gospel.  The challenge for us is how do we reach them?  There is much talk today of those people who are arriving on our shores seeking refuge.  They spend many days and nights crossing the channel.  This is an amazing opportunity for us.  The countries they have come from are closed to the gospel.  There is no opportunity to take a bible into their homes, to attend a Holiday Bible Club or receive a gospel tract.  These people are coming into our country and that gives us an opportunity to witness to them.  Now they are here in our midst we have an opportunity to witness to them.  A mission on our doorstep.  We can also speak of those normally living here, born and bred here, have lived here all their lives.  They are part of the mission field.  Part of the challenge is how can we reach them. 

The second part goes on to say the labourers are few.  This is one of the challenges we face as Christians.  Are you willing to be part of it?  Mission organisations not like what it was.  It used to be that there were people queueing up to go to the mission field.  The countries we send missionaries to are now sending missionaries back to us.  Brazil is sending many out to other countries especially to Portugal.  There is a challenge for more workers.  In the same way that the farmer needs extra help at harvest time we need more workers to bring in God’s harvest.  There never has been a time before when we have a need to reach out to others.  Years ago people were waiting to go but now they have come to us.  In Portugal and the Algarve we are dealing with so many different nationalities not just Portuguese people.  Do you feel God is calling you to go for him?    Maybe you don’t feel last week was reaching out in the mission field but it was.  We invited them in and then taught them.  All of us had a part to play, to be servants on the mission field.  You don’t have to be on a mission field, you don’t have to be the one who goes off to the mission field.  We need people to support those missionaries back home either financially or medically or educationally.  There are different aspects that missionaries cannot do.  There are so many other ways other than being the person who takes the message of gospel.  If you have a gift and God uses that gift you are part of the mission field.  Don’t feel that is all you are doing.  You are serving with the benefit of others.  You are part of the field.  The challenge is there for more workers.  As the farmer needs more help we need more help to bring in God’s harvest of souls.  You can meet people, talk to people on the streets or in their workplaces, talk to neighbours and friends.  All can be used by God.  That is the application of this verse.  “Pray ye therefore that he will send forth labourers into the harvest field.”  Perhaps we are the people to answer that prayer.  The call is to reach out to those around us.  Even as Christians the standard of our lives should be constantly reflecting the love of Jesus.  We shouldn’t be Sunday only Christians who put on their Sunday best, come to church and then go home and take them off for another week.  As we live day by day with Christ at the centre people should see we are a light for the gospel.  It is easy to run in the opposite direction, to let the opportunities slip.   Maybe the conversation comes around about Christ, we can share with that person.  Fear prevents us from opening our mouth.  Fear of being called a bible basher or good living.  We are called to share our testimony every day.  God will take that message simple as it is.  It might be the means of sharing the gospel. This verse asks us to do one thing – pray.  What you make it a matter of prayer to send more workers.  That is what the bible tells us.  When you pray you could be the answer to your own prayers.  Maybe we might be the perfect person to go into the situation.  Do what God is asking us to do.  We should ask God how we should serve him each day, who we should speak to in that day.  Could be someone standing in the shop beside us, sitting beside in the work place or on the bus.  We should ask God for the opportunity to share in that life.  A great challenge to us. As we think of the harvest we know it does not last very long, it comes for a season.  The time is passing quickly.  Jeremiah 8 verse 20.  That is the sad reality for many people in this world as they go through life.  They are going through the motions, not realising time is running out and they are not saved.  A terrible thought as we think of our families and friend circle, they can be lost for all eternity because they haven’t trusted in Christ.  For young people we pray they will have a long life and will have success.  We need to be sharing in that harvest, that they will know Christ for themselves.  If you are not saved don’t leave it to that point when you are leaving this scene of time.  Some think they will do it tomorrow or in old age.  They always think they will have one more day.  God says no today is the day I require your soul.  If you haven’t trusted him you will go immediately to hell.  Pray God will send more labourers into his harvest field.  We can do even a small thing for Christ.  If you haven’t trusted Christ today make sure you do it.  I pray that you will seek and find him today.

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